🐶In full preflowering, I will soon do another slight defoliation. when the buds. are visible I will add the flowering go (Feeding Bio bloom) 👌🏻💪
02.01. Tag 43 Hey Leute frohes neues! 🎆🎈🎊 Es geht gleich zum Jahreswechsel mit Problemchen weiter… …weshalb verfärben die beiden vorderen Pflanzen sich so stark? Die vorne links hat meiner Meinung nach ein calmag Defizit. Was sagt ihr? Und die vorne rechts sieht irgendwie überdüngt aus aber bei meiner Dosierung und der aktuell guten Performance könnte die auch einfach noch was Dünger brauchen? Wie seht ihr das? Gegossen: 10L Osmose Wasser 20ml CalMag 20ml BioFlores 10ml BioBoost VPD 1,3 Temp 25 RLF: 58% LED 100% (480w) —————————————————-
Какое же красивое растение!!! Аромат яблока 🍏 и сладостей, есть нотки дизеля.
Woche 6 startet wie gewohnt ohne Probleme. Die Buds werden dicker und schwerer. RLF pendelt aktuell zwischen 45-52%, Temperaturen schwanken etwas mehr von 18-26°C. Noch halten die Buds sich von alleine aber ich denke zum Ende der Woche könnten sie Stützen gebrauchen. Der Geruch im Zelt ist extrem. Sie stinkt so stark, das ich das Zelt nicht lange offen lassen kann.😎 Die Masse der Blüten ist auch ziemlich gut. Wird bestimmt heftig.
First Week for me to Start Documenting this Grow. It took a while for them to get to this point. Started the Seedlings on the window sill and the growth was pretty slow before i moved my tent from my garage to my house. From there on they grew pretty fine and really enjoyed beeing inside now. This should be week 2
Poor Skunk Apple really is the runt of the litter. I think we can blame my rookie mistake of giving it a gallon of water that was way too strong. It's been struggling to recover ever since. Hopefully this little guy will catch up eventually, but I'm not gonna hold my breath. Well, another year has come and gone. Yesterday was New Year's Eve, and I want to wish all of you a happy and healthy 2025. May this year bring you all the things you've been wishing for. Let's make this the best year yet! I can't believe how much my plants have grown during this stretch! It's like they've been on some serious plant steroids. They've all at least doubled in size, some of them even more. I have a hard time with overwatering, especially now that it's harder to let them dry out. I just don't know if I'm damaging the roots with all this growth.
Man, that plant is really taking off. It's finally starting to look just like the good old Gas House Parent. I can almost smell it already. Can't wait to see how much bigger it gets! Well, another year has come and gone. Yesterday was New Year's Eve, and I want to wish all of you a happy and healthy 2025. May this year bring you all the things you've been wishing for. Let's make this the best year yet!
The Bubble OG plants are looking really good. They're all pretty big and have a similar structure. It'll be fun to see how they develop their own personalities as they keep growing. Well, another year has come and gone. Yesterday was New Year's Eve, and I want to wish all of you a happy and healthy 2025. May this year bring you all the things you've been wishing for. Let's make this the best year yet!
Last week, my pound cake auto plant totally exploded with growth! It's insane how much it's changed. I swear it grew several inches overnight. The leaves are this gorgeous shade of green, and the whole thing looks super healthy and happy. I'm seriously so proud of my little plant baby.
The Permanent Markers are finally taking off! They've at least doubled in height since last week. Of course, they're still really small, but it's cool to see them finally getting going. They look healthy and are developing nicely. Well, another year has come and gone. Yesterday was New Year's Eve, and I want to wish all of you a happy and healthy 2025. May this year bring you all the things you've been wishing for. Let's make this the best year yet!
The Blackberry Moonrocks have a really solid structure, they're looking super healthy. They're nice and big, but it does seem like they could be stretching a bit more. We might need to adjust the lighting or the nutrients to encourage them to grow taller. Well, another year has come and gone. Yesterday was New Year's Eve, and I want to wish all of you a happy and healthy 2025. May this year bring you all the things you've been wishing for. Let's make this the best year yet!
Day 30 Top dressed each 5 gal 444 gia green 1.5 tbsp Kelp meal 1tbsp Super fly insect frass. 1 tbsp .5 tbsp of mykos. 1 Tsp glacial rock dust Feed microbial tea. Day 29 and 30. 24 and 48 brew. Crab meal half cup per 5 gal Alfalfa meal half cup per 5 gal I think some humic granual acid for nutrient uptake. Can’t remember Also spread out red wiggler worms “equally” to each pot. Topped some plants after video. Will update in a few days of response to topping.
Day 30 Top dressed each 5 gal 444 gia green 1.5 tbsp Kelp meal 1tbsp Super fly insect frass. 1 tbsp .5 tbsp of mykos. Feed microbial tea. Day 29 and 30. 24 and 48 brew. Crab meal half cup per 5 gal Alfalfa meal half cup per 5 gal I think some humic granual acid for nutrient uptake. Can’t remember Also spread out red wiggler worms “equally” to each pot. Topped some plants after video. Will update in a few days of response to topping.
During the second week of flowering for Purple Kush, here’s what you can expect and steps to ensure a successful grow: Plant Development 1. Bud Formation: Small pre-flower buds (calyxes) will begin forming along the nodes. Pistils (white hairs) may be visible. 2. Stretch Phase: The plant will still be stretching, potentially doubling in height as it transitions into full flowering mode. Care Tips 1. Lighting: Ensure a consistent 12/12 light cycle. Use strong flowering lights (HPS, LED) with red spectrum dominance. 2. Nutrients: Transition to flowering nutrients with a higher phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) ratio. Avoid overfeeding nitrogen to prevent leafy growth. Example: 1-3-2 NPK ratio is common in flowering. 3. Watering: Keep watering consistent but avoid overwatering. Allow slight drying of the topsoil between watering. 4. Temperature & Humidity: Ideal temperature: 65–80°F (18–26°C). Humidity: Reduce to 40–50% to prevent mold/mildew as buds develop. Training If you’re doing any low-stress training (LST), finish this early to avoid stressing the plant during full bloom. Remove any dying or large fan leaves blocking bud sites to improve light penetration. Monitoring Watch for pests like spider mites and early signs of mold or nutrient deficiencies. Look for healthy, vibrant leaves and steady growth in bud sites. By week 2, your Purple Kush should show noticeable progression in flower development, setting you up for a good yield in the weeks to come.
Verslag Derde Week Bloei: Seriotica Deze week bevind ik mij in de derde week van de bloeifase van mijn Seriotica-planten. Het is een cruciale periode waarin de ontwikkeling van de toppen duidelijk zichtbaar begint te worden. Hieronder beschrijf ik mijn observaties en acties. 1. Groei en Ontwikkeling De toppen zijn deze week flink toegenomen in omvang. De haren beginnen een melkachtige kleur te krijgen, en de harsproductie neemt zichtbaar toe. Bij aanraking ruik ik een intens aroma, wat een goed teken is voor de kwaliteit. 2. Verzorging Ik heb extra aandacht besteed aan: Voeding: Een aangepaste voedingsmix met extra fosfor en kalium om de bloei te ondersteunen. Ik heb de EC-waarde stabiel gehouden rond [waarde] en de pH gecontroleerd op [waarde]. Watergift: Dit heb ik aangepast aan de verhoogde behoefte door de groei van de toppen. Ik geef elke dag [hoeveelheid] ml water per plant. Lichtcyclus: De lichtintensiteit is stabiel op [waarde] gehouden, en de lichtcyclus blijft 12 uur aan en 12 uur uit. 3. Klimaat Het klimaat in de kweekruimte is stabiel gebleven: Temperatuur: Overdag rond de 24-26°C en 's nachts 18-20°C. Luchtvochtigheid: Ik heb de luchtvochtigheid verlaagd naar [waarde]%, om schimmelvorming te voorkomen. 4. Uitdagingen Ik merkte deze week een lichte verkleuring op enkele bladeren. Dit duidde op een mogelijk tekort aan magnesium. Ik heb onmiddellijk ingegrepen door [oplossing, zoals toevoegen van CalMag] toe te voegen aan de voedingsoplossing. 5. Verwachtingen Als alles volgens plan verloopt, verwacht ik dat de toppen de komende week nog verder zullen zwellen en dat de harsproductie verder toeneemt. Ik blijf alert op tekenen van stress of tekorten. --- Reflectie Deze week voelde ik me zelfverzekerd over de verzorging van mijn planten. Door consistent te monitoren en kleine aanpassingen te doen, heb ik het gevoel dat ik de planten optimaal kan ondersteunen. Ik kijk uit naar de verdere ontwikkeling! --- Als je specifieke details wilt toevoegen, zoals exacte voedingswaarden of observaties, laat het me weten!
Día 64 (23/12) Christmas holidays. Only watering Día 65 (24/12) Christmas holidays. Only watering Día 66 (25/12) Christmas holidays. Only watering Día 67 (26/12) Christmas holidays. Only watering Día 68 (27/12) CBD Auto 20:1 #1 - Riego con 0,5 litros de PK Booster Compost Tea OG Kush Auto - Riego con 0,5 litros de PK Booster Compost Tea Preparación del Té de Compost Ingredientes Agua Osmosis o Agua declorada durante 24 horas: 1 Litro (o la cantidad que necesites) PK Booster Compost Tea: 15 g/L ORGATREX: 5 ml/L BACTREX: 1 g/L Instrucciones: Airear con una bomba de aire de pecera durante 24 - 36 horas a 20-25 ºC Añadir BACTREX (1 g/L) 30 minutos ANTES de parar la aireación Usar el Té inmediatamente al apagar la bomba de aire Usar 0,5 Litros de Té por Planta Día 69 (28/12) Christmas holidays. Only watering Día 70 (29/12) Christmas holidays. Only watering 💦Nutrients by Bio Tabs - www.biotabs.nl/en/ 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE - www.pthorticulture.com/en-us/products/pro-mix-hp-biofungicide-plus-mycorrhizae "GDBT420" 15% DISCOUNT code for the BIOTABS Webshop https://biotabs.nl/en/shop/ With 2 x Mars Hydro FC1500 EVO Led Grow Light (2024 NEW FC 1500-EVO Samsung LM301H 150W LED) - https://marshydro.eu/products/fc1500-evo-led-grow-lights/ - https://www.amazon.de/dp/B0CSSGN5D8?ref=myi_title_dp