What I thought to be a cal deficiency at first glance appears to be rust fungus or leaf septoria, but nothing rubs off of the spots, which confuses me. I freaked out and tore the hell out of the plant my buddy left on my doorstep, stripped all the freakin spotted leaves. I'm hesitant to toss it, dont know why, I did notice spots on 2 other plants, barely, bastard being one of them. Ill be keeping a great hawk eye on them, ready to pluck anything I notice with a rust spot or toss that one plant out of there if I see too much appear. I need to grab some neem oil as well. Maybe I shouldn't run the tent sealed anymore, as I think it could be a big reason for the fungus. I never let humidity get over 60 and I had pretty decent air movement, but they are squeezed in there. I'm freaking scared.
Nothing rubs off these spots. My run off PH has been low which makes me think calcium still. Guess I'll do some big-time flushing.
Flushed all with 6.8 water until run off reached 6.5, roughly 10-12 gallons each. I'll l feed them tomorrow. Usually, I flush around day 45. I was trying to see if i could get away without doing so, with that scrog n all.
Whew, I was trippin out there there, after reading n shit I got thinking the worst, should've stuck with my original diagnosis. I'm sure they'll be ok.👍
Zipper broke off the tent the other night, so it's now "sealed" with a red blanket🤣