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18. November Die sechste Woche ist angebrochen. Heute keine Einsicht unternommen. 19. November Die Begleiter kommt so langsam aus der Erde. Sind noch wenige. Spätestens in einer Woche neu nachlegen, falls nicht ausreichend wachsen. Die drei Damen entwickeln sich prächtig. Stresssymptome durch das schneiden sind kaum noch bemerkbar. Cookies gelato kommt mit den neuen Hauptrieben sehr gut zurecht. Wachstumstempo hat deutlich zugenommen. Tropimango sieht deutlich gesünder aus. Auch bei ihr ist endlich mal etwas Tempo im Wachstum spürbar. Die Runtz fühlt sich aktuell so an als würde sie den Rahmen des Zeltes sprengen wollen, sobald es in den blütestretch geht. Die Triebe haben sehr dicke Stämme, die Blätter sind verhältnismäßig zu den anderen Pflanzen sehr groß. Selbst neu entwickelte Triebe und Blätter starten deutlich größer als ich es bisher gewohnt bin. Aber schaun wa mal was wird… was wird. Der Fimmingschnitt hat mir einen schrägen Trieb hervorgebracht. Ka was ich damit machen soll. Nächstes Mal halt gerade schneiden 🤝 20. November Runtz hat ein unglaubliches Wachstumsbedürfnis. Ihre Blätter sind riesig und tiefgrün. Sie verdeckt innerhalb von Stunden erneut ihre anderen Triebe Sie trinkt auch deutlich mehr als die Cookie & Tropi. Hab ihr heute nochmal 3l Wasser mit dem vollem Düngerprogramm zugemutet. Die anderen beiden kommen gut voran, haben allerdings noch kein Wasser bekommen. Die Töpfe sind noch zu schwer. Tropimango wuchert in alle Richtungen Cookies Gelato darf weiterhin an Höhe gewinnen. Ich spiele mit dem Gedanken sie kurz vor dem Wechsel in die Blüte erneut zu toppen. 😅 21. November Die Cookies gelato wurde mit 3l Wasser versorgt. Zusätzlich gabs noch 1ml power buds von plagron. Kleine Vorbereitung auf die Blüte. Tropimango hat 2l Wasser mit den normalen düngeschema erhalten. Runtz wurde gestern mit 3l versorgt, ebenfalls normale düngeschema. Zusätzlich hab ich ihr die großen Blätter genommen, sowie die seitentriebe neu ausgerichtet 22. November Habe bei der Runtz den schiefen Trieb abgeschnitten. Er ist leider viel zu verstümmelt. Die Idee war dass dieser Trieb dementsprechend der Pflanze Zuviel Energie zieht, die sie an einer anderen Stelle besser investieren könnte. Daher im heute der Schnitt Cookies Gelato gewinnt an Höhe. Im Verhältnis zur Runtz ist sie unglaublich gut ausgeprägt, ist allerdings auch 14 Tage älter. Die Tropimango sieht weiterhin merkwürdig aus. Ich kann leider nicht sagen ob ich beim Erde mischen irgendwas falsch gemacht habe. Weiß auch nicht wie ich drauf Einfluss nehmen könnte. Aber sie wächst. Von daher geht’s einfach weiter. 23. November Die Woche neigt sich so langsam dem Ende zu. Nach ewigem umentwcheiden kam ich jetzt dennoch zu dem Entschluss, die Pflanzen zu Beginn der neuen Woche in die Blüte zu schicken. Die Cookies gelato hat daher noch ihr letztes topping bekommen. Nachdem sie einen ordentlichen Wachstumsschub bekommen hat, gehe ich von aus dass sie es gut wegsteckt. Die tropimango gefällt mir immer besser :) Ich hoffe sie geht in der Blüte nicht unter, da sie eine babygenetik ist. Runtz (irgendwie hört sich der Name eklig an. Muss da an einen alten Mann denken, der seine Nase hochzieht und dann auf den Boden spuckt) wird so wie sie wird. Der Stamm ist super stabil aber sie ist verhältnismäßig klein für ihr Alter. Dafür produziert sie immer noch riesige Blätter. Cookies gelato ist nun 39 Tage alt. Tropimango ist nun 36 Tage alt. Runtz ist nun 25 Tage alt.
What a week! Shes been glossing and thicking up! Been checking the trichomes waiting a bit longer to get them milky woth few amber caps! Shes been smelling amazing super strong! Im excited for the next grow! In the next few weeks ill do a smoke review going to really take my time curing and drying! Thanks for the free seeds @seedsmans loved that this grow taught me so much! Hope you approve 👌🔥💎 Just harvested the 2nd plant shes looking good thick and bushy!! Had a good run with her even tho she was a stunted plant smells amazing super sticky! Happy growing what should I grow next?? Thanks agains seedsmans
LJ4Q23 Flower 8 SOP LJ4Q23 - 8-Plant SOG from Cuts Harvest Window - Earliest: 2024.02.01 - Latest: 2024.02.10 Objective: - 8 Plants - Single Colas - No Branches - Harvest Lemon Jeffery (Narrow Leaf Phenos): 70±5 days - Light Intensity - Ramp up from 200 - 40 DLI, at 13 hour ScotoPeriod, will need MAX Light to Achieve ______________________________________ Start of Week: [ 2023-01-17, LJ4Q 57:F:7:1] End of Week: [ 2024-01-23, LJ4Q 63:F:7:7] Plant Height: [ 21, in] Temp: [ 78, °F] RH: [ 63, %] VPD: [ 0.83, kPa] Light Intensity Peak: [ 950 , µMol/m2/s] Light Distance: [ 8, in] Environment Targets (Flower 7 - 9): - Scotoperiod: [ 13, h] # Contiguous dark hours daily - TemperatureMax: [ 78, °F] - RH: [60, %] - VPD: [ 1.1, mS] - LightIntensityMax: [ 1000, µMol/m2/s] - LightDistance: [ 8, “] Flower 8 - RLA Hydro Chart, EC 2.3, 2 GAL - Primer A: [ 11.5, ml, gal], [ 23, ml] - Primer B: [ 11.5, ml, gal], [ 23, ml] - Silica Skin: [ 5.75, ml, gal], [ 11.5, ml] - Quillaja20, [ 0.5, tsp] - Mammoth-P: [ 6, drops, gal], [ 12, drops] - PhotoSynthesis Plus: [ 6, ml, gal], [ 12, ml] - Plant Success: - King Crab: [ 0.5, ml, gal], [ 1, ml] - Build-a-Soil: - Quillaja20 Powder: [ 0.25, tsp/gal], [ 0.5, tsp] - South Cascade Organics: - SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal], [ 10, ml] __ Wed Jan 17, 2024 LJ4Q 50:F:7:1 - [x] Measure Runoff: [ 550, ml] - [x] EC: [ 2.6, mS] __ Thu Jan 18, 2024 LJ4Q 51:F:7:2 - [x] Measure Runoff: [ 450, ml] - [x] EC: [ 2.7, mS] - [ ] Let’s start tapering down EC - 2.0 __ Fri Jan 19, 2024 LJ4Q 52:F:7:3 - [ ] Measure Runoff: [ 450, ml] - [ ] EC: [ 2.8, mS] __ Sat Jan 20, 2024 LJ4Q 53:F:7:4 - [x] Measure Runoff: [ 450, ml] - [x] EC: [ 2.8, mS] - [x] @Lights On - Clean Xeri-Bird8 Manifold’s 75µ Filter - [x] Dump & Clean Reservoir and Pumps - [x] Refresh Reservoir (Been 7 Days Since Last 4 Gal Refill) 2.1 Liters/Day, 8 Plants, 260 ml/day, 56 ml/day Runoff 21% - [x] EC: 2.4, 4 Gal - [x] PrimerA: [ 11.5, ml, gal], [ 46, ml] - [x] PrimerB: [ 11.5, ml, gal], [ 46, ml] - [x] Silica Skin: [ 5.75, ml, gal], [ 23, ml] - [x] Photosynthesis Plus: [ 6, ml, gal], [24, ml] - [x] Quillaja20 Powder: [ 0.25, tsp, gal], [ 1, tsp] - [x] SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal], [20, ml] - Consider Reducing Per Fertigation Duration ~ Try 95% Duration . . . __ Sun Jan 21, 2024 LJ4Q 54:F:7:5 - [ ] Measure Runoff: [ XXX, ml] - [ ] EC: [ XXX, mS] __ Mon Jan 22, 2024 LJ4Q 55:F:7:6 - [x] Measure Runoff: [ 100, ml] - [x] EC: [ 3.7, mS] - [x] Added 1 Minute to Each Run Duration  __ Tue Jan 23, 2024 LJ4Q 56:F:7:7 - [ ] Measure Runoff: [ XXX, ml] - [ ] EC: [ XXX, mS] - [x] Dilute Reservoir to EC: 2.1 - NOT, Res was AT 2.1 @ 2024-01-23T10:55:04-0600
Week 7 we can see the beauty behind exotic genetics creation. Strawberry candy terps present heavily at this point.
Week 7 we can see the beauty behind exotic genetics creation. Strawberry candy terps present heavily at this point.
plants were majorly defoliated and are flowering awesomely! just the small one is showing some deficiencies due to unstable pH ---- mid week update: i am becoming kind of concerned about buds themselves – they seem rather small at this stage 😳
plants were majorly defoliated and are flowering awesomely! just the small one is showing some deficiencies due to unstable pH ---- mid week update: i am becoming kind of concerned about buds themselves – they seem rather small at this stage 😳
First week old, doing nicely 🍀 Some info: -----------------------Jack Herer----------------- Jack Herer is the most powerful cannabis plant you can grow from seed, so definitely one of your favorites! Our cannabis seeds are regularly tested and time and again show very good results with germination and stable growth of the plants. The plant consists mainly of sativa genetics. These cannabis seeds grow into beautiful cannabis plants that provide a good yield of dense buds with a high THC content. This is a strain that is suitable for both indoor and outdoor cultivation. Smoking this cannabis provides a powerful high with a long-lasting effect. Properties of Jack Herer cannabis seeds – Large yield with dense buds – These cannabis seeds are suitable for indoor and outdoor cultivation – Very well-known and popular cannabis strain – This is a strain with a high THC content – Gives you a powerful, long-lasting effect Information Jack Herer cannabis seeds Flowering time: 9 weeks Genetics: Jack Herer x Northern Light 70% sativa, 30% indica Plant height outdoors: 100 to 200 cm Harvest month outdoors: from June to October Yield indoors: 550 gr / m² Yield outdoors: 200 – 800 gr / plant THC : 20% Link to the shop:
Starting this diary to participate in the Tent-X Ultimate Grow Challenge. Using 10x strawberry cookies from super sativa seeds club We are growing with 7 liter pots in light mix using biogrow and biobloom ase base nutrients from greenhouse feeding + addictives from Xpert nutrients. Light by marshydro and of course the control panel from Tent-X Trolmaster We germinated the 15th of January and the small little plants popped in some days, being totally formed as seedling the 20th more or less. Week 1 of veg started the 20th!
Days 42 through 49 of flower and all three Phenos are expressing themselves differently. Pheno #1 continues to express darkened fan leaves almost purple and much more frosty than her sisters. Pheno #2 is the other end of the spectrum remaining green, but less frost. Pheno #3 seems to be a mix of the other two and its fan leaves are turning colors of autumn. Those are my visual observations as we head into week 8 of flower with harvest just around the corner. No nutrients or grow techniques used during week 7 flower. Other than a watering to saturation on day 42, I really haven't done anything other than observing and maintaining health of plant. For me, that involves tracking VPD to ensure optimal plant performance. Able to track VPD with recent upgrade to the AC Infinity Cloudline Pro fan system. The integrated environmental controls managed on my smart phone has been a game changer. So, happy that I made the upgrade. Thanks again for stopping by and checking out the diary.
Days 42 through 49 of flower and all three Phenos are expressing themselves differently. Pheno #1 continues to express darkened fan leaves almost purple and much more frosty than her sisters. Pheno #2 is the other end of the spectrum remaining green, but less frost. Pheno #3 seems to be a mix of the other two and its fan leaves are turning colors of autumn. Those are my visual observations as we head into week 8 of flower with harvest just around the corner. No nutrients or grow techniques used during week 7 flower. Other than a watering to saturation on day 42, I really haven't done anything other than observing and maintaining health of plant. For me, that involves tracking VPD to ensure optimal plant performance. Able to track VPD with recent upgrade to the AC Infinity Cloudline Pro fan system. The integrated environmental controls managed on my smart phone has been a game changer. So, happy that I made the upgrade. Thanks again for stopping by and checking out the diary.
Hello Growmies, Our journey with Epic Buzz by Anesia Seeds, which began with germination on the 20th of January, has quickly progressed to an exciting stage. Just three days into the seedling phase, which started on the 21st of January, the seedlings are already showing promising signs of vigorous growth and health. Each seedling, displaying a lush green hue, stands uniformly in both color and height, indicating a healthy and robust start. Their growth over the past three days has been remarkable, reaching heights between 5.5 and 6.5 cm. This growth spurt is a clear indication of their strong developmental potential. The transition to their next stage of growth was marked by a careful transplantation process. As soon as the first tap roots appeared at the bottom of the easy plugs, we moved them to 1-liter airpots. During this process, we treated the easy plugs with Great White, aiding in their root development. The airpots were prepared with Biobizz Light Mix, providing them with the necessary initial moisture. Since then, we've refrained from additional watering to let them settle into their new environment. Lighting has been a key focus in their care. We've set the light intensity to a gentle 15-20%, which translates to about 150 PPFD. This level ensures that they receive enough light for growth without being overwhelmed, which is crucial at their current seedling stage. In other exciting developments, the Tent X Controller has arrived. Although it's not yet in the same tent as our Epic Buzz seedlings, its presence is a significant addition to our setup. We've shared an unboxing video to showcase its features and setup process. The controller is now operational, tracking data efficiently. Its performance has been flawless, and any queries we've had have been promptly addressed by an incredibly responsive and helpful support team. As we look forward, our focus remains on the seedlings as they continue to establish themselves in their new environment. The Tent X Controller, set up in a different location for now, signifies an upgrade in our overall growing setup. We will continue to closely monitor their progress, making adjustments as necessary to ensure they receive the best possible care. We're also eagerly anticipating integrating the Tent X Controller into their environment in the future. Stay Lifted Salokin
Hello Growmies, Our journey with Epic Buzz by Anesia Seeds, which began with germination on the 20th of January, has quickly progressed to an exciting stage. Just three days into the seedling phase, which started on the 21st of January, the seedlings are already showing promising signs of vigorous growth and health. Each seedling, displaying a lush green hue, stands uniformly in both color and height, indicating a healthy and robust start. Their growth over the past three days has been remarkable, reaching heights between 5.5 and 6.5 cm. This growth spurt is a clear indication of their strong developmental potential. The transition to their next stage of growth was marked by a careful transplantation process. As soon as the first tap roots appeared at the bottom of the easy plugs, we moved them to 1-liter airpots. During this process, we treated the easy plugs with Great White, aiding in their root development. The airpots were prepared with Biobizz Light Mix, providing them with the necessary initial moisture. Since then, we've refrained from additional watering to let them settle into their new environment. Lighting has been a key focus in their care. We've set the light intensity to a gentle 15-20%, which translates to about 150 PPFD. This level ensures that they receive enough light for growth without being overwhelmed, which is crucial at their current seedling stage. In other exciting developments, the Tent X Controller has arrived. Although it's not yet in the same tent as our Epic Buzz seedlings, its presence is a significant addition to our setup. We've shared an unboxing video to showcase its features and setup process. The controller is now operational, tracking data efficiently. Its performance has been flawless, and any queries we've had have been promptly addressed by an incredibly responsive and helpful support team. As we look forward, our focus remains on the seedlings as they continue to establish themselves in their new environment. The Tent X Controller, set up in a different location for now, signifies an upgrade in our overall growing setup. We will continue to closely monitor their progress, making adjustments as necessary to ensure they receive the best possible care. We're also eagerly anticipating integrating the Tent X Controller into their environment in the future. Stay Lifted Salokin
Hello Growmies, Our journey with Epic Buzz by Anesia Seeds, which began with germination on the 20th of January, has quickly progressed to an exciting stage. Just three days into the seedling phase, which started on the 21st of January, the seedlings are already showing promising signs of vigorous growth and health. Each seedling, displaying a lush green hue, stands uniformly in both color and height, indicating a healthy and robust start. Their growth over the past three days has been remarkable, reaching heights between 5.5 and 6.5 cm. This growth spurt is a clear indication of their strong developmental potential. The transition to their next stage of growth was marked by a careful transplantation process. As soon as the first tap roots appeared at the bottom of the easy plugs, we moved them to 1-liter airpots. During this process, we treated the easy plugs with Great White, aiding in their root development. The airpots were prepared with Biobizz Light Mix, providing them with the necessary initial moisture. Since then, we've refrained from additional watering to let them settle into their new environment. Lighting has been a key focus in their care. We've set the light intensity to a gentle 15-20%, which translates to about 150 PPFD. This level ensures that they receive enough light for growth without being overwhelmed, which is crucial at their current seedling stage. In other exciting developments, the Tent X Controller has arrived. Although it's not yet in the same tent as our Epic Buzz seedlings, its presence is a significant addition to our setup. We've shared an unboxing video to showcase its features and setup process. The controller is now operational, tracking data efficiently. Its performance has been flawless, and any queries we've had have been promptly addressed by an incredibly responsive and helpful support team. As we look forward, our focus remains on the seedlings as they continue to establish themselves in their new environment. The Tent X Controller, set up in a different location for now, signifies an upgrade in our overall growing setup. We will continue to closely monitor their progress, making adjustments as necessary to ensure they receive the best possible care. We're also eagerly anticipating integrating the Tent X Controller into their environment in the future. Stay Lifted Salokin
Hi growmes I'm happy with our my good plant is coming along I thought my little Mars hydro sp150 light was not powerful enough for a 2x2 tent in flower but when reading the master growers diaries with the same plagron nutrients and Zamnesia biscotti seeds there girls was not joining up into huge Cola's so I'm guessing it was genetics but I'm still very happy with all that I have learnt for my first grow. Was reading this week's growweedeasy newsletter and there was a photo of a members first grow hanging up drying and growweedeasy were saying this could be you if you pay for our master class and I know your harvest will get smaller when they are drying but they were all little and airy not even one big main cola if anyone gets a chance take a look it's a joke considering this is the picture there using to advertise signing up and paying for their master class. Also my diaries are out by about two weeks but can't be bothered to change it not very computer savvy but I still think this app is hard to use but should get better the more I use it 😂
Day 6 in flower the back left one has extremely outgrown the other 3. The front right has shown pistils and the other 2 are short and bushy so hoping I have 3 girls. Going to keep an eye on the tall one till it shows sex. Didn't get a chance to prune at all due to being in tiny pots for veg 6 weeks and causing stress and didn't want to over do it with transplanting them soo late I will wait untill week 3 of flower before I prune and keep bending the fan leaves under the lower canopy untill then. The smell is lovely