Week 9
9 weeks of Vegging, this is where if you work as a Master Grower in a big scale Grow-Op, the boss starts to ask if they’re ready for the flowering rooms... They need one more week Sir !
I have defoliate and lollipopped the plants. Taking off the 4 highest fan leaves and trimming the legs of the lowest shoots. Starting by the fan leaves at beginning of the week and trimming the shoots a few days after at the end of week.
Normally, if it has been done right, during the next week the plants should start to spread, growing like little bushes. I will keep on spreading them, to give them all the space they need to grow, but just close enough to make them feel the competition with the others.
Next week will be the last week of Vegging, if everything goes well they should reach the right level, just before switching and should have enough space left for the stretch and the Flowering cycle without finishing into the lights.
See you next week folks !
(I’m looking for a job in the Cannabis industry as Master Grower, Mineralogist, Quality Control)