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it's always a pleasure to do business with Barney's Farm!!! They have never let me down even once!! Even in the worst situations and conditions they have always been able to bring out the best for me!! I really enjoyed forcing these plants to see their reactions, but I wouldn't do it again as a technique because it only serves to keep the canopy low but not to increase the least in my case I didn't find it of fundamental importance....maybe a simple cut of the apical top and that was it! but that's fine!😋
Hello gromies Week 11 goes to the end tropicana No3 is ready for cut...tomorrow tropicana No2 (dont believe that fast buds delivered tropicana) seem to need longer both grows with different living soil types...explanation see week1 by the way I like a bit overripped!
Hello gromies Week 11 goes to the end tropicana No3 is ready for cut...tomorrow tropicana No2 (dont believe that fast buds delivered tropicana) seem to need longer both grows with different living soil types...explanation see week1 by the way I like a bit overripped!
23.04.2024 They’re looking good, tomorrow I will water them. 🌱 25.04.2024 They all looking good, I hope the cold weather goes away until Weekend or I need to take them to a warmer spot.. hopefully it doesn’t hurt them too much.. 🌱 28.04.2024 The sunset paradise sadly lost a leaf today because of my stupidity🤦🏻‍♂️ but she’s doing well. The GG#4 is also doing great. The Banana goes through some hart times, she has a potassium deficiency but we will fix that with other water. I also made my pots smaller, because my dumbass put way to less soil in🤦🏻‍♂️😂 This is officially a cursed grow
Gracias al equipo de Kannabia Seed y XpertNutrients, sin ellos esta magia no seria posible. 🍁💐 Runtz (Auto): Si esta cepa se ha ganado su popularidad a pulso, esta versión autofloreciente es digna heredera de sus atributos. No es de extrañar que nuestros criadores hayan acertado con su programa de reproducción, al combinar dos de las cepas más fascinantes de la actualidad: Zkittlez y Gelato. planta resistente y robusta, de cuerpo esbelto y fuerte ramificación lateral, que se puede cultivar prácticamente en cualquier entorno; pero prefiere los veranos largos y cálidos, tal y como quiere la madre naturaleza, donde bañada por el sol se eleva hasta los 120 cm. para producir unos rendimientos muy gratificantes de 100-150 gramos por planta. En interior, y tras solo 70 días desde la semilla, también recompensará con cosechas abundantes de hasta 500 gr./m² Inmediatamente después de encontrarte con ella, lo primero que notarás es su aroma descaradamente afrutado, con un toque tropical cortado con reminiscencias terrosas y amaderadas, que se entremezclan de forma agradable para ofrecer un combo que hace salivar las papilas gustativas. Ofrece un sabor confitado, refrescante y similar a sumergirse en una piscina de frutas cítricas y flores de fragancia intensa. Al inhalar, obtienes la bondad de la dulzura; al exhalar, el humo se convierte en suave y cremoso, dejando suficiente profundidad en cada bocanada para satisfacer a aquellos que buscan los matices más complejos. ⛽ XpertNutrients: es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos 🍶y sustratos🐛, que garantizan los mejores resultados y cosechas de la más alta calidad. A través de una cuidadosa selección de materias primas y un proceso de producción avanzado, sus productos son sinónimo de resultados confiables. 🛒 Consigue aqui tus fertilizantes:,de%20la%20m%C3%A1s%20alta%20calidad. 📆 Semana 9: Gran semana, la planta parece que ha terminado de crecer y centra toda su energía en desarrollar los futuros cogollos, los erizos 🦔 son apreciables. @xpertnutrients está haciendo un buen trabajo, ella consume algo de sus recursos lentamente como a mi me gusta . Vienen lluvias 😡
Gracias al equipo de Seedsman y XpertNutrients sin ellos esto no sería posible. 💐🍁 Bubba Cheescake: Bubba Cheesecake es un cruce de Bubba Kush anterior al 98 con Cheese Cake (Wedding Cake x Exodus Cheese). Se trata de un híbrido 70% índica con muy buenos rendimientos, alto en THC y bajo en CBD. Bubba Cheesecake prospera en interiores y exteriores. En interior se aconseja un corto periodo de crecimiento vegetativo debido a la cantidad de estiramiento que presentan las plantas. Las plantas pueden crecer hasta una altura de 250 a 350 cm. cuando se deja crecer naturalmente al aire libre. En interior, la floración dura entre 60 y 65 días, con rendimientos entre buenos y altos, de 400 a 550 gr/m2. Las plantas de exterior son capaces de producir entre 700 - 800 gr. peso seco. En las latitudes norteñas, en exterior, los productores pueden esperar cosechar a principios de octubre. Los cogollos son grandes y duros como piedras. Las plantas maduras muestran atractivos colores púrpuras y azules y brillan con una resina pegajosa que cubrirá las manos del cultivador si no tiene cuidado. El componente Wedding Cake agrega dulzura al sabor del regaliz y el aroma es terroso y musgoso. La producción de THC es muy alta con un nivel bajo de CBD. El efecto es intensamente narcótico, fuerte y duradero. 🌻🚀 Consigue aqui tus semillas: 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: 📆 Semana 6: Buena semana, ellas está consumiendo todos los nutrientes perfectamente, espero que pronto agarre tierra profunda y empiece a crecer como bestia 🐅.
I'm switching to 18/6 now and continue to feed them small amounts of growzymes by green buzz nutrients in distilled water which I think they like. The LSD-Auto is finally starting to gain some pace and grows just as fast as the runtz muffin. I consider transplanting them at the end of the week so I hope for more good growth. Update: It's the end of day 9 and I decided to transplant. I expect faster growth now because I think the baby pots already slowed them down a little bit. Update: Day 12 and they look amazing! Now they start to grow really fast. They look healthy and I will start with training soon. If You have any tipps or experience to share please drop it down below💚
This clone was randomly given to me and I had no setup! I immediately got her out of the growers pit into a 3L. This is going to be a simple Living Soil and Water only grow! Her roots outgrew the 3L and she began to crash as you’ll see from the pictures. This was easily remedied by increasing to a 5L.
The 5L pot did wonders! My goal is to fill this entire 3x3 tent. I found myself having humidity and heat issues. To remedy this I purchased a new Vivosun cool mist humidifier and placed my warm air humidifier outside of my tent near the passive intake. Works wonders! Ventilation: 2 X 4” clip fans 4 inch, cheap, in-line fan and carbon filter (I will pay for this later. Just buy the 6 inch MINIMUM! CHEAPER IS NOT BETTER!) Growing about an inch per night!
Hallo zusammen 🤙. Das war es für sie. Die Buds sind steinhart und der Geruch ist einfach Hammer. Sie riecht süß aber auch sauer irgendwie. Kann man schlecht beschreiben muss man einfach riechen. Wir sehen uns in 3 Woche mit dem Erntebericht. 🤙🤙🤙 Sie erhalten 25 Prozent Rabatt in unserem Shop Mindestbestellwert beträgt 75 Euro Code: GD42025
Share week the plant get the 35liter pot with same mix as the start pot...i add little helper seeds in the big pot to prevent some things like bugs and dry out to much from wind and sun....hope the sun gets brighter the next time...but for this hard conditions i would say..nice start. thanks ..... 4/25: It was extremely cold tonight, so I took the opportunity and took this time lapse shot over 3 hours... after 1 hour I added a drop of remaining osmosis water... and lo and behold, ten minutes later Calimero laid down his eggshell ... .now we can get started and I have that great shot that I've always wanted to take...sorry for the outside interruption, I couldn't miss the evining after my work i kick her as instant out.....
Week 15 Harvest 21-2 Temperature: 29.7 degrees (lights on) 19.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 67% (highest) 44% (lowest) Watering: None. 22-2 Temperature: 29.9 degrees (lights on) 19.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 65% (highest) 41% (lowest) Watering: None. Today is the last day, tomorrow i will harvest her. I removed all large fanleaves and took some pre-harvest pictures. 23-2 Today is harvest day! I left the buds on the branches and hang them to dry. Temperature: 18.1°c to 19.9°c Humidity: 57% to 72% 24-2 Temperature: 17°c to 18.8°c Humidity: 56% to 64% 25-2 Temperature: 16.8°c to 17.9°c Humidity: 57% to 69% 26-2 Temperature: 16.2°c to 18.1°c Humidity: 56% to 61% 27-2 Temperature: 16.2°c to 17.5°c Humidity: 55% to 61% 28-2 Temperature: 16.3°c to 17.6°c Humidity: 57% to 64% 29-2 No info. 1-3 Temperature: 17.8°c to 18.7°c Humidity: 56% to 61% 2-3 No info. 3-3 Temperature: 16.5°c to 20.3°c Humidity: 46% to 62% After 8/9 days of drying the buds are dry enough, so lets start trimming! The buds are pretty airy and foxtaily, but very resinous, she smells good, but i think the buds are a bit overdried. End results: Trim: 18.12 Gram. Popcorn buds: 37,11 Gram. Normal Buds: 70,98 Gram. Total buds: 108,09 Grams. I will post the progress of me making bubble hash in this diary very soon, so if you are interested make sure to keep an eye out!
Week 15 Harvest 21-2 Temperature: 29.7 degrees (lights on) 19.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 67% (highest) 44% (lowest) Watering: None. 22-2 Temperature: 29.9 degrees (lights on) 19.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 65% (highest) 41% (lowest) Watering: None. Today is the last day, tomorrow i will harvest her. I removed all large fanleaves and took some pre-harvest pictures. 23-2 Today is harvest day! I left the buds on the branches and hang them to dry. Temperature: 18.1°c to 19.9°c Humidity: 57% to 72% 24-2 Temperature: 17°c to 18.8°c Humidity: 56% to 64% 25-2 Temperature: 16.8°c to 17.9°c Humidity: 57% to 69% 26-2 Temperature: 16.2°c to 18.1°c Humidity: 56% to 61% 27-2 Temperature: 16.2°c to 17.5°c Humidity: 55% to 61% 28-2 Temperature: 16.3°c to 17.6°c Humidity: 57% to 64% 29-2 No info. 1-3 Temperature: 17.8°c to 18.7°c Humidity: 56% to 61% 2-3 No info. 3-3 Temperature: 16.5°c to 20.3°c Humidity: 46% to 62% After 8/9 days of drying the buds are dry enough, so lets start trimming! The buds are pretty airy and foxtaily, but very resinous, she smells good, but i think the buds are a bit overdried. End results: Trim: 18.12 Gram. Popcorn buds: 37,11 Gram. Normal Buds: 70,98 Gram. Total buds: 108,09 Grams. I will post the progress of me making bubble hash in this diary very soon, so if you are interested make sure to keep an eye out!
Week 15 Harvest 21-2 Temperature: 29.7 degrees (lights on) 19.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 67% (highest) 44% (lowest) Watering: None. 22-2 Temperature: 29.9 degrees (lights on) 19.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 65% (highest) 41% (lowest) Watering: None. Today is the last day, tomorrow i will harvest her. I removed all large fanleaves and took some pre-harvest pictures. 23-2 Today is harvest day! I left the buds on the branches and hang them to dry. Temperature: 18.1°c to 19.9°c Humidity: 57% to 72% 24-2 Temperature: 17°c to 18.8°c Humidity: 56% to 64% 25-2 Temperature: 16.8°c to 17.9°c Humidity: 57% to 69% 26-2 Temperature: 16.2°c to 18.1°c Humidity: 56% to 61% 27-2 Temperature: 16.2°c to 17.5°c Humidity: 55% to 61% 28-2 Temperature: 16.3°c to 17.6°c Humidity: 57% to 64% 29-2 No info. 1-3 Temperature: 17.8°c to 18.7°c Humidity: 56% to 61% 2-3 No info. 3-3 Temperature: 16.5°c to 20.3°c Humidity: 46% to 62% After 8/9 days of drying the buds are dry enough, so lets start trimming! The buds are pretty airy and foxtaily, but very resinous, she smells good, but i think the buds are a bit overdried. End results: Trim: 18.12 Gram. Popcorn buds: 37,11 Gram. Normal Buds: 70,98 Gram. Total buds: 108,09 Grams. I will post the progress of me making bubble hash in this diary very soon, so if you are interested make sure to keep an eye out!
Day 15, 24.04.2024 2100 - turned Erika II as her outer leaves touched the walls of the tent - bent Erika I a little more (LST) - soil ist getting dryer again - plan on watering in about two days again - re-arranged temperature & humidity sensor inside the tent Day 16, 25.04.2024 Nothing to do but to watch and enjoy. Tomorrow will be the first watering with fertilizer. Day 17, 26.04.2024 0730 - Watered the plants with 400ml stale water each - plus 2ml/L BioBizz Bio-Grow as stated in the fertilizer scheme. Thought shortly about giving them just half of whats written down, but then decided against it: As this is biological fertilizer I understood it is quite hard to over-fertilize. Well, we'll see where this goes Day 18, 27.04.2024 2100 - re-arranged the DIY VPN Controllers Display to be able to see it on cam without panning & tilting - Soil is again getting dryer. I am a little afraid to overwater so I decided to let pass at least 24h again. Color is dark green all the way so it should be alright - also pushed the leaves a little away from each other and the stem Day 19, 28.04.2024 1030 - Erika I is really pushing it: it seems as it grew overnight by 5cm. Okay, a little exaggerated but still - Erika II however seems to fall behind. It looks good and all, but as I need to bring up the light again to a healthy distance, I decided to lift Erika II by ~5cm to match the height of both plants - lifted the light to ~30cm above canopies - again used wooden sticks to correct orientation of main leaves perpendicular to the tents walls Day 20, 29.04.2024 2100 - something happened: I think Erika I is going into flower - already! It is day 20 for God's sake. They grow up so fast. And judging from it's size actually a little too fast, but what can you do? - Meanwhile Erika II is doing fine - without signs of flowering yet, but she always was a little late :) - however, I did my first tries in real LST by tying down the 4 main branches a little to the sides in hope they will raise their heads again towards the light soon (I hope flowering + LST on Erika I is not too much) - tomorrow in the morning I will water them both incl. fertilizer Day 21, 30.04.2024 0800 - After LST from yesterday the branches are again facing the light. A little stretch to a wider diameter is also noticeable - that seems to have worked so far - Watered each of the Ladies with 400ml (incl. BioBizz Bio-Grow (2ml/L water)) in anticipation of week 3 where I will add Bio-Bloom and Top-Max 2330 - Re-Worked on the LST - the straps were losening. However, it is nice to see the bend branches - it is working already! - Having problems with the relay that switches the venting on or off regulating the humidity. Could narrow done the problem to a mechanical one: The relay just sticks a little. Maybe it is the increased humidity that causes the problems, who knows. Will think of something.
Week 15 Harvest 21-2 Temperature: 29.7 degrees (lights on) 19.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 67% (highest) 44% (lowest) Watering: None. 22-2 Temperature: 29.9 degrees (lights on) 19.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 65% (highest) 41% (lowest) Watering: None. Today is the last day, tomorrow i will harvest her. I removed all large fanleaves and took some pre-harvest pictures. 23-2 Today is harvest day! I left the buds on the branches and hang them to dry. Temperature: 18.1°c to 19.9°c Humidity: 57% to 72% 24-2 Temperature: 17°c to 18.8°c Humidity: 56% to 64% 25-2 Temperature: 16.8°c to 17.9°c Humidity: 57% to 69% 26-2 Temperature: 16.2°c to 18.1°c Humidity: 56% to 61% 27-2 Temperature: 16.2°c to 17.5°c Humidity: 55% to 61% 28-2 Temperature: 16.3°c to 17.6°c Humidity: 57% to 64% 29-2 No info. 1-3 Temperature: 17.8°c to 18.7°c Humidity: 56% to 61% 2-3 No info. 3-3 Temperature: 16.5°c to 20.3°c Humidity: 46% to 62% After 8/9 days of drying the buds are dry enough, so lets start trimming! The buds are pretty airy and foxtaily, but very resinous, she smells good, but i think the buds are a bit overdried. End results: Trim: 18.12 Gram. Popcorn buds: 37,11 Gram. Normal Buds: 70,98 Gram. Total buds: 108,09 Grams. I will post the progress of me making bubble hash in this diary very soon, so if you are interested make sure to keep an eye out!