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Following RQS auto guide : WEEK 2: LATE SEEDLING STAGE #8 22.3. - #14 28.3. #8 22.3. - Canna PH- grow (and bloom) arrived today, mixed 6ml to 3liters and poured around the pots (hoping to get hum. up also) will see what it does and if the PH starts going down from the 7+ i can start adding smaller amounts. -Moved around the LEDlights (those have 'bout 2000LUX at plant level) so they are more along the tent walls. -Moved temp meter from lamp to plant levet (have now confirmed the lamps wont heat up too much under current air flow so its safe to stop monitoring heat source temps. -Removed the "glass" from 3in1 meter and the tape from the front, tested the luxes, still at few hundred, so i would guess the LUX meter in that cheap meter is BS!. Now the PH is way more visible in the camera when there is no screen reflection etc. Added pics of the luxes from android app, will receive the "real"meter possbl this week. -When i had tent door open and did the stuff mentioned above the temp dropped to about 13degrees, but now we are already back up at 23'c at plant level, so seems stat the current exh-fan rotation is good. -Plants emself have taken some sort of an growth spur 'cause just few days ago they seemed like they are not growing at all, and ow i can really see the difference and they are making next set of leafes, might be that the temps risen so they enjoy em self now way more - forgot to take new pics from the plants emself so will juts update pics from cam for now , at least there's been some change again. -Will try to remember take proper pics of the plants next time i visit the tent physically -Should remember to buy the "LST-wire" for training, would be good time to buy some eastern decorations fluffy wires. #9 23.3. -Noticed that the timelapse camera is getting thrown around as well as one LEDpanel, so went and tied em up to tent posts. -Added 1,5liters of water that had 6ml of PH- canna in it, and poured in to "middle corner" of every pot. -Tent was way more warm and moist inside then ever before, which is a good thing, im sure after the latest added water im getting there. -Ordered a RAM humidifier. And some nutes pack from bio-grow. -Updated "week2 timelapse" (Check 1st week for its timelapse) -Note to self: Take those damn "camera quality" plant pictures, you are supposed to...- #10 24.3. -Started small form of LST -Guess who forgot to take the closeup pictures... again... Well better luck next time :D -Added 5liter RAM humidifier, at lowest possible setting, so that the water would last longest -Added 1,5liters of water with BioBizz nutes that came today in mail, Alg-A-Mic, Root-Juice and Top-Max. -Added ScrOG, but obviously its now just tested that it fits and its hanging at the tent side. -Had to move the Fast Eddy a bit and make a "stand" for the humidifier. -Moved the other LED (2300lux) a bit further up, will have more effect when plants grow, and those can be had as a xtra lights. -Moved some wires around their sockets to get better fit for all connectors. -Adjusted the camera directions -Turned both fans to level 1 of 2 -exhaust fan still at about 50% timer on/off, that must been what caused the "wobbly"pictures in timelapse as the tent gained more vacuum inside which must have drawn in the walls a bit. #11 25.3. -Not sure if i did anything #12 26.3. -Water run out from humidifier -Added a pic of the day -Luxmeter arrived, didn't had time to install it yet, but tested and found working. #13 27.3. -Added Hydrometer -Filled humidifier -Poured 1liter of water with nutes -Added/moved LST's -Finally remembered to take the close up pics of the plants! wohoo. -After following the hums i think i might add exhaust flow as its also warmer outside so the tent can now take it #14 28.3. -Last day of #2 week -Did nothing, just watched em grow. -Water run out of hum. hum went from 65% to 45%
Following RQS auto guide : WEEK 3: VEGETATION WELL UNDERWAY #15 29.3. - #21 4.4. #15 29.3. -Nothing done on this day, except remotemonitoring #16 30.3. -Watered with nutes mix and with PH- mix -Filled hudfr. -Increased exhaust fan from 1/2 time on to 2/3 time on. -Modified the old LST's and bent rest of the plants too #17 31.3. -Watered again, with nutes mix and with just water, 3liters. -increased exhaus to be 100% -Shutdown humidifier -Tent now at 22c-25'c and about 40% hum. -removed the 3in1 meter, was just bs... -Otherwise growing nicely. #18 01.4. -Nothing done on this day, except remotemonitoring #19 02.4. -Nothing done on this day, except remotemonitoring #20 03.4. -Mixed all nutes to a 1,5liters , then mixed that with water to an 3liters and Watered with that solution, so about 0,75liters/pot -more LST as the plants are getting bigger -Removed humidifier from tent, as the hum. stays between 30-40% even with exhaust fan at 100% on. -Moved the temp diode closer to side of strskllr pot, as it got "too" close to plant leafs -Added pictures of LST and 2,5hours after it, noticeable change in plant directions, so immediately they are turning towards lights (as the should) -Oh right, 'cause there is 2x purplematics, i kinda FIMmed the other with just my fingers, at least i got some leaf heads out, so might been fimmed might not been fimmed, will see if there is any difference compared to his mate in the same pot.. #21 05.4. -Again a "last day of the week", this week must been "fastest", possibly 'cause again a day with "nothing done , just remotemonitoring" in diary also. -Will start watering more next (0,5liters/24h/plant stated in RQS guide 'bout growing autos : ) -Also next week should be the last week in VEG phase, there was already some minor smell in tent, even with coalfilter at exhaust line intake, but id say no flowering nodes yet visible, will take "close-ups" after i spot any (nextweek) -Will not use Buddy next week, unless there is any visible flowerings, after that should be used accordingly.
Germination date 🌰 26/01/2021 Day 49 🌱 20/03/2021 Strain 🍁 🍉Watermelon zkittlez auto Barneys farm 🍉 Nutrients 💉 All mix slow release fertilizer 3lts/90lts of soil (guanokalong) Organic Wormcastings 25% of bag and added small amount slow release organic bloom to soil. Will top, top soil up in 3weeks 5weeks 7weeks as they say they're 70day auto. Will be adding in bat guano and bloom to water 5weeks on Set Up ⛺ amazon special not super cheap 💡 spiderfarmer sf4000 📤📥 AC infinity 6inch Notes ✏️🗒️ Will take some more pictures later and update.. Coco plants are taking up all my time at the minute so lucky these autos are packed with dry amendments and keeping themselves going. Considering there not getting much attention this strain is so frosty and it stinks. I know if I put my full attention into these they would be mega frosty. Other 2 are behind and will most probably end up outside as I dont want to super veg the photo periods 1st time round. Purple matcha is growing like a beast and looks like it's going to hog a lot of room come flower. Definitely making things harder with doing photos and autos together, wont be doing that again unless I extend my grow space in the future. Pk week for the bigger one. Happy growing everyone 🌱🍁 Updated some pics, let me know what you all think. Spider farmer 4000 is proving to be a very good purchase and no I didnt pay the stupid amazon price 😂 Managed to get for under £400 on black friday last year direct so if your thinking of getting one go direct to spiderfarmer 👍🏻 Vitalink buddy and pk doings its job nicely. Girls are packing on some weight 🍁👍🏻
Following RQS auto guide : WEEK 1: GERMINATION AND EARLY SEEDLING STAGE #1 15.3. - #7 21.3. 13.3. 23.30 Three pots has growth above, so will now start writing things for 1week. And still waiting for the purplematic to catch up :) -Added 1 more timelapse camera -Removed rest of the wraps -Added new potmarkers for better visibility in new "basecam" -Noticed water buildup behind coal filter added styrofoam pieces behind it to move it away from walls -Started the exhaus fan -Outside temp is now +2'c which is 'bout 17c degrees warmer then week ago, so everything is timing out just nice. -Again roamed around the tent so much that i accidentally seem to have moved my temp monitor so now the camera cant pick up its readins have to go move it a bit tomorrow, (moved, pic updated) also tought about getting a netatmo for remote readings But ended up ordering the basic 3-1 meter (the green knob version that has light, hum, ph on switch) 14.3. Added 1st timelapse "test" video, can see the growth of 2nd leaf pair. (updated) -Also ordered some "BioBizz Bio-Grow" nutes for growperiod -For now will only add some basic info without exact metrics and just 1 pic from the "skycam" and one from the "basecam" 15.3. Updated pics and test video to have one more day in it. Will water (watered 11th or 12.3. 1½liters each) and updated info 16.3 at some point 16.3. Added a longer timelapse vid from base cam about "Dancing seedlings" (The one in the left down corner is not visible in "basecam" yet.) All 4 out of 4 have now germinated and grown above ground. Added 1ltr of water around the plants, so about 2dl / pot. Nutes i've thrown in raw few days ago few splashes here and there aroudn the soil. The bio-grow order arrived, will be adding that around thursday. Also decided to change the week rhytm so that a week always starts on monday and ends on sunday, so i can be more clear on what week or which day of a current week is going on. (so even thou its now "4th" day of this week, im counting it as a 2nd day as its tuesday) 18.3. Mixed about 2ml of biobizz grow to a 1,5liter of water, stirred and tossed at the plants, keeping up with current reported watering amount (about 2,5dl/every2nd day) Checked the lux, moist,ph with the 3in1 meter. Luxes were about 200, will throw in my other ESL in the tent also, maybe during weekend. That should also heat the tent up a bit for better temps. PH 7+, i think, if i read the meter correctly or use it correctly, so ordered bottles of Canna PH- grow and Canna PH- bloom. Moist was 5/10-7/10 so "moist"-level between dry and wet Moved the basecam around and 2 plants (obviously with soil etc) so all 4 are more visible in the timelapse (uploaded newest timelapse) Also hoping for the winter to pass on already so i get higher temps and better grow, plants seem to be taking a bit longer to grow at these sub20 temps. Well it should warmp up in a 1-2weeks. Currently night temp outside -6'c. Would like it to go up a 10-15degrees. Dont want to turn off the exhaust to warm up either. Will see if the additional lamp helps, cant remember if it was 100,120,150w ESL or so. (edit: checked, was 65w, will wire it now 20.3) 20.3. Watered the plants with nutes and updated the nute amounts, about 1,5liters divided in 4pots, so about 3,5dl each, then again the pots are "huge" so... Still the growth for the roots and above ground is very slow and possibly because the temps are so low, it should start to go above +'c degrees again starting 22.3. so next week. Hopefully will wire up the 65ESL today, and maybe install tomorrow then, that should give a little temp boost, i would also have a 200w heater i could add in the tent, but not surr if i will... Will update the timelapse tomorrow after 2nd ESL install. 21.3. Added the 65watt ESL lamp (blue) and put it closest to solomatic which is least grown so far Added timer to exhaus fan so now its 50% off and 50% on, to raise temperatures, immeadiate effect was about +3degrees after lamp and fan adjstm. So now temp inside tent (above plants and exhaust point) is 25,8+'c Updated timelapse video to lastest and while inspecting it ->OMG the other purplematic seed can also be seen dancing up, just under the 3-1 meter, thought one of them wouldn't make it, but there she is. So now there is 5 plants , will see if i'll keep both purples' depens how they fit in the same space, would be intresting thou. Also as i always talk about weather outside... now between +3'c and +5'c so hopefully we stay in this and go just upwards, so the air gets more moist and warmer also inside the tent 21.3. 8hours after exhaust fan 50% and 65w more CFL, the tent is now at up to 26,1'c which is so far the highest, so will keep it like this for a while, now have to see what to do with lux and moist, ordered moist meter i can just leave there and will be visible in the cam. Also ordered a lux meter, im sure there is more lux then the 300 the 3in1 meter showd, 'cause with my telephone i got 2300lux of the same LED which i have 2 in the tent, (using one in house for other plants) 21.3. 23.xx Just noticed this was the last day of the first week, wouldn't even notice the growth without the daily check of the timelapse :) that really helps out. Hottest tent temp been that 26 and now "night temp" at 24. So this is way better than that 10degrees less ;) I'll update with new "proper" pictures the start of new week and open it up "tomorrow"(maybe).
This week i flushing a plant 7-10days and use ice burn then close a light before hardvest 2days
This week i flushing a plant 7-10days and use ice burn. And close a light before hardvest 2days
Harvest time, both divine storm ladies did amazing under the Mars-Hydro TSW2000. Pheno 1 was an absolute monster! Huge dense buds!! Pheno 2, while the runt of the grow, also produced impressive buds. Will update in 7-10 days with weight and initial smoke report. Update - April 16 - dry weight of 47 grams on DS2 and 77 grams on DS1. Results are close to round 1 grow, very impressed with the TSW2000 light!
Harvest time, both divine storm ladies did amazing under the Mars-Hydro TSW2000. Pheno 1 was an absolute monster! Huge dense buds!! Pheno 2, while the runt of the grow, also produced impressive buds. Will update in 7-10 days with weight and initial smoke report. Update - April 16 - dry weight of 47 grams on DS2 and 77 grams on DS1. Results are close to round 1 grow, very impressed with the TSW2000 light!
This week i flushing a plant 7-10days and use ice burn then close a light before hardvest 2days.
first strain runtz start 11/03 indoor, now outdoor guerrilla... hope for a good season second strain watermelon zkittlez, hope for better wheater (actually indoor). sicilianguerilla