Hello. This is the end of week 1 and the beginning of week 2 of flowering.
Left these girls alone this week. Just watered once. They need food tonight. These plants are on the night shift.
I didn't do a diary on my main grow room so I posted a video of it last. My 7 best clones.
This week I'll be hauling leaves for mulch for under my bushes and trees in my yard. People rack the leaves out to the street for the vacuum truck to take.
I go with my 45 gallon tub on a dolly, and my pitch fork and scoop shovel and gather leaves. The dolly makes it easy to dump them around the yard.
I've planted a lot of nectar giving plants and bushes for the humming birds and bumble bees and honey bees that bloom at different times of the year.
Right now in Nov. I have 4 Winter Flowering Mahonia Bushes and about 6 humming birds chasing each other around. The bees come out when the temp get over 10* c
In Jan. I have a winter flowering honeysuckle that blooms and smells heavenly, that the humming birds also like.
Ok If you can be great, at least be good.