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EN: Week 6, lemon cherry cookies is the furthest. The super lemon haze plants, along with the gorilla cookies, take the longest DE: Woche 6, lemon cherry cookies ist am weitesten. Die super lemon haze Pflanzen brauchen zusammen mit der gorilla cookies am längsten
The plant realizes there is an overabundance of light and it seems to understand this and develops accordingly. I see a mass monster. Focused on rates of photosynthesis, instead of photomorphogenesis. Added a custom Lakhovsky ring around the base. It is positioned in such a way that it rotates on itself, as in the photo, and an energy field will develop all around. If we have only 1 ring, the opening goes true north and the 2 wires must not touch. With 2 rings of different diameters, I can alternate North / South openings. (4x10" Copper wire wrapped in aluminum sheathing then further coil wrapped with copper)
Ehi ragazzi eccoci a noi! Le ragazze hibride stanno crescendo davvero rigogliose, le foglie sono proprio di un bel verde intenso del colore corretto ,ma quello che mi sta stupendo è la capacità di questa lampada Mars hydro FC E3000 di essere uniforme e intensa di qualità in tutte le piante ,le quali stanno crescendo in modo molto più omogeneo rispetto ai cicli precedenti! E sto utilizzando solo il 50 %della potenza di questa benedetta luce! È davvero impressionante , anche la velocità di crescita mi sembra aumentata rispetto ai cicli precedenti! Spero che tutto vada come ho progettato senza carenze di nutrienti.. ma purtroppo come bene sapete ogni ciclo e totalmente diverso dall' altro e ogni ragazza e strain differente hanno anche esigenze nutrizionali differenti, questo l ho notato solo con l esperienza, prima pensavo che bastava dare a tutte la stessa quantità e sarebbero cresciute identiche .. ma questo nn succede quasi mai, bisogna progettare e anticipare tutte le possibili variabili in gioco! Alla fine è "vita"❤️ noi stiamo crescendo della vita con amore al massimo delle nostre possibilità come fossero nostre figlie! Speriamo continuino così e che crescano in libertà nel miglior modo possibile! Buon 420 a tutti ragazzi vi adoro!! 👊❤️🌱🌿🌲
Hey growmies girls looking amazing. They have grown immensely 😎💪❤️ They really hungry so today imma feed them some good nutrition. They are all responding really good to the sp 6500 💪💪💪 If you are interested in this led come check her out on MH site 👉 😀 SP6500, as one of the huge single bar LED grow lights, installed with top quality Samsung LM301B diodes, designed with enhanced red in broad-spectrum light, emits the highest central PPF and has the superb penetration that its major applications are for high-wire plants and greenhouses. Wattage – 650w Veg Coverage – 4×5 ft Flower Coverage – 3×5 ft Featuring a thick aluminium passive heat sink and densely arranged chips, the SP Series provides high efficacy but low heat output while minimizing obstruction to natural light.
Ehi ragazzi è già passata una settimana e neanche me ne sono reso conto! Si vede che l erba che sto fumando è bella potente per farmi rimanere in uno spazio/tempo non ben definito! Apparte questo divagamento, posso dire che i nutrienti stanno facendo effetto! La ragazza sembra che stia crescendo davvero bene , ogni settimana raddoppia le dimensioni circa , ora siamo già al quarto paio di foglie laterali e ho intenzione probabilmente in settimana di mettere la rete per iniziare a direzionare le piante,in modo da avere più cime possibilmente uniformi, ma soprattutto, avendo il problema dell altezza, cercherò di fare in modo che rimangano più basse possibile , dovrò studiare un metodo per farlo senza stressarle troppo e senza utilizzare tagli e toppature che in un autofiorente,necessiterebbero di troppo tempo per recuperare dal taglio e quindi la resa sarebbe minore,... Bene siamo solo all inizio e non vedo l ora di vedere come cresceranno queste ragazze magiche ! La luce FC E 300l è davvero impressionante! La sto usando al 50 % della potenza e devo dire che stanno crescendo in modo molto rigoglioso tutte le ragazze in modo uniforme anche ai lati, la luce è molto ben distribuita rispetto alla TS 1000 che avevo in precedenza , che nonostante tutto ha fatto il suo dovere e lo continuerà a fare in modo più che egregio! Buon 420 a tutti alla prossima settimana! 💪👊😉
420Fastbuds FBT2308/Week 7 What up grow fam. Happy Easter to all. Weekly update for these two stunning girls. Where in the 3rd week of Flower and they are swelling up nice. I did notice some fad in the leafs so I upped my nitrogen a little and it seemed to stop the problem. All in all Happy Growing
420Fastbuds FBT2309/Week 7 What up grow fam. Happy Easter to all. Weekly update for these two stunning girls. Where in the 3rd week of Flower and they are swelling up nice. I did notice some fad in the leafs so I upped my nitrogen a little and it seemed to stop the problem. All in all Happy Growing
Hello 👋🏻 Readers, Triplets had a trip out of the grow tent in the middle of the week due to a major power outage, until noon in the spare bedroom and then my bedroom (facing west)on the afternoon, with a 12°C temperature in the house, bet they got more purple 😂 Luckily the power was out only 25 hours. Other than that, all went fine this week. I checked the trichomes with my jewelry microscope, even tried my best to take pictures 😅 The base of the trichomes are so cute to see as they are purple and fading into the clear milky form( not showing on pictures) purpled all the way✊🏻😄 This week I started using the supplement Diablo Monster-K Which is the last supplement to be use on the end of flowering, as I started with the supplement Monster Flower, week 2 to 5 then Monster Blast, week 5 to 6 then Monster K, week 7 to 8 ( ya ya ya i also used the supplement BIG BUD week 2 to 4 just because why not? i had too i couldn't help myself😅 The endgame is soon to be! but only the trichomes will have the last word on it. and of course I gotta flush them so i need to pay close attention to the trichomes 🤨 Thanks for stopping by and taking time to check out my weekly diary updates. " likes/comments " are always truly appreciated 😀 Wish y'all a great week!! 😙💨💨💨💨
420Fastbuds FBT2310/Week 7 What up grow fam. Happy Easter to all. Weekly update for these two stunning girls. Where in the 3rd week of Flower and they are swelling up nice. I did notice some fad in the leafs so I upped my nitrogen a little and it seemed to stop the problem. All in all Happy Growing
4/2/23 - Filter put on my intake vent. Both plants watered with campden + RECHARGE + CalMag water pH'd to 6.3. Day 7 of flower / Starting week 2 and they're both just showing their first wispy white pistils. I will start slowly adding bloom to the feeding schedule weekly starting next week. I moved the Trellis netting down a bit since they're not stretching too bad so far. 4/4/23 @ 12:30pm - Both plants given 7 cups of water with their firsts 1/2 dose of Bloom nutes from TPS, plus 1/5th of a campden tablet pH'd to 6.2. This is the fastest the soil has dried out before after only 48 hours they were completely dry. That's why I bumped up the amount of water both plants were given from the last few times. If they continue to dry out after only two days I'll keep upping the amount of water they get slowly each watering. Pheno #1 is popping through the trellis now and Pheno #2 is stretching more since it's shorter. Since they are so bushy I am thinking of defoliating sooner than the start of week three (4/9/23), maybe this Friday - we'll see. Smells are getting hazy smelling in the tent and no herming so far - fingers crossed lol - I am also going to be spraying both plants down right before lights out tonight with Earth's Ally 3-in-1 Organic Plant Spray as a pest / mold prevention measure. 4/5/23 @ 12:30pm - Both plants looking very nice after getting their pesticide spray down last night before lights out. I rotated the plants about 45 degrees to form boxes to help spread the tops out when they start weaving through the trellis. 4/6/23 @ 10:30pm - Checked on my girls before lights out and realized they were overdue for a defoliation. Took a decent off to open up some more bud sites and I am happy with how they look. I plan on letting them grow normally and just watering with bloom + recharge + CalMag going forward. I also completely adjusted my light setup, set it to 75% and moved the light down to 20" above the canopy to get a better PPFD reading. 4/7/23 @ 4pm - Both plants given 7 cups of Bloom + Campden water pH'd to 6.3. Should be on cruise for the remainder of the grow - just need to water whenever they're thirsty :)
420Fastbuds FBT2311/Week 7 What up grow fam. Happy Easter to all. Weekly update for these two stunning girls. Where in the 3rd week of Flower and they are swelling up nice. I did notice some fad in the leafs so I upped my nitrogen a little and it seemed to stop the problem. All in all Happy Growing