Hey now! This week went pretty well, I did notice my EC of my runoff was getting pretty high on day 65, it got up to about 1.9, and my nutrient solution going in was at 1.6. I ended up mixing a bucket of my normal fertilizer, and hand watering all the places my drip ring wasn't really hitting, and i got the EC back down to about 1.7. I also got a tip from MrJones to setup some type of support for the colas. I ended up tying some 550 (parachute) cord across the top of my tent poles, then I ties little loops around the colas with the same soft cord. I then used wire ties to attach the loops to the 550 cord. I also am slowly reducing my EC, as I believe I only have a couple weeks left. I am also going to be switching from Liquid KoolBloom to Dry KoolBloom at some point later in week 10. If anyone has any experience on the correct timing of this switch to ripening formula, please hit me up! I am still struggling a bit with heat and humidity, and am considering buying another dehumidifier for my next grow. As always, Thank you to everyone for all of your encouragement, support and tips!! Blaze on!