Eccoci alla 4 settimana di vegetativa! Per ora sembra andare tutto bene! Ho notato solamente che la gorilla Lemon sta avendo delle carenze di calcio /magnesio e ho provveduto a darglielo, speriamo si riprenda al più presto, per il resto la crescita continua ad essere sorprendentemente davvero molto rapida per quello forse le carenze si stanno facendo vedere da un giorno all altro! Ho cambiato l acqua pochi giorni fa e ho dato 14 /15 litri ad ogni secchio e già ora siamo praticamente a meno di 10! La ragazza sta bevendo e mangiando davvero in modo vorace! L. Unica cosa che mi sta accadendo è che mi sono reso conto solo adesso, essendo la mia primissima volta in hydro, che sto avendo il famoso "fusarium" delle radici, un fungo aggressivo ed infestante delle radici, a cui nn avevo ancora fatto caso ed ora dovrò farci i conti putroppo.. Per adesso ho dato un po di perossido di idrogeno (H2o2) come mi è stato consigliato, ogni 3 giorni. Le dò 1/2ml/litro per fare in modo di cercare di eliminarlo un poco finché nn avrò a disposizione prodotti specifici più efficaci, come acido ipocloroso, e per prevenirlo del trichoderma harvemium, sperando che nn sia troppo tatdi e che riesca a rimediare a questo mio sbaglio grossolano da principiante! 😅Infatti come uno stupido, vedendo all inzio che nn vi erano problemi alle radici, ho aspettato tipo quasi 30 giorni prima di fare il primo cambio dell'acqua, poiché stupidamente pensavo che con le temp della soluzione che nn superavano i 20 gradi, nn avrei. Avuto questo problema, per di più nn avevo ancora una pompa di sentina per svuotare i secchi, appena è arrivata ho fatto il cambio di acqua e mi sono accorto di avere alcune radici già compromesse, ed ora sono un poco peggiorate purtroppo, per questo sono davvero molto preoccupato, che possa avere effetti anche sul benessere della oainya soprattutto durante il. Periodo di fioritura dove le cose si faranno sicuramente più difficltose.. 😥.. Vabbe nei prossimi giorni dovrebbero arrivare questi prodotti per sterilizzare un po le radici e farle tornare bianche in salute, confido ormai nella fortuna! Ma eseendo la mia prima volta in hydro per ora nn mi posso lamentare, la pianta sta manifestando carenza di calcio etc, ma nn penso sia dovuto al fusarium.. Chi ne sa di più di me, i consigli sono davvero ben accetti! Grazie a tutti voi che mi seguite, siete davvero la forza che mi spinge contro tutto e tutti a continuare a migliorare la mia coltivazione e "coltivare" sempre più questa mia intensa passione per la cannabis la pianta più miracolosa del pianeta a mio giudizio! Un abbraccio a tutti voi?un buon 420 a tutti! 💪😸🌱🌿🧑‍🌾😽💨🔥🔥🔥💥💣
Hello Growmies, As the curtain falls on our Epic Buzz journey, we are now stepping into the crucial drying phase. Based on the density and size of these magnificent buds, I anticipate this process will take another 4 days to ensure the perfect moisture content for a prime cure. The end of one project always heralds the beginning of another. Once the drying is complete, and our Epic Buzz is jarred up for curing, the tent won't have time to gather any dust. My next venture for the Super Sativa Seed Club Video Contest is raring to go! The Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel has already sprouted, eager to bask in the tent's vacated space. Their symphony of growth is about to unfold. You can follow this next exciting chapter at the link below, and join me as I navigate through the life cycle of this promising strain: https://growdiaries.com/diaries/199311-super-sativa-seed-club-auto-bruce-lemon-diesel-grow-journal-by-salokin Stay tuned for updates and insights. Until then, stay lifted and keep those green thumbs busy! Salokin
Auto Northern Dragon Fuel is doing well. She just got her first feeding today. Coco ph is a little high, but still in range. I am gonna work on dropping it over the week. Everything is looking good so far. Thank you Medic Grow, and Super Sativa Seed Club. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g
Auto moon rock Is growing slow. She is making progress just not fast. She was neen oil treated a week ago. There is a mite issue in the grow room. She should pick up her growth pace very soon. Thank you Medic Grow, and Divine Seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g
La planta de tierra, hasta ahora muestra signos positivos apesar de que se partió una rama. He notado como comenzaron a aparecer unos gusanitos que van comiendo las hojas, los trips siguen en las plantas pero en menor medida. Las otras plantas de las macetas tienen muchas hojas amarillas. Esta semana solo regue con trico+ de namaste nutrientes y agua. Espero el final con ansias.
Auto Opium has had a rough first week. The neem oil treatment was pretty tough on the seedling. She has started growing since sprayed. There is a mite issue and once I get the flowering plant out if the room I can treat them all. Eliminating anywhere for the pest to hid. So until then just making due the best we can for about a week. Thank you Medic Grow, and Divine Seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g
She's getting sparkly. Time doesn't seem to be effecting us none. We're chilling. Them little first sets of white hairs are starting to curl inwards and changing into little orange hairs. And there's a few new sets of white hairs I do believe that's a good thing. Every now and then I find a dead leaf. It doesn't seem to be an issue. So I just give her what's recommended and I'm bad about being on time with any of most of it. It's good tho. We're all happy here.
Bueno, para no perder a nadie, el sistema que manejo es con dos indoors en paralelo. Uno en flora y otro creciendo la madre. A la madre la hago crecer hasta sacarle esquejes. Luego pasan al otro indoor, la madre y los esquejes, y ahí comienza la floración. Y ahí mismo comienza la nueva madre en el indoor pequeño. La variedad es de un banco argentino que no sé si sigue existiendo. Se llama "kali seeds" y la variedad es superhaze. Que en teoría tiene unas 10 semanas de floración. Día 01. Puse la planta para obligarme a terminar el prototipo. En este caso decidí usar madera de palets y algunas otras cosas que encontré en la calle. Ya casi termino todo, pero me falta armar los cierres. No voy a hacer puertas, dado que no está centrado, así que uso una tela de microfibra que ayuda a opacar mucho y era mas barata que el blackout. Ademas es impermeable y me sirve para un nuevo mecanismo de seguridad para fugas que quiero implementar. Es bastante simple, pero me soluciona mucho. Hoy no hay mucho más que mostrar. Cuando lo haya terminado voy a ir mostrando como va quedando. No me voy a enroscar con los tsp. Voy a poner lo que use aca. Ahora puse un litro de agua con un poco menos de 1g. de Feeding Grow de Greenhouse. Al menos por ahora, ya que tengo que comprar medidores porque los míos ya no dan confianza. Día 4. Ya estoy terminando de acomodar el indoor. Lo forré con refractario e instalé las "puertas" que en realidad son telas tipo blackout, pero mucho más finitas. Me falta terminar de ordenar la electricidad para que cada sector tenga su timer. Van a ser 3 timer diferentes. Por un lado van a ir luces y ventilaciones de flora (12hs). Por otro lado bombas de aire, bomba de agua y probablemente vientos de floración (15 min/hr). Y por último luz y ventilación del modulo de madres (18hs). Hice el cambio del depósito, a uno de 5 litros, ya que los próximos 10 dias pienso intentar mantener la misma solución (mantuve la proporción 1g/L de feeding grow). La planta tuvo un ataque de una plaga que fue a sus primeras hojas. Por suerte en el momento puse tierra de diatomeas y parece haberse detenido. Pero se pueden ver los amarillos en las puntas. No me preocupa, dado que en hidroponia esos problemas se resuelven y la planta se recobra enseguida. Ahora igual habrá que ir monitoreando, dado que me había olvidado de desinfectar el indoor, cosa que hice luego de este ataque. Tengo fé que llegando al mes y medio de crecimiento, ya esté en condiciones de cortar unos esquejes. Día 07. Por el momento el crecimiento viene rápido cómo suele ser en hidroponia. En unos días le voy a estar haciendo el corte apical. La ansiedad me viene ganando, pero sigo con fé. Esta semana tengo que comprar un par de aditivos y medidores que me están faltando. Pero ya está todo encaminado.
Que hay familia, actualizo la tercera semana de crecimiento de estas Runtz F1 automáticas de Zamnesia. Vemos que las 5 están en perfectas condiciones, tienen un buen color y van creciendo a buen ritmo. Empiezo por supuesto abonando una pequeña cantidad de la gama Agrobeta. La temperatura está 25 grados y la humedad anda entorno al 50%. Riego cada 48 horas y suelo pulverizar con agua para aumentar un poco la humedad ambiental. Hasta aquí es todo estas próximas semanas veremos cómo van avanzando. Agrobeta: https://www.agrobeta.com/agrobetatiendaonline/36-abonos-canamo Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 https://www.mars-hydro.com/ Os comento que tengo un descuento y para que compréis en la web de Zamnesia de un 20%, el código es ZAMMIGD2023 The discount 20% and the code is ZAMMIGD2023 https://www.zamnesia.com/ Hasta aquí es todo, buenos humos 💨💨💨.
Week 10 Light cycle=12/12 Light Power=140w Extractor controller settings High temp= 24c Low temp= c Temp step=0c High Rh= 45% Low Rh= % Rh step=0% Speed max=10 Speed min=1 Smart controller settings (during lights on). Lights on=10.01-21.59 Radiator on= below 22.0c Radiator off= above 23.0c Dehumidifier on= not in use Dehumidifier off= not in use Smart controller settings (during lights off). Lights off=22.00-10.00 Radiator on= below 18c Radiator off= above 19c Dehumidifier on= not in use Dehumidifier off= not in use Thur 29/2/24 #2 (Day 64)(Day 32 flower) 📋 Fri 1/3/24 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Method= automatic Feed=bloom nutes. Neutralise=0.1ml/L Silicon=1.0ml/L Calmag=0.5ml/L Terra Bloom=3.0ml/L Sumo Boost=2.0ml/L P/K 9/18=0.5ml/L Easy Ph down=0.115ml/L Ec=1.65 PH=6.5/6.8 Time start=12.00pm Finish time=13.45pm (11×5 minute runs with 5 minute gaps) Total flow rate=190ml/min Flow rate per plant=47ml/min. Total volume made=13L(L) Total volume left=3L Total volume used=10L Volume per plant=2.5L (Est) Runoff. Total runoff=2.25L Ec=2.22 PH=6.2/6.3 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 #2 (Day 65)(Day 33 flower) 📋 I'd say that this one is the furthest ahead and if it keeps up at this rate she will come down 1st. Sat 2/3/24 #2 (Day 66)(Day 34 flower) 📋 Sun 3/3/24 #2 (Day 67)(Day 35 flower) 📋 140w to 130w Mon 4/3/24 #2 (Day 68)(Day 36 flower) 📋 Tue 5/3/24 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Method= automatic Feed=water Neutralise=0.1ml/L Easy Ph down=0.008ml/L Ec=0.2 PH=6.4/6.4 Time start=12.00pm Finish time=13.45pm (11×5 minute runs with 5 minute gaps) Total flow rate=190ml/min Flow rate per plant=47ml/min. Total volume made=13L Total volume left=2.5L Total volume used=10.5L Volume per plant=2.6L (Est) Runoff. Total runoff=1L Ec=1.6 PH=6.3/ Didn't run as should because forgot to plug it in. 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 #2 (Day 69)(Day 37 flower) 📋 Defoliate some lower stuff Wed 6/3/24 #2 (Day 70)(Day 38 flower)**** 📋 H=100cm D=12cm DLI=60 She is the furthest along and if she carries on like this then she'll be coming down 1st. Next feeding I'll switch this one to Dragon Force. I'm estimating 2 weeks before she will be harvested. Back soon. Take it easy.
Fast Buds Run Light at 50% - Feeding 500ml per plant bottled water 6.5PH. 25/03/24 - All plants look happy and first true leaves are showing well now. 500ml water per plant with Voodoo Juice, Tarantula, Piranha, Cal-Mag xtra. 27/03/24 - 500ml Bottled Water per plant. 29/03/24 - 500ml water per plant with Voodoo Juice, Tarantula, Piranha, Cal-Mag Xtra. 31/03/24 - 500ml Bottled Water per plant. End of week 1 veg. All looks good and plants look happy. Blueberry Auto looks like its the runt in the tent as it is a little bit behind but hopefully she will catch up.
Week 10 Light cycle=12/12 Light Power=150w Extractor controller settings High temp=24c Low temp= c Temp step=0c High Rh= 50% Low Rh= % Rh step=0% Speed max=10 Speed min=1 Smart controller settings (during lights on). Lights on=10.01-21.59 Radiator on= below 22.0c Radiator off= above 23.0c Smart controller settings (during lights off). Lights off=22.00-10.00 Radiator on= below 18c Radiator off= above 19c Fri 23/2/24 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Method= automatic Feed=bloom nutes. Neutralise=0.1ml/L Silicon=1.0ml/L Calmag=0.5ml/L Terra Bloom=3.0ml/L Sumo Boost=2.0ml/L P/K 9/18=1.0ml/L Easy Ph down=0.1ml/L Ec=1.9 PH=6.8/6.8 Time start=12.00pm Finish time=13.45pm (11×5 minute runs with 5 minute gaps) Total flow rate=190ml/min Flow rate per plant=47ml/min. Total volume made=13L(L) Total volume left=2.4L Total volume used=10.6L Volume per plant=2 6L (Est) Runoff. Total runoff=2.5L Ec=2.2 PH=6.2/6.3 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 #1 (Day 64)(Day 26 flower) 📋 tray is just high enough that they aren't sat in runoff. Sat 24/2/24 #1 (Day 65)(Day 27 flower) 📋 nothing Sun 25/2/24 #1 (Day 66)(Day 28 flower) 📋 Lowered light power from 150w to 140w Mon 26/2/24 #1 (Day 67)(Day 29 flower) 📋 Tue 27/2/24 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Method= automatic Feed=water Neutralise=0.1ml/L Easy Ph down=0.ml/L Ec=0.2 PH=6.8/6.8 Time start=12.00pm Finish time=13.45pm (11×5 minute runs with 5 minute gaps) Total flow rate=190ml/min Flow rate per plant=47ml/min. Total volume made=13L Total volume left=4L Total volume used=9L Volume per plant=2.25L (Est) Runoff. Total runoff=0.5L Ec=1.8 PH=6.5/ Didn't run as should because forgot to plug it in. 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 #1 (Day 68)(Day 30 flower) 📋 Wed 28/2/24 #1 (Day 69)(Day 31 flower) 📋 Thur 29/2/24 #1 (Day 70)(Day 32 flower)**** 📋 I'm glad I removed a load of colas the other week because if I hadn't of done that I think she would be very overcrowded with no room between the colas. She is that tall that I can't get my camera in the tent to take pictures. At the moment I can just about pull her out the tent but I don't want to do that to much with me being very accident prone. Back soon. Take it easy.
Apologies that this took me so long to update! This harvest was probably my second favorite, after my Choc Mint OG. Even tho the yeild was low due to only having 1 plant after a season on downs.
Apologies that this took me so long to update! This harvest was probably my second favorite, after my Choc Mint OG. Even tho the yeild was low due to only having 1 plant after a season on downs.
Apologies that this took me so long to update! This harvest was probably my second favorite, after my Choc Mint OG. Even tho the yeild was low due to only having 1 plant after a season on downs.