📋Summary of previous week
Previous week, the plants grew steadily under a 21-hour light schedule, with the lamp at 80cm and dimming adjusted from 55% to 60%. The average temperature was 20.5°C and humidity 72%.
Watering included 300ml per plant with Bio Rhizotonic on 21/02, a light misting on 23/02, and 1L of bottom watering on 24/02, and another 300ml of plain water on 26/02.
Overall, a smooth week with good development! 📈
🌱Heights at the beginning and at the end of the previous week:
-#R01: 15cm - 19,5cm = +4,5cm
-#R02: 10cm - 12cm = +2cm
-#R03: 7cm - 10,5cm = +3,5cm
(#R03 Backup Seed, 5Days Behind)
3️⃣Week Vegetation: 28/02 - 07/03
💡 Light schedule: 21 hours (06h30-03h30)
📏 Lamp To Plant Distance: 80cm
⚡ Dimming: 65%
🌡️ Average temperature: 20,5°
☔ Average humidity: 72%
- #R01: 19,5 cm
- #R02: 12 cm
- #R03: 10,5 cm (Backup Seed, 5Days Behind)
Today, I only moistened the surface. Tomorrow, I’ll probably do a proper watering.
I bottom-watered with 500ml of water and added 300ml around each plant. 💧
Today, I diluted 10g of Bactomatik Rex by Agrobacterias in 4L of water and watered the three girls. Approximately 1.3L per plant 💦
This will probably be the last watering, I'll just use a spray to keep the surface moist for the rest of the week.
#Bactomatik Rex by Agrobacterias #
-Amino acids: 10%
-Organic matter: 35%
-Paenibacillus azotoformans, Bacillus azotofixans, B. coagulans, B. megaterium, LactobacillusLus acidophilus, B. pumilus y Sacharomyces cerevisiae.
I'm facing some issues—before the last watering, the plants started showing yellowing on the leaves of the new branches. I believe I prepared the SuperSoil layer too hot, and as the roots reached the over-fertilized layer, they got affected.
Some suggestions pointed to a nitrogen deficiency, but I don’t think that’s the case. I applied a good watering with Bactomatik, which contains 2% nitrogen and nitrogen-fixing bacteria. This was already a planned watering, and while the plant started stretching a bit, I haven’t noticed any improvements in leaf coloration yet.
I’ll keep monitoring closely to see how it recovers. But If anyone has a suggestion pointing in a different direction, I'm here to listen! 👂
Over the next two days, I’ll start with LST, so that within 1-2 weeks, I can set up the SCROG net.