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The plants were stretching a bit, pretty much as expected - except for the Sour Strawberry. I don't know if it was due to it getting a bit less light since it was much shorter, but it tripled its size and overtook all of the other plants in height. OK. I guess I could have flipped 2 weeks earlier? Anyway, stretch was almost over, flowers started forming. Some of the plants still looked a bit meh and yellow-ish, but overall the growth during stretch looked healthier than the previous 1-2 weeks.
8/15 Yesterday the girls finally got some sun. They're flowering. Like crazy. I do need to do an application of BT once this rain stops. It just started up again. Went back over and things were dry. I decided to hold off watering until tomorrow when I feed. 8/16 Watered the 50 2 gallons, 10 1 gallon, and the rest about 1.5 gallons. I fed a pint to the ten, 2.5 pints to the 30 and 2.5 pints to the FIMMed bluecheese that looked hungry. This way I can tell if they can handle larger doses. I'd like to keep it as small and simple as possible. Gave me a fright this morning when a sheriff pulled in while I was feeding. He was on his way to a neighbors but it looked like he was just admiring things lol. I'm all legals there's no problem there. I put off spraying BT last night because dad had a couple ppl drinking and I didnt want to interact with them. Plus it was to early. The sun hadn't crested the barn yet. At least now u know what time to go spray. I'm finding some lady bugs and I killed my FIRST aphid of the season. I still have caterpillar holes in some leaves though so I might as well hit them with the BT (even though I actively hunt them). No one ever said growing cannabis is easy. Oh and my soil must be BANGING because I found some mushrooms growing in it and like a mycelium web which is awesome. 8/17 This was a quick morning due to an upcoming doctor's appointment. Removed some grass that had grown on the tar from spilt soil as it had diseases on it. I don't want that spreading to my plants. I have one blueberry cheese that I FIMed with four cola's that doesn't have as many leaves and has dropped a few leaves but looking at ot from the other side it doesnt look as open. I know that these girls are transitioning and this is the time I lose leaves. However some plants still seem totally green with no problems despite flowering. I'm wondering if it's a specific phenome thing. I also noticed that the caterpillars are still there and this morning would've been a great time to apply BT but I didn't have time and since I upped the feed I didnt want to do two things at once and have a problem and not know what it is. 8/18 Rained overnight. Plants were soaked. It's not raining now. Plants are definitely overwatered. I'm losing a few more leaves that are yellowing on the bottom interior of a couple plants. Some of it could be from the transition to flower ir the large amount of rain we've been getting. At least my drainage is really good. I need to pull the fence out and co soder cutting a pallet I. Half to better utilize space. I know I say this stuff all the time and I'm not sure it NEEDS to be done. What DOES need to be done sooner rather than later is to apply BT. I can see the damage from them. It's not bad but I want to avoid botrytis as much as possible so those pillars have got to go. Otherwise I've never had plants this healthy and it's been a real ahotty season. Boy those 10th planet's are all mice and green and healthy looking. I'm really looking forward to flowering these strains and see what they can do. I'm already greatly impressed with what I've experienced so far. UPDATE: Wasn't raining earlier then it Rained off and on but just a light steady rain that plants love but it's 3:30 now and it's pouring. Guess I won't be applying BT tonight. We need some sunshine but unfortunately I can't control the weather. Just sitting here thinking I was wondering about using Plant Doctor preventatively just due to the steady rain but I noticed mushrooms growing in my soil and since I haven't not9ced any type of fungal problem I'll revisit that idea another time. Polycarbonate roof or even some form clear plastic and a rough frame of pvc or extra lumber. Theoretically I believe I could move them all indoors for a little bit if need be but that would he a huge pain in the ass. Honestly I've got great drainage and my watering seems pretty good so I might be alright doing nothing. We shall see knock on wood. 8/19 Plants were soaked this A.M. I took a video and uploaded it (which takes forever). It's sunny though today and after the sun comes out after a period of rain the plants grow like crazy. Everything is flowering nicely. I think I can go to the end of October. I talked to a lady today that said she'd already harvested some of her peanut butter breath clones. It's my buddies mom and if you look back at one of my diaries NY mendo breath was done in September. These girls have a ways to go but the are explosively flowering which is good. It's easy to tell which strain is which. Pheno's vary but the flowers on the plants are easy to distinguish from one another. I've also never had plants stay this healthy green this long! Previously I'd have multiple pests, wpm and maybe septoria at this point. I think I've upped my game. Knock on wood. My worst problem now is worrying when to spray BT for the miner caterpillar problem. I have wasps, lady bugs and a shit ton of birds from the 3 bird feeders. I see them dart in and out of my cage. Chances are I'll spray BT tonight and take some pictures if it's nice out. 8/20 The sun is finally out. Bags are still heavy. Looks like it Rained again. I found caterpillar shit so I REALLY need to get that BT applied. I also saw minor damage to a budsite on a low hanging branch. Looks like those fucking earwigs bur I'm probably being paranoid. I also had to remove the rope that I was using to support "the big cheese" because with all this wind and rain it "rubbed" against the stem and caused an injury. I don't need that now anyway with the trellis up. Bids are developing rapidly and stacking up nicely. I have a couple plants that aren't as green as the others bit it may be do to all the rain we've been getting. I think I need to increase the volume of liquid i give my plants when I feed. Next feed I'll be doing at LEAST a quart. Due to my w8fes illness I haven't been able to spend as much time there as I should. No fungal stuff "YET". I have seen some leaves that show the plants have been over watered. Drainage is good though. I forgot to upload the video from this morning and it's uploading super slow so I'm gonna have to upload it tomorrow 8/21 Awesome. Went to town and left without going to my doctors appointment. Good job man. 👏 ANYWAY....My phone was dead when I went to town so I coukd only upload one video. I'll have to do the others later. I mixed up a batch of bt 1 tablespoon with half gallon of water (as that's what this hand mister holds. I went around the cage and sprayed every angle. Then I went to each individual plant and sprayed while spreaking the branches to make sure I got the interior. I used almost the entire half gallon so I'm hoping this will help. Bags were heavy but doesn't take them long to dry out. I'm wondering if the yellowing that is moving up (on the small purple punch and the one in the tote) is because they need more nutes, they're transitioning to flower and really stacking up or because they've been over watered with all this rain. Opinions are more than welcome. I'll check the girls tonight and if the are wet enough I'll feed and at a higher volume. If they aren't ill wait till they get their full water. MY WIFE WAS HAVING AN "MEDICAL PROBLEM AND SO ON THE WAY TO THE DOCTORS I CHECKED THE PLANTS. THE 10TH PKAMETS WRRE DROOPING. I QUICKLY MIXED UP ENOUGH TO FEED EVERYTHING AT LEAST A GALLON AND THEN GAVE THE ONES THAT WERE THE WORST LIKE AN EXTRA HALF GALLON. JUST ENOUGH TILL WE GET OUT OF THE ER THEN I'LL GIVE THEM THE OTHER HALF OF WATER AND ILL FEED THEM. AT LEAST MY WIFE IS OK. UPDATE: Took my wife to the hospital. They did a shit ton of nothing which is par for the course. However, luckily for me (yeah right) I got back early enough to give the plants another half gallon of water each and then I fed increasing the volume to 2.5 pints (upping the big bloom to 3 tsps per gallon) but I ran out of feed on the last plant. I only mixed up two gallons and it was super dark so thar one container plant will need to be fed tomorrow I guess. This is masterofsmeagal signing off to fucking FINALLY get stoned!
Chopped her wet trimmed her now waiting till it dries lil nugs that I cut off to dry faster to get a taste and effect test she smokes beautifully ands she tastes like mango
On the 5th week of flowering day 1 the girls are chugging along, growing bigger by the day and smelling excellent :). On day 5 the girls are putting on a lot of weight. I'm very excited about harvest:). On day 7 The girls are doing well. I had a small clog in my bluat system on one of my carrots. I have fixed the clog by massaging the small pipe that was clogged. it has been tough using powdered nutrients with this system as there has been a few clogs. I will be switching to water soluble nutrients with drip clean to keep lines clear on my next grow. I just need to make it through the next few weeks to harvest :)
Day 59 since seed touched soil. We have first proper sunny day in two month !!!! Thought to top up with PK, but its too early, they barely developed during those 11 days. Ducks develops slowly, but today beeing there in day time, i saw how forest occupied all space. This garden needs good bramble clearing, everything overgrew, only river bank gives them sun possibility. So in such conditions its not a surprise, that they are small and miss power... Think few good days sorted overwatering issues, leaves are straight and nice, colour healthy green, so it should be some smoke at the end. Will visit in 9 days to top up ;) This page went nuts totally, now photos uploaded in wrong format, can't rotate, nothing helps ..... Happy Growing !!!
Day 59 since seed touched soil. We have first proper sunny day in two month !!!! Thought to top up with PK, but its too early, they barely developed during those 11 days. Still happy with BAM's , #1 is frosty , biggest and in front of everyone. This garden needs good bramble clearing, everything overgrew, only river bank gives them sun possibility. Will visit in 9 days to top up ;) This page went nuts totally, now photos uploaded in wrong format, can't rotate, nothing helps ..... Happy Growing !!!
Had a bit of a issue with the auto feeder not feeding 1 side properly so buds started falling over hopefully fixed the issue now so 1 more week of nutrients then flush
MIMOSA by ROYAL QUEEN SEEDS Week #14 Overall Week #13 Veg This week no real issues to report the sun did get to her a little bit had to move her to a new location other than that she's a strong plant to grow she's one that can take some heat. Stay Growing!!
TRIPLE G by ROYAL QUEEN SEEDS Week #14 Overall Week #13 Veg This week she's doing 👍 she's been a healthy plant from the start she's handled the heat well stayed a nice green color through the summer ☀️ good genetics on this lady! Stay Growing!!
MIMOSA by ROYAL QUEEN SEEDS Week #14 Overall Week #13 Veg This week no real issues to report the sun did get to her a little bit had to move her to a new location other than that she's a strong plant to grow she's one that can take some heat. Stay Growing!!
Ik hoop dat ik toch nog kans maak in de top 3. Groet captensmokey
Día 15 de vegetación de Tropicanna Poison XL (Día 20 desde germinación) El crecimiento de nuestra Tropicanna Poison XL sigue con un buen ritmo. Aparecieron algunos pulgones, pero los eliminamos con Bio Pets, un pesticida orgánico nacional (Chile). También agregamos micorizas, calmag, bio grow de BAC y Nirvana de Advanced Nutrients. Actualizacion día 21 de VEGETA (Día 27 desde la germinación) El FENO 2 se a espigado considerablemente, se pone una base para que este mas cerca de la luz led Al parecer el FENO 3 es el mas estable de los 3 especimenes.