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11/4 130am Lights up to 77 watts 4.3 grams Maxi-Grow powder this week. Using mix from last week. Will probably switch to Bloom by Wed. 11/5 12am Canopy Creations LST things are great resistance training builds huge branches!!! They are amazing. 10am growing fast and big after today’s watering!!! Garlic muffin and fatso have the thickest branches that I’ve ever seen the side branches are thicker than what I got when I was growing in bigger containers so these nutrients and the soil and this light wattage seems to be a good formula I have to save this and work on it And stressing with the Canopy Creations has doubled the diameter of the branches that I have been stressing. Just great results. 11/6 Galic is the strongest so far her branches are THICK, a perfect 4 cola grow. Each of the 4 branches are as thick as the main stem on my first few tries at this. 12am They were all dry gave water probably last week using Grow switching to Bloom nutrients. Extremely strong plants from Seedsman!!!! When I finally got them going I found using Maxi-Grow & Rapid Start made a huge difference!!! Only Rapid Start for the first week. 11/7 1am GM & CA are huge now!! lights up 89W as the leaves fold up a little for the heat I will raise them an inch or so. 1pm did water today. They are starting to flower 11/8 12:30am Switched to Bloom nutrients yesterday after the last feeding with Grow they all went to sleep right away after that and are waking up now with flowers forming. I will use 4grams Bloom, 0.4 Purpinator, 0.5 Rapid Start, 0.4 Silica, 0.4 Cal/Mag. Silica causes fluctuations in pH. 2am Galic is a MONSTER, and Seedsman is out of them. Fatso is next for size. I can not believe how huge the branches are this technique of 4 colas in a small 1 gallon container. These plants will be perfect for this 9am LST crazy day!!! I have never been able to train the small set of first branches that come off the first node on plants before until seedsmen Faso and garlic🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 11/9 1am flowering I might have to split them up into 2 tents they are all getting bigger than I thought they could, this is just great! after 20 fails I think im getting this small grow style worked out. 1:30pm moved the RSQ's into tent 3. Tent 2 not big enough but I'll make it work. Once I harvest the plants from the 🎃 Halloween All the Darkness grow it will be easier. Galic & Fatso by Seedman are HUGE very thick branches, thick side branches responds to training extremely well. Strongest F1's!
She's developing very well maybe not as much as her sisters but she's doing well,I'll start the lst once she stretches her stems a little more
She's looking suuper healthy and strong I'm about to start training her using lst method just like I'm doing with her sisters guys,hope you like and maybe learn something from my grows,peace everybody ✌️💚
Pretty happy with the grow and the harvest, the drying went well also! Each grow highlights changes for the next and this has been no different! I'll be making more training adjustments in the next runs to try and refine the vertical scrog and get to the point where it's a wall 1 bud thick! I know it will get there in the end it's just like relearning how to do a horizontal scrog! I just need to predict the way the plant will respond when the light is from the sides! Bravery and brutality during pruning I think is the key! 😂✌️💚
Pretty happy with the grow and the harvest, the drying went well also! Each grow highlights changes for the next and this has been no different! I'll be making more training adjustments in the next runs to try and refine the vertical scrog and get to the point where it's a wall 1 bud thick! I know it will get there in the end it's just like relearning how to do a horizontal scrog! I just need to predict the way the plant will respond when the light is from the sides! Bravery and brutality during pruning I think is the key! 😂✌️💚
Pretty happy with the grow and the harvest, the drying went well also! Each grow highlights changes for the next and this has been no different! I'll be making more training adjustments in the next runs to try and refine the vertical scrog and get to the point where it's a wall 1 bud thick! I know it will get there in the end it's just like relearning how to do a horizontal scrog! I just need to predict the way the plant will respond when the light is from the sides! Bravery and brutality during pruning I think is the key! 😂✌️💚
She's growing I little slow so I'm gonna wait a little before I top her I don't like to top a plant when is that small so I'll keep watering and once se gets a lil bigger I'm gonna beak tje apical dominance and then start training her
July 7th makes week 11 for these ladies. They were supposed to have been harvested this week but we're a ways away from that. We have a bit of maturation and swelling to do yet. Maybe I stalled them, could be genetics, could be a combination of both? We'll see. I'm just happy they look as good as they do and to have had the helpful growmies I've had here giving me tips and help along the way. Thank you!
Completely back into Veg again growing slowly for some most are thriving! Had around 20+ seeds off a zkittles and chocolate skunk will be using them indoors on my next cupboard grow!
Tall pheno gelato 🍦🍨🍧 Keeps stackin and stacking Crazy sweet CORNETTO candy ice creams terps
Bonjour à tous les padawans et maîtres jedis Tout d'abord merci à @pyramidseeds de me permettre de faire cette culture en m'offrant les graines Merci aussi à @lientec_led de m'offrir l'opportunité de tester sa toute nouvelle lampe Roccit 240w ainsi que organic nutrients pour l'engrais MATÉRIEL CONFIGURATION Box 80×80×160 Lampe led Lientec Roccit 240w Ventilateur à pince 15 watts Xiaomi Deerma humidificateurs 5L Hygrometre thermomètre Extracteur PROFAN 107 m3/h - 100 Prise programmable électronique ×2 1 pot carré noir 11 litres Engrais organic nutrients Substrat biobizz ligthmix Fil de fer et pince coupante Microscope Petite balance de précision CULTURE ÉTAPE PAR ÉTAPE J'ai tout dabord fais germé ma graine avec le easy start de Royal queen seed et je suis agréablement surpris car franchement le taux de réussite est très élevé (18 graines sur 20) simple d'utilisation et très efficace. Une fois la plantule sortie et d'une hauteur de 2 ou 3 centimètres je la prend délicatement et la place directement dans son pot définitif. Je préconise des pots allant entre 10 litres et 15 litres pour des autofloraisons cultivées en intérieur. Le pot aura été préalablement préparé avec 80 grammes de big plant de organic nutrients que je mélange avec les 11 litres de substrat Je dépose la plantule dans son pot définitif je recouvre un peu de avec de la terre je tasse légèrement et j'arrose pour garder le substrat humide pas plus Je place ma lampe led 300watts à environ 90 centimètres de la plantule avec un cycle de lumière de 20/4 grace a un programmateur car c'est pour moi le cycle de lumière qui offre le meilleur rendement pour une autofloraison. Jour 1 préparation du substrat Avant transplantation définitive je mélange 80 grammes de bio stimulant bib plant de organic nutrients et j'arrose avec 2 litres d'eau ph6.3 à laquelle j'ajoute 0.7 gramme de enhancer feeding greenhouse par litre d'eau
I saw the first pre flowers today. She looks healthy, great growing. Still struggling to get ph down. Watering with 5.8 ph water.
She's loving the mix just like all the other babies in the garden,she's in a soil full of organic nutrients,bat guano,veg pearls kelp powder all by guanokalong,florians living organics
I removed the first set of nodes and started to train her using wires applying LST technique.she looks super green and healthy looks like she's loving the super soil that I prepare before the transplant
Came out great and the smoke test was fantastic. The bud is so sticky that it’s almost inconvenient. I rolled a blunt and had enough resin on my fingers to roll a super tiny ball of finger hash at the end. The smoke is smooth but a hair harsh. I sleep so well after smoking this.
starting week 6,the wedding cheesecakes are in flower for a couple of days now and the gg are starting to flower. alot of wind and clouds and rain these past two weeks but the girls are looking good in my opinion. update:after 4 or 5 days of rain and low temperatures finally the re is sunlight so the girls have to recover a bit. but things are looking better wheatherwise. cheers!
D29 Did top dressing with bone and kelp meal as well as worm castings. D31 Performed a little more LST, a few more days and I will let her do her thing. D32 More LST exposed lower nodes and evened out the canopy. D33 Removed all bonsai wire and rolled down the rim of the pot to even it out with to soil, more airflow. D35 Not much growth but overall looking pretty good. Heatwave last couple days keep temperatures higher than desired.
Everything is going well for this early growth, looking forward to repotting in auto Pot and trying to have a beautiful pink phenotype!
Everything is going great, just waiting on flower tent to finish & these ladies will be going straight into flower😍✌️🏼🌱 Day 40 first day of flower, everything seems to be going ok so far! Day 41 Can see they are starting to stretch!😍
Greetings Rastamans, as you can see my girl is getting thicker and is growing weekly. Every used fertilizers have very good results. Slowly aproaching the time of harvesting, This is evidenced by the trichomes as well as the timing of the flowering cycle. I believe that the harvest from this plant will be great. Use of the necessarry techniques at the right period of times gave me the results that you see yourselves. It is the last day of lighting. It will be in dark for 36hrs. Also today defoliation will take its place and I have already splited main stalk. hope you get enjoyment and also knowledge from my diaries. Wish you all good luck. Yours trully Rastagrow