During week 3 all plants are growing well inside the Growfor.Life-Closet and have a healthy green color. The latest addition: Double Dutch plant #3 (from Serious Seeds) is behind the rest, but also doing well. On Day 18 the biggest three plants, Double Dutch plant #1 and #2 and OG-Kush have gotten so big that a first round of defoliation was necessary. I do this in order to avoid big leaves touching each other and causing dampness to condensate between the leaves, which in turn can attract fungus and mold. Therefore i take off all the big fan leaves starting from the bottom of the plant and only leave the top two fan leaves on the plant. Now the air can flow freely through the canopy again and no leaves are touching and no dampness can condensate. The plants are still getting no extra nutrients, since the PLAGRON Grow-Mix I use should still have plenty in it. I only use RHIZOTONIC from CANNA one time in order to enhance the root-production. Now at this stage you already can clearly see differences between Double Dutch (from Serious Seeds) and OG-Kush (from Humboldt Seeds). The leaf shape is different (smaller and more pronounced fingers on the leaves of OG-Kush) and also the growth pattern (more like Indica in Double Dutch). On Day 19 I decide to do some LST (=low stress training) in order to train the 3 biggest plants into a bushier form. This is necessary, because the Growfor.Life-Closet is limited in height and I want the plants to fill out the whole area well with budding sites. I use stiff insulated copper-wire (standard electrical wire, pieces of appr. 30 cm length) and bend small arches, which I then carefully place over the top-part of a side-branch and push the open ends of the wire downwards into the soil so it holds the branch in place, while its bent outwards away from the main stem. This way I 'fan-out' the lowest 4 side-branches, so they are growing upwards at places where the light can reach them better. (see in detail in video) All plants respond well to the LST and turn their leaves and tips of the side-branches towards the light again until the next day. At day 19 the plants are now almost 20 cm tall, therefore I also decide to switch to 12/12 hours of light/darkness now in order to induce flowering. I change the program of the Growfor.Life-Closet from the standard-grow-mode (=18 hours of light per day) to the custom-flowering-program (12/12 hours of light, where I can choose the time when the lamps turn on). Now the plants will grow slower until they start to flower. I LOVE THE Growfor.Life-Closet, its sooooooooooooo BEAUTIFUL and soooooooooooooooo SILENT, a landmark technical development in my opinion! This is growing made stealthy and effortless, GROWING OF THE 21st CENTURY!