A relatively hassle-free week this one was with only one minor hiccup at the start of the week when the automated watering timer switch reset itself again. A quick trip to the hardware store to return sorted that out and no issues since with the new timer switch. It may not look like it, but this plant is seriously neglected. I have physically checked on it twice over the last week. With the remote cam I’ve setup I can see when things are going well, I’ve even worked out if I switch on the microphone at the start of the watering cycles I can hear the initial release of water which was how I picked up the fault with the automated watering so soon. It’s like the more I neglect the better this grows!
Having everything dialed in, in particular the watering has simplified the process and to date I’ve never had an indoor as happy as this one is. This plant has had to deal with high heat, cold cold nights, cramped conditions, no control of humidity, not a single water PH test (think good quality tap water has been my savior here) and it’s like it’s asking for more to be thrown at it!
The weather was everywhere this week. Had a couple of warm days with the hottest October day in 5 years recorded early week which really raised the internal temp of the grow tent, peaking @ over 32c….yup that’s way too hot I know. Lucky I had the shed door open to improve ventilation on the hot day, if the door was closed possibly 40C internal temps would’ve been reached. When a hot sun hits a tin shed with no insulation the heat is only amplified that’s for sure and why all my previous indoor grows have been done mid autumn to early winter. Good thing is as the lights turn on early afternoon the temps were only raised for a bit over 3 hours during the 18 hour light cycle. At least once the sun goes down maintaining a constant temp isn’t an issue. After the hot days, well of course the cold returned and once again the heating bars are busy keeping things warm. The next 7 days the weather is looking very agreeable, just what’s needed for a tin shed grow!
Everything’s fattening up nicely, buds are plentiful, sticky and the aroma is getting strong. Amazing progress it’s made the last week and I couldn’t be happier with how it’s going. I’m tempted to say it’s progressing way too well as space is a challenge in the tent that’s for sure, in all directions! A couple of the taller stems are way too close to the light and I’m seeing some foxtailing of buds. I’m sure it would be happier with more space at the sides but there’s nothing I can do about this so not worth worrying about things I can’t fix.
I couldn’t be happier anyhow, this is the indoor grow I’ve been wanting as my previous 2 the rewards weren’t quite there. Pretty sure I’ll be rewarded handsomely with this one in 3 to 4 weeks’ time anyhow.