The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
First week of flower is in the books. I posted my feeding schedule in the pics above. If you find yourself looking at it wondering why you're seeing back to back feeds with mycos or teas its because with organics you never want to let your pots dry out. You obviously dont want to waterlog the pots but you need to find that balance with watering so as to keep your ecosystem happy and active. It's not a feed/water/water system where you're watering every other day as you do with salt based bottled nutrients. Always remember you're feeding the microboes/fungi/bactria and they are feeding your plants. If you dry your pots out with organics those elements become dormant and or die off which will lead to deficiencies and a weakened immune system. The week was going smoothly until last night. The timer for whatever reason didnt kill the lights after 12 hrs had past so they got a little over an hr of extra light. To help maintain consistency with the plants I just altered on/off times to make sure they still recieved 12 hrs of darkness. So I was running 6pm-6am now with the overage last night I'm running 730pm-730am. I have heard some horror stories about how something like this has affected people's plants but they are few and far between. I'm not overly worried about it as a plant thats growing outdoors never gets a true 12/12 lighting period. I caught it early, adjusted my lighting schedule to accommodate a 12 hr off period, and being so early in the flowering stage I should be ok. Obviously it goes without saying but this is taboo and not something you want to be making a habit of with photoperiod plants. My dehumidifier also decided to do it's own thing last night and didn't shut off as per the settings (set to 45%) and as a result it pulled my humidty down to 39% down from the 45%-47% that the room usually runs at. As a result my temps rose into the 28-29 Celsius range overnight up from the 25-26 Celcius (my preferred flowering temps) that the room usually sees. So she was quite the party downstairs while I was sleeping. To my surprise when I turned the lights on the plants looked very happy and healthy and immediately started praying to the sun gods. I got lucky here with respect to what I was speaking about above with watering practices and organics. As I keep my pots in the sweet spot with daily waterings this didnt negatively affect the plants. I've prepped and am bubbling a compost tea (posted a video) which will be fed tomorrow. I also through some organic popcorn seeds and organic mung bean seeds in the seed sprouter (pic posted above) to make a popcorn/mung bean SST for the plants that's loaded with all kinds of enzymes and goodness. It's also pretty sweet to be able to say you feed your plants popcorn. Like I mean really though 😁. I'll talk a little more about SSTs next week but if your curious about it there are many websites about this topic, would be a great place to start. They lightly touch on topic without diving to deep into the science behind it so it's easy reading to help introduce you.
Olá companheiros de cultivo! Esta semana parece que as plantas estão a desenvolver muito bem, estavam sob 20 horas de luz, reduzi horário para 18/6, e adicionei na semana passada bactérias que se chamam bactohemp e deu um óptimo resultado na vegetação de todas as plantas principalmente a shiskaberry, fiz LST para obter mais produção e estão a crescer galhos por todo lado nunca tinha visto uma planta assim 💪💪💪 espero que tudo dê certo estava com medo de ser macho porque estão a crescer galhos e mais galhos 😅 mas já apareceu uma pré-flor, a runtz muffin tb fiz LST tb está muito bonita a desenvolver muito bem, a BlueBerry OG também está uma planta muito forte, vou esperar mais uma semana para ver o desenvolvimento.. para depois pôr estas meninas a florir, obrigado amigos 💪💪🌳🌱🍀✌️
Hello Diary. The third week of flowering is over, what I would comment on first this week is the scent. Fat Banana began to spread a wonderful fruity scent, like some fruity candy. 😋 So far on my small farm no strain has smelled like this at this stage of flowering. The plant is full of flowers and as you can see in the photos, they fill up nicely. 👍 Brownish spots have started to appear on some leaves, I will monitor the development and try to detect what the cause is. 😯 Watering is standard, I water the plants about every three days. Preventively for now I add CalMg and every other time I add BioBizz. I am preparing about 7 lit. water with which I water all three plants evenly. Here’s what he looked like all week. 02/11/2020 - Day 39. Watering. I added BioBizz and preventive CalMg. p.H. I adjusted to 6.5 with Plagron’s Lemon Kick. Temp / Humidity on the farm - 26.7 degrees and 42% humidity. 05/11/2020 - Day 42. Photographing and watering. This time I just regulated p.H. at 6.4 and I didn’t add anything else. Fat Banana really looks beautiful so I also took photos on a black background. Temp / Humidity on the farm - 25.6 degrees and 41% humidity. That’s all for this week, see you soon.
Doing well, I’m just hoping they all stay a similar height, all 4 plants are now in their final pots. First time really transplanting autos other then some outdoor endeavours. Thanks for stopping by, peace ✌️ 💚
Alles super mein Training diese Woche war hart deswegen ist sie langsamer gewachsen dafür brauchte sie 2-3 Tage Regeneration ich hab sie mal verglichen Mit ein paar anderen aus dieser grow Community ich bin sehr beeindruckt von Euren aufzuchten aber ich muss sagen ich bin irgendwie paar Tage voraus trotz hartem Training Also wenn ihr Lust und Zeit habt vergleicht einfach mal selbst und Bildet Eure eigene Meinung sagt mir Was ihr denkt positiv wie auch negativ im Fine With that thx already and stay save and high!!!!!me stay save high!!!!enjoy life 💯💯
Alles super mein Training diese Woche war hart deswegen ist sie langsamer gewachsen dafür brauchte sie 2-3 Tage Regeneration ich hab sie mal verglichen Mit ein paar anderen aus dieser grow Community ich bin sehr beeindruckt von Euren aufzuchten aber ich muss sagen ich bin irgendwie paar Tage voraus trotz hartem Training Also wenn ihr Lust und Zeit habt vergleicht einfach mal selbst und Bildet Eure eigene Meinung sagt mir Was ihr denkt positiv wie auch negativ im Fine With that thx already and stay save and high!!!!!me stay save high!!!!enjoy life 💯💯