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I put the plants into an NFT system couple weeks ago. I could have waited a bit longer for the plants to develop a stronger root system before placing the rockwool cubes into NFT but I was being impatient because of the slow start and wanted to get the plants under proper light. Now two weeks later they are growing well with good root development. I switched the lights to flowering cycle about a week ago so they should start stretching soon. No preflowers yet.
Grüßt euch Freunde, Langsam kommen wir ans Ende der 5 Woche! Habe in dieser Woche keinen Bio grow zugeführt und eine Verbesserung festgestellt. Dafür wurde top Max angehoben und Bio Bloom. Fahre im weiteren Verlauf nun wieder nach Düngeschema fort. Viele der Blätter verfärben sich rötlich und die Blattspitzen der sugarleafs sind lila. Hoffe dass, das dann später auch im Produkt sichtbar ist. Sind also noch einige Wochen zu gehen, Bis dahin euch allen eine gute Woche !💚
Smooth grow all round - poor weather at the start, centipedes near the end... otherwise okay.
Late update, ran into some issues with the roots but the end product is still decent. Will make some tweaks next time, the problem was my transplant. I didn’t put the plants down deep enough and the soil was compacted to add. Plants start tipping over and nearly derooted when buds got heavier. Also was using too much nutes, will be switching to coco. Don’t think I used too much, soil just retained a lot of the nutes and water. Hoping coco will solve that issue for me.
Late update, ran into some issues with the roots but the end product is still decent. Will make some tweaks next time, the problem was my transplant. I didn’t put the plants down deep enough and the soil was compacted to add. Plants start tipping over and nearly derooted when buds got heavier. Also was using too much nutes, will be switching to coco. Don’t think I used too much, soil just retained a lot of the nutes and water. Hoping coco will solve that issue for me.
Grüßt euch Freunde, Langsam kommen wir ans Ende der 5 Woche! Habe in dieser Woche keinen Bio grow zugeführt und eine Verbesserung festgestellt. Dafür wurde top Max angehoben und Bio Bloom. Fahre im weiteren Verlauf nun wieder nach Düngeschema fort. Viele der Blätter verfärben sich rötlich und die Blattspitzen der sugarleafs sind lila. Hoffe dass, das dann später auch im Produkt sichtbar ist. Sind also noch einige Wochen zu gehen, Bis dahin euch allen eine gute Woche !💚
Grüßt euch Freunde, Langsam kommen wir ans Ende der 5 Woche! Habe in dieser Woche keinen Bio grow zugeführt und eine Verbesserung festgestellt. Dafür wurde top Max angehoben und Bio Bloom. Fahre im weiteren Verlauf nun wieder nach Düngeschema fort. Viele der Blätter verfärben sich rötlich und die Blattspitzen der sugarleafs sind lila. Hoffe dass, das dann später auch im Produkt sichtbar ist. Sind also noch einige Wochen zu gehen, Bis dahin euch allen eine gute Woche !💚
This has been an amazing growth once again and I got to do the compound genetics like been wanting to for a year. This stuff is so decked out
This has been an amazing growth once again and I got to do the compound genetics like been wanting to for a year. This stuff is so decked out
Blazing hot week spent mostly trimming/harvesting. Even broke a pair of scissors :) Smooth trim from start to finish - plants were flushed in the last week
Blazing hot week spent mostly trimming/harvesting. Even broke a pair of scissors :) Smooth trim from start to finish - plants were flushed in the last week
Petite taille effectué, j’ai coupé l’apex et j’ai laisser seulement le noeud juste en dessous de celui qui étais le plus développé, pour vois si les deux repousse de l’apex et celle du noeud en dessous arrive à la même taille/croissance , afin d’être le plus symétrique possible. Car avant tous je suis passionné par l’art végétal et le bonsaï, j’ai commencé à cultiver du cannabis il y a maintenant 3ans, un été j’ai planté une petite graines dans un bête terreaux vide de nutriments, et là tout a commencé. Mais comme dis précédemment j’aimais l’art, et ce plant en question je l’ai transformé en bonsaï, un magnifique bonsaï, un chef d’œuvre, au quel j’ai perdu toutes photos. L’année d’après j’ai recommencé le même scénario, une graine et on recommence, la se fut un échec, plant trop gourmand et trop sensible au stress, il m’a lâché à 3/4semaine de floraison, puis maintenant 1ans que je cultive en intérieur a rechercher une bonne recette de living soil, toujours à la recherche de perfection jusqu’à couper avant même la fin de floraison car j’étais pas satisfait du résultat. (C’est pour ça aussi que j’ai supprimé tous mes journaux) J’ai coupé deux cultures comme ça et j’ai fais qu’une récoltes sur la troisième. Maintenant celle qui m’excite le plus est la petite graine d’extérieur, oui comme on dit jamais deux sans trois, plus de 1ans que j’attends cette variété, la Frosty purple freak. Le mutant violet de chez Khalifa Genetic. Que je vais bien évidemment travailler comme un bonsaï, mais symétrique , je vais éviter de trop le stresser comme j’ai eu du retard sur la croissance du a certain imprévu de type limace et temps catastrophique. (2 graines bien planté dans mon derrière.) je vais essayer de bien le diriger tous en essayant d’avoir une certaine récolte, en faire un bonsaï crée d’énormes stress au plant et ralenti considérablement la croissance, pour essayer de récolter 50/100 grammes sur le plant en extérieur faudrais approcher les 3/4 mois de végétation si tu implique des haut stress training et de la coupe a gogo. Et j’avoue que j’ai pas payer plus de 50litre de living soil juste pour 15/20 grammes de récoltes sur le plant, même si la satisfaction d’avoir fait une œuvre d’art, ça ne vaut pas le coup, je ferais mieux l’année prochaines, je dois accepter cette défaite. J’ai mis des vidéo de mon deuxième bonsaï, il étais en début de floraison et il avait environ 4mois, sans nutriments ,je lui estimais 30/50 grammes en fin de Flo, mais il m’a lâcher. Dans les deux dernières vidéo, il y en a une où on voit bien le dépôt bactérien et nutritifs du thé de compost oxygéné. Recette du thé pour la semaine 15litre d’eau de pluie 30 gr guano guali 15 gr Meal wormcastings 15 gr nettle 7 gr spirulina 7 gr Hydrosolat Kelp 225 gr wormcastings 15 gr hydrolysât de poisson 15 gr Comfrey 10 gr levure saccharomyces cerevisiae souches lycc 6420 60 gr Zeolit of chabasit 15 gr Azomite 45 ml de mélasse 15ml d’acide Humic et fluvic J’ai arroser 6 litre pour la purple freak et le reste a d’autre plantes Et un autre arrosage avec 500ml d’eau neutre avec 1gr bacilllus amyloliquefaciens x5 qui a été effectué le lendemain du thé La culture se passe bien, du côté de la purple freak Aucun problème à déplorer, plant très résistant, au changement de température et condition climatique supporte très bien les orages et les temps pluvieux et chaud, pas de signe de maladie, j’ai actuellement des ravageur depuis le début de la culture, pas un signe de problème. Réagit très bien au coupe, j’en suis plus que ravie, elle fait partis de mon top1. Seul truc qui m’inquiète, c’est ce mauvais temps. Un mélange de chaleur et de pluie, qui a amené de l’oidium sur certaine de mes plantes extérieur, j’ai peur que cela se propage sur la purple freak. Je vais devoir traiter tous cas, sans traitement agressif bien sûr.
Ya buddie got a cut of this to throw in with FruitWalker 50/50 I’ll be reversexig for pollen! Hell yes😍😍😍
week intel: we getting close to end of ripening , this week i raised drought , Nitrogen and E.C stress by feeding them 2 times per week and raised e.c to 3 to cause real stress that will help increase terpenes production stresses : Nitrogen deficiency Stress by removing the fertilizers that has N in them Drought stress via removing one meal in week high E.C stress around 1.7 and the other feeding day 3.0 , 2 times a week feeding: no more Nitrogen i feed them 2 times this week with this order : day 1 : i feed them high with Bio-Bizz Top-Max + Feeding Booster about 850 ppm - 1.7 e.c to cause a medium e.c stress. day 3 : no more feeding this day day 5 : i feed them very high dose of Bio-Bizz Top-Max + Feeding Booster around 1500 ppm - 3 e.c to cause high e.c stress guide of the week : be patient in the last weeks, never hurry for harvest because its the time of ripening in last 2 weeks you should let plants to do their work last weeks of ripening is the time to break the limits we should cause 3 stresses as i said above Nitrogen stress , Drought Stress , E.C Stress
week intel: we getting close to end of ripening , this week i raised drought , Nitrogen and E.C stress by feeding them 2 times per week and raised e.c to 3 to cause real stress that will help increase terpenes production stresses : Nitrogen deficiency Stress by removing the fertilizers that has N in them Drought stress via removing one meal in week high E.C stress around 1.7 and the other feeding day 3.0 , 2 times a week feeding: no more Nitrogen i feed them 2 times this week with this order : day 1 : i feed them high with Bio-Bizz Top-Max + Feeding Booster about 850 ppm - 1.7 e.c to cause a medium e.c stress. day 3 : no more feeding this day day 5 : i feed them very high dose of Bio-Bizz Top-Max + Feeding Booster around 1500 ppm - 3 e.c to cause high e.c stress guide of the week : be patient in the last weeks, never hurry for harvest because its the time of ripening in last 2 weeks you should let plants to do their work last weeks of ripening is the time to break the limits we should cause 3 stresses as i said above Nitrogen stress , Drought Stress , E.C Stress
week intel: we getting close to end of ripening , this week i raised drought , Nitrogen and E.C stress by feeding them 2 times per week and raised e.c to 3 to cause real stress that will help increase terpenes production stresses : Nitrogen deficiency Stress by removing the fertilizers that has N in them Drought stress via removing one meal in week high E.C stress around 1.7 and the other feeding day 3.0 , 2 times a week feeding: no more Nitrogen i feed them 2 times this week with this order : day 1 : i feed them high with Bio-Bizz Top-Max + Feeding Booster about 850 ppm - 1.7 e.c to cause a medium e.c stress. day 3 : no more feeding this day day 5 : i feed them very high dose of Bio-Bizz Top-Max + Feeding Booster around 1500 ppm - 3 e.c to cause high e.c stress guide of the week : be patient in the last weeks, never hurry for harvest because its the time of ripening in last 2 weeks you should let plants to do their work last weeks of ripening is the time to break the limits we should cause 3 stresses as i said above Nitrogen stress , Drought Stress , E.C Stress
week intel: we getting close to end of ripening , this week i raised drought , Nitrogen and E.C stress by feeding them 2 times per week and raised e.c to 3 to cause real stress that will help increase terpenes production stresses : Nitrogen deficiency Stress by removing the fertilizers that has N in them Drought stress via removing one meal in week high E.C stress around 1.7 and the other feeding day 3.0 , 2 times a week feeding: no more Nitrogen i feed them 2 times this week with this order : day 1 : i feed them high with Bio-Bizz Top-Max + Feeding Booster about 850 ppm - 1.7 e.c to cause a medium e.c stress. day 3 : no more feeding this day day 5 : i feed them very high dose of Bio-Bizz Top-Max + Feeding Booster around 1500 ppm - 3 e.c to cause high e.c stress guide of the week : be patient in the last weeks, never hurry for harvest because its the time of ripening in last 2 weeks you should let plants to do their work last weeks of ripening is the time to break the limits we should cause 3 stresses as i said above Nitrogen stress , Drought Stress , E.C Stress
8/1 This wad the most fucked up morning ever. Didn't get much time with the girls. I was able to take a few pics when I got back amd a video this morning. Pillars are still around. I killed a couple but I probably should spray BT. I think we got rain last night. Bags are heavy. I defoliated a little bit more on the interior and found some small yellow leaves. Event horizon is still on point to flower first. I NEED to lst and add supports for flower bit I've got a lot of other things going on too. I'm going to TRY to spray BT tonight if weather permits and I should have the supports up this weekend. At least that's what I'm hoping. 8/2 Quickly watered as I had to fix a flat tire to get my wife to the doctor. Gave most a gallon but closer to 3/4 on one event horizon and the sherb pie. Half g for the 10 and I gave the 5 and the 50 a little water. I didn't give the 50 much. That holds water far longer. I'm glad I got it done. It was 90°+ and sunny all day. Earlier everything looked great. I think I'm gonna go check them and maybe add a few pictures. WENT OVER AND FOUND THE EVENT HORIZON I GAVE A LUTTLE LESS WATER TO, IN THE BACK COMPLETELY DEOOPED OVER AND DRY. I QUICKLY WATERED A GALLON. I CHECKED THE OTHER PLANTS AND SAW A COUPLE THAT "MIGHT'VE STARTED DROOPING BUT WERE LIGHT SO I GAVE ALL THE GMO'S HALF A GALLON. I WATERED THE CONTAINER PLANTS AND THE ONE IN THE 50. BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY. THEY WERE SUPER LIGHT. SOME ARE SHOWING SOME HEAT STRESS BUT I DONT BLAME THEM WHEN ITS PUSHING 100° OUT. I HOPE THIS PLANT WILL PICK UP BUT ILL HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL MORNING TO SEE. I GOTTA GO EAT DINNER AND IT WAS IN ROUGH SHAPE. CANT BELIEVE THIS. ITS THE FURYHEST IN FLOWER TOO. INTERNET TOO SLOW TO UPLOAD 8/3 This morning it was "maineing" out. Basically like raining but more of an alternating mist. The event horizon that looked DEAD is completely recovered! I'm so stoked. I've had a really rough few days but at least I've still got my girls. After this little bit of rain I'll do the supports and a spray of BT for the pillars. I'm noticing more damage and I don't want them arpund when they can burrow into buds. WENT BACK AT LIKE FIVE. THE 5 GAL WAS DROOPING AND THE 10 WAS DRY AF. OTHERS WERE ALSO LIGHT. I USED 5 GALLONS ON THE GARDEN AS SOME STILL "LOOKED GOOD" BUT WERE DUSTY AND DRY. I ONLY GAVE THE GMO IN THE 30 A HALF GALLON. DIDNT WATER THE ECENT HORIZON IN THE BACK AND THE GMO IN THE FRONT BY THE DOOR ASXTHE LOOKED GOOD AND STILL HAD SOME WEIGHT TO THEM. THIS WAS ANOTHER DAY IN THE 90s THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE RAINED. LUCKILY IVE GOT THAT INTUITION AND I CAN CHECK. CAMS HELP WITH THAT BUT ITS BEST TO CHECK A FEW TIMES A DAY IN WEATHER LIKE THIS. FAR TO HOT TO SPRAY ANYTHING. 8/4 Chose not to water as we were supposed to get an inch of rain, then a half in and now it says .1in. I'm going to go over and check on the garden and see what they look like. I took pictures but I'll have to wait to upload them. WENT BACK OVER IN THE AFTERNOON AROUND 2ISH. GMO IN THE FRONT WAS DROOPY. WATERED THAT A GALLON AND IT WAS UP BY THE TIME I LEFT. THE GMO ON THE END (MY CANARY) WAS SUPER LIGHT SO SHE GOT A GALLON. THE EVENT HORIZON I DIDNT WATER YESTERDAY GOT ABOUT 3/4 OF A GALLON AND I WATERED THE ONE IN THE 10 1/2 GALLON. SHOWERS ARE IN THE FORECAST AND EVERYTHING ELSE LOOKED PRETTY GOOD AND WASNT DEAD LIGHT. AS OF 3 EVERYTHING IS GOOD. I IMAGINE ILL PROBABLY NEED TO WATER SOMETHING TOMORROW. IT SUCKS HAVING TO DO THIS SEPERATELY BUT SOMETIMES THATS HOW IT GOES. I DONT EXPECT THESE 90 TEMPS WILL CONTINUE. ALSO NOTICING SOME FADING AS THEY TURN TO FLOWER. DEF NEED NUTES. AND ONCE THE TEMPS GO DOWN I NEED TO SPRAY EITHER BT OR SPINOSID. 8/5 It Rained last night so I didn't need to water. Everything was nice and heavy. Beautiful day today. Hopfully I can do an app of bt tonight. Weather man needs to get things right. It says we got .005in last night but I heard it and it was way more than that. This is a tiny town. WENT BACK OVER AND FED. EVERYTHING GOT 1.75 PINTS. THE 10 GOT HALF THAT. THE FIVE A LITTLE LESS. I DEFINATELY NEED TO SPRAY FOR PILLARS. I ALSO HAVE A BIT OF DEFOLIATING ON A COUPLE PLANTS THAT I NEED TO DO. USUALLY I'VE LOST TONS OF LEAVES BY NOW. I JUST NEED TO IMPROVE AIRFLOW. THE TRELLIS WILL HELP WITH THAT PLUS SUPPORT. I THINK I MAY BE ABLE TO SPRAY PISSIBLY TONIGHT (DEPENDING ON WEATHER) AND SUPPORTS AND DEFOLIATION THE NEXT FEW DAYS.