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10. November Neue mainline schnitte plus LST per klammern an der Cookie gelato Cookies Gelato 26 Tage alt Tropimango 23 Tage alt Runtz 12 Tage alt. Lichtwechsel wenn die runtz 4 Wochen alt ist, bzw die Cookies gelato 6 Wochen alt ist. Tag 50 Lichtwechsel? Quelle YouTube Video 12. November. Cookies gelato hat an den beiden oberen Mains neue mainlinefrisur bekommen. Die unteren Mains haben noch alles behalten dürfen. Das topping steht bald an. Tropimango reagiert gut auf LST. Blätter weiterhin noch krank, allerdings nicht mehr so dramatisch Die Runtz wächst und macht ihr Ding. Die wachstumsphase hat nun sicher begonnen: Stiel wird hölzern. Runtz wurde getoppt. (Vor einem Monat +1 ist die Cookie und die Tropimango zum keimen gelegt worden) 13. November Runtz wirkt gestresst und stagniert im Wachstum wegen des toppings. Besprühen mit Eisen hat sie auch aus der Ruhe gebracht. Tropimango wächst. Immer noch kranke Blätter vorhanden, aber wenige. Cookies gelato wächst. 14. November Die runtz wächst wieder!! Eventuell ist mir unfreiwillig ein fimming schnitt gelungen? Tropimango und gelato auch alles wie bisher. Begleitpflanzen (weißklee&Kerbel) hinzugefügt Cookies gelato ist 30 Tage alt Tropimango ist 27 Tage alt Runtz ist 16 Tage alt 15. November Cookies gelato wurde zum zweiten Mal getopt an allen Trieben. Sie wird’s schon wegstecken 16. November Topping gut überstanden. 👍 sind jetzt 8 Mains. Wachstum fühlt sich jetzt mega langsam an. Aber ich bin auch ungeduldig af 😅 Tropimango weiterhin kranke Blätter. Hab leider keine Idee woran es liegen könnte. Runtz scheint tatsächlich neue Triebe an der schnittstelle zu entwickeln 🎉🤝. Archivement unlocked. Ich kann jetzt den fim schnitt.🤝💪 Alle drei Pflanzen haben ordentlich Wasser bekommen. 17. November Habe feststellen können, dass der Wasserbedarf doch deutlich höher war als ich vermutet hatte. Alle drei reagieren sehr positiv auf die erhöhte Menge Wasser. 🚿 Ich hätte wohl großzügiger sein dürfen in den vergangenen Tagen. Habe der Cookies gelato einen Edgar mit taperfade geschnitten (Mainlining). Eventuell habe ich an den unteren beiden unteren Mains ein Blatt Zuviel abgeschnitten? Ich werd’s im verlaufe der nächsten Tage sehen. Der unfreiwillige fimming schnitt bei der Runtz war wohl „unsauber“. Einer der beiden Triebe ist dominanter als der andere. Vermutlich liegt es am schrägen Schnitt. Tropimango macht tropimangosachen. Weiterhin mit kranken Blättern. 🤝.
Lots to improve on next time. My first yield with this was 3 oz from a partially sunny balcony. I got about 7.5-8oz dry this time. This was the only female of 3 seeds I got from last years out door. My buddy crossed one of the males with a very pretty purple lady (mendo) and the next round I’ll be showin ya that. Trimming this stuff was super easy, it’s very sticky but I found the trim to be quicker / easier than some of the stuff I’ve trimmed for friends. It’s day 15 after chop, I just got them into jars, starting to smell perrrrtttyyy good! Still not the right structure/density i hope to achieve someday but overall I was happy with the results. Have yet to test it out but will leave a review once it’s ready to sample . ✌️🌲
Constant LST on these girls. They are so leggy I'm worried that if I let up the canopies will get out of control. I feel like i'm doing a good job with it thought. The occasional super cropping is needed and I leaf tuck and even take leaves almost everyday. Doesn't seem to slow em' down. Lights are at about 75% now. Weather has calmed down so temperature in the tent is consistently below 80F. Happened just in time for mid-flower. Right before the weather changed I build an exhaust to vent everything outside so controlling the atmosphere is a lot easier and I think it shows. Switched to bloom nutes towards the end of this week. Miracle Berry Remix IMMEDIATELY perked up and stopping being droopy all the time. CDLC woke up and I'm really happy with her now. Phosphorous is really important once pre-flower begins. Getting impatient....gonna pop some Double Grapes for the Solo Cup competition. Lowering my PH to 5.5 - 5.7 to accomodate for any salt build up in the coir since they drink water so quickly. Their response was very good. CDLC loved the drop in PH the most I believe. I cut my veg nutrients (nitrogen) to half because they aren't in full flower but i'm giving them full doses of the Maxibloom and additives. I've learned that most chlorosis I am experiencing is a nutrient deficiency. PH and increasing PPM steadily is a MUST to be successful I believe. Potassium is what generally causes the "nutrient burn". You'll catch nitrogen toxicity before any chlorosis and phosphorous is really difficult to give your plant too much of. Especially in flower. I'm gettin' the hang of this.... If anyone could answer me this....Why would you use a feeding schedule when your plant is going to require different nutrients than any other plants? There are too many variable to use a feeding schedule correct? Really not much to see this week besides the plants bulking up. They are gorgeous...except for the CDLC...she's got some work to do. Day 49 - Watered with some whacked out PH water today...didn't catch it until it was too late. Mango Smile was dropping by the end of watering...hopefully I didn't stall anyone out. Check out the pheno difference between the two Miracle Berry Remixs.
Constant LST on these girls. They are so leggy I'm worried that if I let up the canopies will get out of control. I feel like i'm doing a good job with it thought. The occasional super cropping is needed and I leaf tuck and even take leaves almost everyday. Doesn't seem to slow em' down. Lights are at about 75% now. Weather has calmed down so temperature in the tent is consistently below 80F. Happened just in time for mid-flower. Right before the weather changed I build an exhaust to vent everything outside so controlling the atmosphere is a lot easier and I think it shows. Switched to bloom nutes towards the end of this week. Miracle Berry Remix IMMEDIATELY perked up and stopping being droopy all the time. CDLC woke up and I'm really happy with her now. Phosphorous is really important once pre-flower begins. Getting impatient....gonna pop some Double Grapes for the Solo Cup competition. Lowering my PH to 5.5 - 5.7 to accomodate for any salt build up in the coir since they drink water so quickly. Their response was very good. CDLC loved the drop in PH the most I believe. I cut my veg nutrients (nitrogen) to half because they aren't in full flower but i'm giving them full doses of the Maxibloom and additives. I've learned that most chlorosis I am experiencing is a nutrient deficiency. PH and increasing PPM steadily is a MUST to be successful I believe. Potassium is what generally causes the "nutrient burn". You'll catch nitrogen toxicity before any chlorosis and phosphorous is really difficult to give your plant too much of. Especially in flower. I'm gettin' the hang of this.... If anyone could answer me this....Why would you use a feeding schedule when your plant is going to require different nutrients than any other plants? There are too many variable to use a feeding schedule correct? Really not much to see this week besides the plants bulking up. They are gorgeous...except for the CDLC...she's got some work to do. Day 49 - Watered with some whacked out PH water today...didn't catch it until it was too late. Mango Smile was dropping by the end of watering...hopefully I didn't stall anyone out. Check out the pheno difference between the two Miracle Berry Remixs.
Was really good to grow. Ran into some difficulty during flower one bud grew slightly too close to the light and died, which then Began to rot, I cut that bud off only to find that 2 other top buds had become rotten on the inside. So in order to salvage the grow I cut them off and threw them all away which ended up with me losing around 80grams of Wet weight which wasn’t the happiest moment! We managed to save her though all the buds have been thoroughly checked and are all in great condition! 4.5 ounces of one plant even after losing a lot is still a good result
Miracle Berry Remix #1 and Mango Smile are throwing preflowers and stretching every day. I removed the scrog tent for now to get a little more vertical action going. I probably defoliate too much but I'm obsessed with getting light to bud I dunno. UPDATE: I clearly didn't. They responded very well over the rest of the week. They really took off. Strawberry Nuggets has some nutrient burn on the new growth. Looks fine though since it hasn't progressed. The SN canopy is going to be really nice. I moved the Bodhi's to a new tent. I super crop pretty frequently as well....I also did some serious LST to the CDLC since her node spacing is so tight. Light wasn't getting anywhere.
I have decided to harvest a little bit early so spider mites don't come back and the weather is favorable for drying this week. After the chop, I also did bud wash with 3 buckets: 1. 5 gallons of water and a cup of lemon juice and a cup of soda bicarbonate 2. Warm water 3. Coldwater There were tons of nasty stuff left in water. After washing I left them to dry under a fan and shook them off to remove as much water as possible and then put back into the tent to dry with a dehumidifier and outtake on with 2 oscillating fans NOT pointed at the plants. Humidity is currently around 55%. After the first day of drying, I realized I will not be able to control good conditions in my tent for drying so I moved the plant to hang dry in the climatized room for a second day. During the second day, I trimmed buds and removed stems and then put them in brown paper bags to slow down the drying process. After 2 days of drying buds now weigh around 240 g, Humidity spiked to 87% outside on the third day and I had to constantly run A/C and a dehumidifier to keep the room at around 20 C and barely 55-60 % humidity. Grew tired of this so I tried something new from the third day. It's called Lotus curing and drying and works with any frost-free fridge. I put brown paper bags with buds inside the fridge at around 7-12 C and the humidity in the fridge is around 40-50%. I also have temperature and humidity probe in one brown paper bag so I can react if it dries to fast. Humidity is hovering around 70-80% currently and my plan is to manipulate humidity inside the fridge by opening it, adding moisture, or regulate temp so humidity drop as slow as possible. When it hits less than 72% when tested outside the fridge in the room temps I will start normal curing process in jars. After a week of drying in the fridge, jars are in the drawer curing right now. I sample tested one Dynavap bowl and flavor is decent with the sweet scent but it still needs a bit more time to be perfect. High was the same as my first Sweet tooth grow, the main thing I felt after finishing Dynavap bowl was calm and relaxed with time slowing down.
Planted them direct into the soil about 2mm deep, all four were out within 48hrs and have grown well so far 👍
Hello guys! This week was amazing for my girls & Me! :D 4 of them are showing a great sign of flowering! After I defoliated all and tried main Lining for the first time! I didn’t expect such a great results! They are already healing and I should say: I’m falling in love with growing!! It’s like my thing! After hours and hours reading and searching! When i see them happy like this, feels like all of my efforts are paying off. I just wish they weren’t autos! A newbe grower totally can handle an original femmenized seed! I don’t know why everyone said go for autos for tour firat grow!! I’m practicing most of the trainings suitable for autos till i get real stuff!! Soon! I also got that powerful AC, i was hesitating to buy!! it’s pretty amazing! Now I can grow my pineapple Express at thr best temp 25 degrees with 2200w! I just hope i dont get too suprise when i see the Bill😅
Hello guys! This week was amazing for my girls & Me! :D 4 of them are showing a great sign of flowering! After I defoliated all and tried main Lining for the first time! I didn’t expect such a great results! They are already healing and I should say: I’m falling in love with growing!! It’s like my thing! After hours and hours reading and searching! When i see them happy like this, feels like all of my efforts are paying off. I just wish they weren’t autos! A newbe grower totally can handle an original femmenized seed! I don’t know why everyone said go for autos for tour firat grow!! I’m practicing most of the trainings suitable for autos till i get real stuff!! Soon! I also got that powerful AC, i was hesitating to buy!! it’s pretty amazing! Now I can grow my pineapple Express at thr best temp 25 degrees with 2200w! I just hope i dont get too suprise when i see the Bill😅
Hello guys! This week was amazing for my girls & Me! :D 4 of them are showing a great sign of flowering! After I defoliated all and tried main Lining for the first time! I didn’t expect such a great results! They are already healing and I should say: I’m falling in love with growing!! It’s like my thing! After hours and hours reading and searching! When i see them happy like this, feels like all of my efforts are paying off. I just wish they weren’t autos! A newbe grower totally can handle an original femmenized seed! I don’t know why everyone said go for autos for tour firat grow!! I’m practicing most of the trainings suitable for autos till i get real stuff!! Soon! I also got that powerful AC, i was hesitating to buy!! it’s pretty amazing! Now I can grow my pineapple Express at thr best temp 25 degrees with 2200w! I just hope i dont get too suprise when i see the Bill😅
Hello guys! This week was amazing for my girls & Me! :D 4 of them are showing a great sign of flowering! After I defoliated all and tried main Lining for the first time! I didn’t expect such a great results! They are already healing and I should say: I’m falling in love with growing!! It’s like my thing! After hours and hours reading and searching! When i see them happy like this, feels like all of my efforts are paying off. I just wish they weren’t autos! A newbe grower totally can handle an original femmenized seed! I don’t know why everyone said go for autos for tour firat grow!! I’m practicing most of the trainings suitable for autos till i get real stuff!! Soon! I also got that powerful AC, i was hesitating to buy!! it’s pretty amazing! Now I can grow my pineapple Express at thr best temp 25 degrees with 2200w! I just hope i dont get too suprise when i see the Bill😅
Hey now! This week went pretty well, I did notice my EC of my runoff was getting pretty high on day 65, it got up to about 1.9, and my nutrient solution going in was at 1.6. I ended up mixing a bucket of my normal fertilizer, and hand watering all the places my drip ring wasn't really hitting, and i got the EC back down to about 1.7. I also got a tip from MrJones to setup some type of support for the colas. I ended up tying some 550 (parachute) cord across the top of my tent poles, then I ties little loops around the colas with the same soft cord. I then used wire ties to attach the loops to the 550 cord. I also am slowly reducing my EC, as I believe I only have a couple weeks left. I am also going to be switching from Liquid KoolBloom to Dry KoolBloom at some point later in week 10. If anyone has any experience on the correct timing of this switch to ripening formula, please hit me up! I am still struggling a bit with heat and humidity, and am considering buying another dehumidifier for my next grow. As always, Thank you to everyone for all of your encouragement, support and tips!! Blaze on!
Hey now! This week went pretty well, I did notice my EC of my runoff was getting pretty high on day 65, it got up to about 1.9, and my nutrient solution going in was at 1.6. I ended up mixing a bucket of my normal fertilizer, and hand watering all the places my drip ring wasn't really hitting, and i got the EC back down to about 1.7. I also got a tip from MrJones to setup some type of support for the colas. I ended up tying some 550 (parachute) cord across the top of my tent poles, then I ties little loops around the colas with the same soft cord. I then used wire ties to attach the loops to the 550 cord. I also am slowly reducing my EC, as I believe I only have a couple weeks left. I am also going to be switching from Liquid KoolBloom to Dry KoolBloom at some point later in week 10. If anyone has any experience on the correct timing of this switch to ripening formula, please hit me up! I am still struggling a bit with heat and humidity, and am considering buying another dehumidifier for my next grow. As always, Thank you to everyone for all of your encouragement, support and tips!! Blaze on!