Vote Now 🏆 for the Grow Awards 2025!
**Encontrarás la traducción a español al final de la descripción** If you like this week, please hit a like, it costs you nothing! 👊. Thanks in advance 😉! From/Desde: 16/09/19 || To/Hasta: 22/09/19 From day/Desde día: 56 || To day/Hasta día: 62 -----IMAGES & VIDEOS----- V1 - Compiled all growing timelapses into a complete growing video, hope you like it mates!. V2 - My apologies about the quality of this video buddies, I didn't choose a very good place to record it, and also the GoPro released the manual configured blocked exposure, so there are many color differences among days, as every day upon lights on the GoPro make a new exposure and temp adjustment (The light is 3,000k i don't know why the GoPro read it different daily). V3 - I'm still learning to record some cool videos, as for example @MyrceneDream ones 👊, and many others.... I'm not doing it well at time. -----WEEK SUMMARY----- Hard work times drain my time for the plants and to make content, sorry about that. At last flowering started, as can be shown in the weekly video, the first 3 days after the full switch to 12, she stayed in a frozen state, no much growing or movement at all. Since the 4th day she started to grow at high speed, a bit more than a cm/day. She's really looking awesome, making some bold branches and defining every part of the plant very well. Some weeks ago I told that the smell went too strong at home, but it lowered to normal levels last week, now she's smelling more and more each day again ;). I can say about Alice.K, that I had 0 problems or weird things along the current 9 weeks, she suffered very high temperatures, some insects, and also i'm going hard with nutes, I'm cycling EC reaching 2 sometimes, and she didn't show any excess signs at time, I'm not telling that they're not going to exist on Alice, but not at time, if i see some, i will stop and re-adjust. Also she has responded very well to every prune or cut I've maded to her, and the distribution is perfect, I'm in love with the form she developed. while i was thinking on 4 external main colas with 12 secondary decent Satellites, she's developing 2 awesome central colas, with 4 secondary and very decent sub-colas, and then 10 excellent satellites, and many small ones that i will cut later on (Already cutted many below the SCROG net). -----WATERING CALENDAR----- 18/09/19 (Day 58) - 3,000 ml with Tarantula, Piranha, Rhino Skin, Big Bud, Bud Candy & Bud Ignitor @ (1.1 E.C. | PH 6 | 25.7ºC) 22/09/19 (Day 62) - 4,000 ml with Silica Power, Organic Bloom, PK Booster, Bloom Stimulator, Pro Active, Bud Ignitor, Bud Candy, Bud Factor X & Sensizym @ (2.1 E.C. | PH 6.4 | 25.8ºC) *****ESPAÑOL***** Por favor, si te gusta esta semana dale un like, no te cuesta nada 👊. ¡Gracias por adelantado 😉! -----IMÁGENES Y VÍDEOS V1 - He compilado todos los timelapses de crecimiento en un vídeo de 1 minuto, espero que os guste!. V2 - Debo disculparme por la calidad de este vídeo compañeros, no escogí una buena posición para situar la cámara y esta además perdió el bloqueo de exposición que le pongo, por lo que al realizar un auto-ajuste automático a diario, hay diferencia en la exposición y el color entre los vídeos de cada día. No entiendo por que siendo siempre la misma luz de 3.000 k la cámara la interpreta diferente cada día. V3 - Todavía estoy intentado aprender ha hacer buenos vídeos, como pueden ser los de @MyrceneDream 👊 entre muchos otros por ejemplo... De momento no me salen bien, ya iré mejorando. -----SUMARIO SEMANAL----- Estoy teniendo tanto trabajo que me está dejando muy poco tiempo para las plantas y para realizar contenidos, lo siento. Por fin empezó la floración. Como se puede ver en el vídeo semanal, los 3 primeros días de la floración la planta se mantuvo en un estado vegetativo (sin crecimiento). A partir del cuarto día a empezado a crecer a gran velocidad, de momento más de 1 cm al día. De verdad que se ve maravillosa, está engordando bien las ramas y definiendo su partes muy bien. Hace algunas semanas comenté que ya estaba apestando toda mi casa y aún estaba en crecimiento. El olor fue disminuyendo hasta niveles normales y esta semana de nuevo está volviendo a incrementar su olor día a día. De momento debo remarcar que en 9 semanas de cultivo que van, la Alice.k me ha dado 0 problemas o cosas raras. Ha sufrido de altas temperaturas, algunos insectos y he empezado a ir fuerte con los nutrientes. Estoy ciclando la EC en los riegos, sobrepasando los 2 en algunos casos, de momento no ha mostrado ningún signo de exceso. Con esto no quiero decir que no los vaya a mostrar si sigo así, pero de momento no lo ha hecho, si en algún momento empiezo a ver signos, ya frenaré y reajustaré. También es un planta fuerte y con capacidad de recuperación rápida, eso se puede observar en los vídeos perfectamente. Y lo increíble es la distribución que ha adquirido, mientras yo pensaba en una estructura con 4 colas exteriores principales grandes y 12 satélites centrales pequeños, ella me ha sorprendido formándose con 2 cola centrales enormes (para el tamaño del cultivo), 4 colas exteriores grandes y un montón de satélites de tamaño superior al que esperaba, más adelante cortaré los que se queden más retrasados (de momento he cortado mucho de lo que quedaba por debajo de la red) -----CALENDARIO DE RIEGO----- 18/09/19 (Día 58) - 3.000 ml con Tarantula, Piranha, Rhino Skin, Big Bud, Bud Candy & Bud Ignitor @ (1,1 E.C. | PH 6 | 25,7ºC) 22/09/19 (Día 62) - 4.000 ml con Silica Power, Organic Bloom, PK Booster, Bloom Stimulator, Pro Active, Bud Ignitor, Bud Candy, Bud Factor X & Sensizym @ (2,1 E.C. | PH 6,4 | 25,8ºC)
1.english version 2. german version 1: Strain: RS11 (Original US-Cut from Doja) Setup: System: NFT hydro system Nutrients: Metrop (First vegi using this nutrient line) Medium: Hydro (Nutrient solution) About Me: I am approximately 40 years old and have over 20 years of experience in cannabis cultivation. During this time, I have gained extensive knowledge across all media and systems. This grow report provides insight into my current cultivation and my experiences with new methods and products. Starting Point: This grow report documents my first cultivation of the RS11 strain, an original US cut from Doja, which I am growing in Germany. It is also my first vegi using Metrop nutrients, so I initially approached nutrient dosing with caution. Initial Challenges: During the first two weeks, I struggled with slight underfeeding due to the strain's high nutrient demand. Since I was unfamiliar with the Metrop nutrient line, I increased the dosage gradually to avoid overfeeding. I am currently at an EC value of 4.5 – a level where the plant is now optimally supplied. Current Status: Since finding the optimal nutrient level, the plant has shown extremely rapid growth. I plan to switch to the flowering phase in about a week. Updates and Media: Photos and videos from the first weeks are already available on my Instagram profile. A detailed time-lapse in full quality is available on my YouTube channel, where previous grows are also documented. From now on, I will regularly share updates on this grow here on GrowDiaries. I am looking forward to engaging with the community and am excited to see how the strain develops during the flowering phase! German: Strain: RS11 (Original US-Cut von Doja) Setup: System: NFT-Hydrosystem Dünger: Metrop (Erste Vegi mit diesem Dünger) Medium: Hydro (Nährlösung) Über mich: Ich bin ca. 40 Jahre alt und habe über 20 Jahre Erfahrung im Anbau von Cannabis. In dieser Zeit habe ich umfassende Kenntnisse auf allen Medien und Systemen gesammelt. Dieser Growreport bietet einen Einblick in meinen aktuellen Anbau und meine Erfahrungen mit neuen Methoden und Produkten. Ausgangslage: Dieser Growreport dokumentiert meinen ersten Grow mit dem Strain RS11, einem originalen US-Cut von Doja, den ich in Deutschland anbaue. Es ist zugleich meine erste Vegi mit Metrop-Dünger, wodurch ich zu Beginn vorsichtig an die Düngerzugabe herangegangen bin. Anfangsprobleme: In den ersten zwei Wochen hatte ich aufgrund des hohen Nährstoffbedarfs des Strains mit einer leichten Unterdüngung zu kämpfen. Da ich den Metrop-Dünger noch nicht genau kannte, habe ich die Dosierung langsam erhöht, um eine Überdüngung zu vermeiden. Aktuell bin ich bei einem EC-Wert von 4,5 angelangt – ein Wert, bei dem die Pflanze nun optimal versorgt wird. Aktueller Stand: Seitdem ich die optimale Düngermenge gefunden habe, zeigt die Pflanze ein extrem schnelles Wachstum. In etwa einer Woche plane ich den Wechsel in die Blütephase. Updates und Medien: Bilder und Videos aus den ersten Wochen findet ihr bereits auf meinem Instagram-Profil. Eine detaillierte Timelapse in voller Qualität ist auf meinem YouTube-Kanal verfügbar, wo auch vorherige Grows dokumentiert sind. Ab sofort werde ich hier auf GrowDiaries regelmäßig Updates zu diesem Grow teilen. Ich freue mich auf den Austausch und bin gespannt, wie sich der Strain in der Blüte entwickeln wird!
Having cal mag issues going to hit the grow store tomorrow am and see can I get some organic cal mag and see if that helps other than that no real issues 2/24 I’m going sit my dumb ass down and chill I did a defoliation and man I over did it I think it’s pretty aggressive and i don’t know what I was thinking I was just clipping away 🤦🏾‍♂️…… anyway got some calmag for the color issues only going 1/2 tsp see how that goes hopefully when the new growth and more stretch happens it’ll look a lot better I’m also bottom feeding the calmag hope that works too
9 weeks complete . Time for the big chop . Colours outstanding smells incredible going to be a long 2 days 😴🔥✔️
the mother plant and clones complete their cycle, the leaves begin to fade and change color shades, and the buds have gained maximum density. very fragrant sound from the box, the mother plant and clones have different smells and external differences, the clones have smaller inflorescences than the mother, as well as different shades of flowers and leaves.
She is growing perfectly, I hope she continues to feel comfortable in the tent. The flower heads are already there and the leaves are a rich green.
Looks absolutely awesome. This is my first photoperiod and you can really tell the difference in density and overall quality. I wet trimmed her and froze the sugar leaves to try to make my first hash. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set up cost (fixed costs) -Lamp: 40€ -Timer: 3,5€ -Pot: 4€ -Total fixed costs: 47,5€ Given 5 years (or 15 grows) usage time translates to around 3,17€ per grow in materials. Variable costs: -Seed: free (gift) -Soil: 6€ -Fertilizer: 3,50€ -Power: 15,21€ -Total variable costs: 24,71€ -Total costs per grow: 27,88€
Looks absolutely awesome. This is my first photoperiod and you can really tell the difference in density and overall quality. I wet trimmed her and froze the sugar leaves to try to make my first hash. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set up cost (fixed costs) -Lamp: 40€ -Timer: 3,5€ -Pot: 4€ -Total fixed costs: 47,5€ Given 5 years (or 15 grows) usage time translates to around 3,17€ per grow in materials. Variable costs: -Seed: free (gift) -Soil: 6€ -Fertilizer: 3,50€ -Power: 15,21€ -Total variable costs: 24,71€ -Total costs per grow: 27,88€
Se encuentra perfectamente bien. En toda su etapa no tuvo ningún problema. Los cocos ya se encuentran pesados y con muchos tricomas. En estos dias estare publicando mas imagenes de como se encue
Se encuentra perfectamente bien. En toda su etapa no tuvo ningún problema. Los cocos ya se encuentran pesados y con muchos tricomas. En estos dias estare publicando mas imagenes de como se encue
Runtz automatic is growing good. She is making a lot of progress and doing a lot of stretching. Her cola sites are developing more every day. Everything is looking really good. Thank you Plagron, Medic Grow, and Zamnesia seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Flowering day 6- Lemon Tree Fast 🍋🌳💨 from @silentseedsofficial / @silentseedsofficialhq @silentseedsbackupofficial The soil from @promixgrowers_global / @promixgrowers_eur is simply the best I’ve had so far, root production you can only wish for with minimal effort, simply brilliant 🤩 LED: @future_of_grow (Black Series 600watt + 2x Boost 30Watt UVA + UVB + IR 110cm) Soil: @promixgrowers_global / @promixgrowers_eur / @promixgrowers_unfiltered / @promixmitch / @promix_tory Tent: @phantom.products (150x150x215) 1 of 4 plants / the last 2 Fotos and the Video are the complet grow with other genetics. Thank you to everyone who follows and supports my work 🙏🏻💚 This means a lot to me and you should know you are a part of it and only with you all this is possible, you are the best community 😎
The weather is colder than I expected, plant growth has slowed down :(
Grape Octane Auto is doing good. She has started showing her first pistils of flowering. I will be doing a solution change on her in about a week to a flowering solution mix. Everything is looking good at the moment. Thank you ILGM, and Medic Grow. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
FBA 2505 has sprouted and did a little stretching. She looks like she is starting to grow now. Everything is doing good, and ready to grow. Thank you Xpert Nutrients, Fast Buds, and Medic Grow. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱