The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
18. November Die sechste Woche ist angebrochen. Heute keine Einsicht unternommen. 19. November Die Begleiter kommt so langsam aus der Erde. Sind noch wenige. Spätestens in einer Woche neu nachlegen, falls nicht ausreichend wachsen. Die drei Damen entwickeln sich prächtig. Stresssymptome durch das schneiden sind kaum noch bemerkbar. Cookies gelato kommt mit den neuen Hauptrieben sehr gut zurecht. Wachstumstempo hat deutlich zugenommen. Tropimango sieht deutlich gesünder aus. Auch bei ihr ist endlich mal etwas Tempo im Wachstum spürbar. Die Runtz fühlt sich aktuell so an als würde sie den Rahmen des Zeltes sprengen wollen, sobald es in den blütestretch geht. Die Triebe haben sehr dicke Stämme, die Blätter sind verhältnismäßig zu den anderen Pflanzen sehr groß. Selbst neu entwickelte Triebe und Blätter starten deutlich größer als ich es bisher gewohnt bin. Aber schaun wa mal was wird… was wird. Der Fimmingschnitt hat mir einen schrägen Trieb hervorgebracht. Ka was ich damit machen soll. Nächstes Mal halt gerade schneiden 🤝 20. November Runtz hat ein unglaubliches Wachstumsbedürfnis. Ihre Blätter sind riesig und tiefgrün. Sie verdeckt innerhalb von Stunden erneut ihre anderen Triebe Sie trinkt auch deutlich mehr als die Cookie & Tropi. Hab ihr heute nochmal 3l Wasser mit dem vollem Düngerprogramm zugemutet. Die anderen beiden kommen gut voran, haben allerdings noch kein Wasser bekommen. Die Töpfe sind noch zu schwer. Tropimango wuchert in alle Richtungen Cookies Gelato darf weiterhin an Höhe gewinnen. Ich spiele mit dem Gedanken sie kurz vor dem Wechsel in die Blüte erneut zu toppen. 😅 21. November Die Cookies gelato wurde mit 3l Wasser versorgt. Zusätzlich gabs noch 1ml power buds von plagron. Kleine Vorbereitung auf die Blüte. Tropimango hat 2l Wasser mit den normalen düngeschema erhalten. Runtz wurde gestern mit 3l versorgt, ebenfalls normale düngeschema. Zusätzlich hab ich ihr die großen Blätter genommen, sowie die seitentriebe neu ausgerichtet 22. November Habe bei der Runtz den schiefen Trieb abgeschnitten. Er ist leider viel zu verstümmelt. Die Idee war dass dieser Trieb dementsprechend der Pflanze Zuviel Energie zieht, die sie an einer anderen Stelle besser investieren könnte. Daher im heute der Schnitt Cookies Gelato gewinnt an Höhe. Im Verhältnis zur Runtz ist sie unglaublich gut ausgeprägt, ist allerdings auch 14 Tage älter. Die Tropimango sieht weiterhin merkwürdig aus. Ich kann leider nicht sagen ob ich beim Erde mischen irgendwas falsch gemacht habe. Weiß auch nicht wie ich drauf Einfluss nehmen könnte. Aber sie wächst. Von daher geht’s einfach weiter. 23. November Die Woche neigt sich so langsam dem Ende zu. Nach ewigem umentwcheiden kam ich jetzt dennoch zu dem Entschluss, die Pflanzen zu Beginn der neuen Woche in die Blüte zu schicken. Die Cookies gelato hat daher noch ihr letztes topping bekommen. Nachdem sie einen ordentlichen Wachstumsschub bekommen hat, gehe ich von aus dass sie es gut wegsteckt. Die tropimango gefällt mir immer besser :) Ich hoffe sie geht in der Blüte nicht unter, da sie eine babygenetik ist. Runtz (irgendwie hört sich der Name eklig an. Muss da an einen alten Mann denken, der seine Nase hochzieht und dann auf den Boden spuckt) wird so wie sie wird. Der Stamm ist super stabil aber sie ist verhältnismäßig klein für ihr Alter. Dafür produziert sie immer noch riesige Blätter. Cookies gelato ist nun 39 Tage alt. Tropimango ist nun 36 Tage alt. Runtz ist nun 25 Tage alt.
day 70 was harvest day !! really fast strain, 24h light ON really played a big role as well frosty buds and amazing strawberry smell, now lets dry it !!
day 70 was harvest day !! really fast strain, 24h light ON really played a big role as well frosty buds and amazing strawberry smell, now lets dry it !!
day 70 was harvest day !! really fast strain, 24h light ON really played a big role as well frosty buds and amazing strawberry smell, now lets dry it !!
day 70 was harvest day !! really fast strain, 24h light ON really played a big role as well frosty buds and amazing strawberry smell, now lets dry it !!
day 70 was harvest day !! really fast strain, 24h light ON really played a big role as well frosty buds and amazing strawberry smell, now lets dry it !!
day 70 was harvest day !! really fast strain, 24h light ON really played a big role as well frosty buds and amazing strawberry smell, now lets dry it !!
day 70 was harvest day !! really fast strain, 24h light ON really played a big role as well frosty buds and amazing strawberry smell, now lets dry it !!
day 70 was harvest day !! really fast strain, 24h light ON really played a big role as well frosty buds and amazing strawberry smell, now lets dry it !!
day 70 was harvest day !! really fast strain, 24h light ON really played a big role as well frosty buds and amazing strawberry smell, now lets dry it !!
day 70 was harvest day !! really fast strain, 24h light ON really played a big role as well frosty buds and amazing strawberry smell, now lets dry it !!
Harvest Notes ✂️ • Harvest Timing: Papaya Zoap was harvested at day 63, with select buds taken earlier at day 56 due to mold concerns. • Drying: After careful trimming, the buds were dried for 12 days. The quality and aroma during drying hinted at the stellar smoke to come. • Density & Yield: Buds were rock-solid, delivering an excellent yield with perfect density for storage and enjoyment. Terpene Profile & Aromas 🍋 • Primary Aromas: A tropical explosion with sweet papaya upfront, complemented by creamy, soapy undertones that make her truly unique. • Complexity: As the buds cure, a hint of citrus zest and exotic fruit emerges, creating a full-bodied terpene profile that’s simply irresistible. Cultivation Experience 💡 • Highlights: Her uniform growth, heavy trichome production, and response to super cropping made her a delight to grow. She thrived under careful spectrum adjustments and defoliation, showcasing her adaptability and vigor. • Challenges: The dense bud structure made her more prone to mold, especially in a high-humidity environment. However, proactive monitoring and swift action mitigated the spread. Verdict: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (9.8/10) Papaya Zoap is a strain that commands attention with her beauty, aroma, and unstoppable growth. While her susceptibility to mold required extra care, her overall performance, yield, and quality were nothing short of exceptional. A grower’s dream and a frosty masterpiece! Stay tuned for their individual harvest reports, smoke reviews, and more as we wrap up this epic series! Discount Codes so you can save big on your next check out 💚💚💚 Kannabia - DOGDOCTOR 30% off SeedsmanSeeds - DOGDOCTOR 10% off CannaKan- DOGDOCTOR 15% off - DOCTOR 15% off The Neutralizer - PORKIT5-DOG 15% off Fast Buds - DOGDOCT 15% off As always thank you all for stopping by, for the love and for it all , this journey of mine wold just not be the same without you guys, the love and support is very much appreciated and i fell honored and so joyful with you all in my life 🙏
 With true love comes happiness 💚🙏 Always believe in your self and always do things expecting nothing and with an open heart , be a giver and the universe will give back to you in ways you could not even imagine so 💚 Friendly reminder all you see here is pure research and for educational purposes only Growers Love to you all 💚💚💚
Day 57. Very frosty beautiful buds going. About to do some minor defoliation. Day 60. Fed with megacrop. Giving it megacrop every other watering, 10-15% runoff.
Harvest Notes ✂️ • Harvest Timing: Papaya Zoap was harvested at day 63, with select buds taken earlier at day 56 due to mold concerns. • Drying: After careful trimming, the buds were dried for 12 days. The quality and aroma during drying hinted at the stellar smoke to come. • Density & Yield: Buds were rock-solid, delivering an excellent yield with perfect density for storage and enjoyment. Terpene Profile & Aromas 🍋 • Primary Aromas: A tropical explosion with sweet papaya upfront, complemented by creamy, soapy undertones that make her truly unique. • Complexity: As the buds cure, a hint of citrus zest and exotic fruit emerges, creating a full-bodied terpene profile that’s simply irresistible. Cultivation Experience 💡 • Highlights: Her uniform growth, heavy trichome production, and response to super cropping made her a delight to grow. She thrived under careful spectrum adjustments and defoliation, showcasing her adaptability and vigor. • Challenges: The dense bud structure made her more prone to mold, especially in a high-humidity environment. However, proactive monitoring and swift action mitigated the spread. Verdict: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (9.8/10) Papaya Zoap is a strain that commands attention with her beauty, aroma, and unstoppable growth. While her susceptibility to mold required extra care, her overall performance, yield, and quality were nothing short of exceptional. A grower’s dream and a frosty masterpiece! Stay tuned for their individual harvest reports, smoke reviews, and more as we wrap up this epic series! Discount Codes so you can save big on your next check out 💚💚💚 Kannabia - DOGDOCTOR 30% off SeedsmanSeeds - DOGDOCTOR 10% off CannaKan- DOGDOCTOR 15% off - DOCTOR 15% off The Neutralizer - PORKIT5-DOG 15% off Fast Buds - DOGDOCT 15% off As always thank you all for stopping by, for the love and for it all , this journey of mine wold just not be the same without you guys, the love and support is very much appreciated and i fell honored and so joyful with you all in my life 🙏
 With true love comes happiness 💚🙏 Always believe in your self and always do things expecting nothing and with an open heart , be a giver and the universe will give back to you in ways you could not even imagine so 💚 Friendly reminder all you see here is pure research and for educational purposes only Growers Love to you all 💚💚💚
Harvest Notes ✂️ • Harvest Timing: Papaya Zoap was harvested at day 63, with select buds taken earlier at day 56 due to mold concerns. • Drying: After careful trimming, the buds were dried for 12 days. The quality and aroma during drying hinted at the stellar smoke to come. • Density & Yield: Buds were rock-solid, delivering an excellent yield with perfect density for storage and enjoyment. Terpene Profile & Aromas 🍋 • Primary Aromas: A tropical explosion with sweet papaya upfront, complemented by creamy, soapy undertones that make her truly unique. • Complexity: As the buds cure, a hint of citrus zest and exotic fruit emerges, creating a full-bodied terpene profile that’s simply irresistible. Cultivation Experience 💡 • Highlights: Her uniform growth, heavy trichome production, and response to super cropping made her a delight to grow. She thrived under careful spectrum adjustments and defoliation, showcasing her adaptability and vigor. • Challenges: The dense bud structure made her more prone to mold, especially in a high-humidity environment. However, proactive monitoring and swift action mitigated the spread. Verdict: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (9.8/10) Papaya Zoap is a strain that commands attention with her beauty, aroma, and unstoppable growth. While her susceptibility to mold required extra care, her overall performance, yield, and quality were nothing short of exceptional. A grower’s dream and a frosty masterpiece! Stay tuned for their individual harvest reports, smoke reviews, and more as we wrap up this epic series! Discount Codes so you can save big on your next check out 💚💚💚 Kannabia - DOGDOCTOR 30% off SeedsmanSeeds - DOGDOCTOR 10% off CannaKan- DOGDOCTOR 15% off - DOCTOR 15% off The Neutralizer - PORKIT5-DOG 15% off Fast Buds - DOGDOCT 15% off As always thank you all for stopping by, for the love and for it all , this journey of mine wold just not be the same without you guys, the love and support is very much appreciated and i fell honored and so joyful with you all in my life 🙏
 With true love comes happiness 💚🙏 Always believe in your self and always do things expecting nothing and with an open heart , be a giver and the universe will give back to you in ways you could not even imagine so 💚 Friendly reminder all you see here is pure research and for educational purposes only Growers Love to you all 💚💚💚
Harvest Notes ✂️ • Harvest Timing: Papaya Zoap was harvested at day 63, with select buds taken earlier at day 56 due to mold concerns. • Drying: After careful trimming, the buds were dried for 12 days. The quality and aroma during drying hinted at the stellar smoke to come. • Density & Yield: Buds were rock-solid, delivering an excellent yield with perfect density for storage and enjoyment. Terpene Profile & Aromas 🍋 • Primary Aromas: A tropical explosion with sweet papaya upfront, complemented by creamy, soapy undertones that make her truly unique. • Complexity: As the buds cure, a hint of citrus zest and exotic fruit emerges, creating a full-bodied terpene profile that’s simply irresistible. Cultivation Experience 💡 • Highlights: Her uniform growth, heavy trichome production, and response to super cropping made her a delight to grow. She thrived under careful spectrum adjustments and defoliation, showcasing her adaptability and vigor. • Challenges: The dense bud structure made her more prone to mold, especially in a high-humidity environment. However, proactive monitoring and swift action mitigated the spread. Verdict: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (9.8/10) Papaya Zoap is a strain that commands attention with her beauty, aroma, and unstoppable growth. While her susceptibility to mold required extra care, her overall performance, yield, and quality were nothing short of exceptional. A grower’s dream and a frosty masterpiece! Stay tuned for their individual harvest reports, smoke reviews, and more as we wrap up this epic series! Discount Codes so you can save big on your next check out 💚💚💚 Kannabia - DOGDOCTOR 30% off SeedsmanSeeds - DOGDOCTOR 10% off CannaKan- DOGDOCTOR 15% off - DOCTOR 15% off The Neutralizer - PORKIT5-DOG 15% off Fast Buds - DOGDOCT 15% off As always thank you all for stopping by, for the love and for it all , this journey of mine wold just not be the same without you guys, the love and support is very much appreciated and i fell honored and so joyful with you all in my life 🙏
 With true love comes happiness 💚🙏 Always believe in your self and always do things expecting nothing and with an open heart , be a giver and the universe will give back to you in ways you could not even imagine so 💚 Friendly reminder all you see here is pure research and for educational purposes only Growers Love to you all 💚💚💚
Harvest Notes ✂️ • Harvest Timing: Papaya Zoap was harvested at day 63, with select buds taken earlier at day 56 due to mold concerns. • Drying: After careful trimming, the buds were dried for 12 days. The quality and aroma during drying hinted at the stellar smoke to come. • Density & Yield: Buds were rock-solid, delivering an excellent yield with perfect density for storage and enjoyment. Terpene Profile & Aromas 🍋 • Primary Aromas: A tropical explosion with sweet papaya upfront, complemented by creamy, soapy undertones that make her truly unique. • Complexity: As the buds cure, a hint of citrus zest and exotic fruit emerges, creating a full-bodied terpene profile that’s simply irresistible. Cultivation Experience 💡 • Highlights: Her uniform growth, heavy trichome production, and response to super cropping made her a delight to grow. She thrived under careful spectrum adjustments and defoliation, showcasing her adaptability and vigor. • Challenges: The dense bud structure made her more prone to mold, especially in a high-humidity environment. However, proactive monitoring and swift action mitigated the spread. Verdict: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (9.8/10) Papaya Zoap is a strain that commands attention with her beauty, aroma, and unstoppable growth. While her susceptibility to mold required extra care, her overall performance, yield, and quality were nothing short of exceptional. A grower’s dream and a frosty masterpiece! Stay tuned for their individual harvest reports, smoke reviews, and more as we wrap up this epic series! Discount Codes so you can save big on your next check out 💚💚💚 Kannabia - DOGDOCTOR 30% off SeedsmanSeeds - DOGDOCTOR 10% off CannaKan- DOGDOCTOR 15% off - DOCTOR 15% off The Neutralizer - PORKIT5-DOG 15% off Fast Buds - DOGDOCT 15% off As always thank you all for stopping by, for the love and for it all , this journey of mine wold just not be the same without you guys, the love and support is very much appreciated and i fell honored and so joyful with you all in my life 🙏
 With true love comes happiness 💚🙏 Always believe in your self and always do things expecting nothing and with an open heart , be a giver and the universe will give back to you in ways you could not even imagine so 💚 Friendly reminder all you see here is pure research and for educational purposes only Growers Love to you all 💚💚💚
Runtz auto is growing well. I just lst, and defoliated her. Everything is looking good and she should start flowering soon. Thank you Plagron, Medic Grow, and Zamnesia seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱