I took a photo with a flash while the babies were sleeping. I know I shouldn’t cos it could affect them. So I’m sorry if I’ll keep taking bad photo with the growing light, I will make better content for the harvest time :) They are starting to produce a nice amount of crystals and the smell is goin to be quite strong.
📋 The Lemonpaya was a good plant to grow, im gutted about the start of bud rot, it was only a tiny bit, 3 buds tightly packed together and it was were all 3 buds touched each other. So i removed more then i needed to of decent buds just being cautious. I should have chopped the tops a good week before i did because they were ready, and i may have gotten away without mold, and the lowers would have benefited with the extra light. After 2 weeks drying I put the buds into terplock bags, never used these bags before so I'm hoping everything works out. Stats for the GDG21 Truffle gas. Dry decent buds 94g Dry larfy buds 4g Lemonpaya Dry decent buds 62g Dry larfy buds 8g Trashed buds 21g Total decent buds=156g Total larf=12g Removed because of rot 21g Hash=7g Total=163g Light power=217.11 KW during the 115 days of the grow. 18hrs for 35 days=630hrs, 16hrs for 7 days=112, 12hrs for 70 days=840hrs. Total hours lights on=1582hrs Average watt per hour lights on=137w 1.18g/w 📋 Smoke report. This isn't what I expected at all the, I'm not a fan of lemon strains but this one only has a very slight lemony taste. Better then I was expecting. Take it easy. Back soon.
☘️22/11 - La semilla se hidrato en agua durante 24hs. ☘️23/11 - La puse a germinar en papel húmedo. ☘️25/11 - Ya germino y aproximadamente media 3cm. Ese mismo dia la coloque en un vaso chico con un poco de tierra. En una semana ya la traspaso en una maceta de 10L y ya queda en esa maceta hasta el final. ☘️27/11 - Broto el plantin. Se encuentra bien por el momento. Por lo que noto viene rápido su desarrollo. ☘️Voy a dejarla 2 semanas en crecimiento con luz 18/6. Una vez que este en flora lo cambio a 12/12. ☘️El banco de semillas comenta que en indoor todo su desarrollo es de 75/80 días. ☘️El banco aclara: una variedad para cultivadores experimentados ya que, si se producen diferentes factores de estrés en el cultivo, es una variedad que puede dar alguna inflorescencia masculina en un 2% de los ejemplares, por lo tanto es un dato a tener en cuenta dada su descendencia americana. ☘️Los productos que voy a estar utilizando son los de advance nutrients en toda su etapa. ☘️Con el ph voy arrancar en 5.8 hasta llegar a 6.4. ☘️En estos días estaré publicando mas imágenes de como viene. ☘️🇦🇷Podes seguirme en Instagram como @bruweed_arg para mas contenido.
☘️17/11 - La semilla estuvo por 24hs en agua para hidratarse. ☘️18/11 - Puse a germinar la semilla en papel humedo, el 21 de noviembre germino, aprox tenia 3cm. ☘️25//11 - Ya salió el plantin. ☘️27/11 - Ya tiene 3 días de vida, se encuentra perfecta. ☘️Voy a dejarla una semana en Enraizamiento, asi las raices se desarrollan un poco mas antes de pasarla a una maceta de 10L. ☘️Los productos que voy a estar utilizando en todo el cultivo son los de Advance Nutrients. ☘️En crecimiento voy a dejarla 3 semanas con 18/6 de luz. Una vez que ya entre en flora la luz la cambio a 12/12 y el banco de semillas recomienda hasta 9 semanas de floración. ☘️Voy a estar regando con un ph de 5.8 hasta llegar a 6.4. ☘️En estos días estaré publicando mas imágenes de como viene. ☘️Podes seguirme en Instagram como @bruweed_arg para mas contenido.
Well it’s time to harvest 299 gram total wet weight with stems very happy with the outcome on these to say I messed up with nutrients at the most important stage bounced back and gave some very sticky buds with a hint of strawberry will update on dry weight in time thanks for viewing
La semana empezó poniendo tutores para ir sujetando las ramas. pasados 44 dias de vida aun siguen sin mostrar ningún pistilo. 22 dias bajo led en maceta de 2,5L + 22 dias exterior en maceta de 40L. final de semana 49 dias parecen mostrar algún símptoma de una pronta floración.
04.12.24 BT#53 Mahlzeit zusammen 🙂 So die Mendocino Skunk geht langsam den Endspurt entgegen, ihr geht es wunderbar. Auch sie hat nur PH angeglichenen Wasser bekommen damit Sie die nächsten Tage gut versorgt ist. In 3 Tagen bekommt Sie das letzte mal Futter dann nur noch Wasser zum Spülen. Paradise Seeds hat da eine sehr feine Gentik an den Tag gezaubert. Komplett resistent gegen alles , wendet bei Ihr Training an somit fühlt sie sich am wohlsten. Sie wird es euch am Ende doppelt zurück geben, aber auch ohne Training muss sie sich nicht verstecken. Ihre extremen seitentriebe wollen hoch hinaus. Freue mich auf nächste Woche dann gibt es wieder ein Update, bleibt anständig stay High. Mögen all eure Ladys Gesund und prächtig wachsen und euch mit schmackhaften Stuff versorgen 🔥🤘 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 04.12.24 BT#53 Meal together 🙂 So the Mendocino Skunk is slowly approaching the final spurt, she is doing wonderfully. She has also only been given PH-adjusted water so that she is well supplied for the next few days. In 3 days she will get her last feed and then only water for rinsing. Paradise Seeds has conjured up some very fine genetics. Completely resistant to everything, she uses training to make her feel most comfortable. In the end she will give you back twice as much, but even without training she has nothing to hide. Her extreme side shoots are aiming high. Looking forward to another update next week, stay high. May all your ladies grow healthy and splendid and provide you with tasty stuff 🔥🤘
12/2/2024 - Starting this post a little early since it doesn't start until tomorrow. That said, two of the three plants are in flower while the Mystery Seed remains in Veg. I would expect it to transition and stretch over the next day or two. The other two plants (Granite Runtz & Frosted Cherry O's) are growing/stretching rapidly easily putting on 1-3 inches of growth per day. I have decided to top dress throughout flower with Gaia Green Power Bloom. I'm just a little leary of the Grow Dots fizzling out towards the end so I'm going to use a slow release organic to top dress with high in Phosphorous. These plants couldn't look any better and now my focus will turn to caring for all the bud sites and making sure each nug gets plump and dense and as big as it can get. I'm banking on a 1lb crop total from these three plants. 12/3/2024 - Ok we're into week 6 now and two of the plants are well into flower and the Mystery Seed is showing pre-flower now and is stretching out. I expect it to catch up with the other two in the next few days. Everything is going extremely well and I couldn't be happier. This morning I fed all three plants with Recharge and Silica along with 2 liters of water PH'd to 6.5. I think watering is going to increase a bit still from here but I'm paying very close attention to moisture in the soil. I've got PPFD readings up near 850-900 across the canopy and with the addition of side lights I'm hoping that I can get some deeper penetration to some of the lower branches. I continue to build out my toolkit for future grows. 12/4/2024 - Probably my last post for this week unless something spectacular happens. Everything is going very well though I found a few rust spots on one leaf which I removed from the Frosted Cherry O's...nothing I'm too concerned about at this point. Overall things are going extremely well and the plants are growing beyond my expectations. Looking forward to the coming weeks as the buds start to develop.
I’ve seen some amazing veg growth this week.These beautiful girls have been getting some LST all week and have developed lots of new colas.I have been watering around every 3-4 days plain water last two waterings so recharge will be added when the pots are dry.They have done extremely well taking in the Gaia green 4-4-4 and have huge fan leaves. Day 32 These girls are still showing lot of growth and I noticed the first sign of flower development with the Lemon cherry cookies.I top dressed with Gaia green 4-4-4 1 tbs and 3 tbs of Gaia green power bloom.Rubbed gently in the soil and watered with recharge tea.Spider farmer Se7000 dialed in at 50 percent and I leave it there for another week or so.I have not done any defoliation but they really need it as they are getting really bushy.
Whats good trappers !! Week 2 is in full swing the girls are super healthy and happy. The Gorilla Cookies are the tallest out of the four bunch at 2 are 5-1/8 inches tall , 1 is 6-1/8 inches tall and the wedding cheesecakes are the shortest set of the bunch at 3-3/4 inches tall. Feeding Athena by the book and the flowers are loving every drop. My PH 5.9 - EC 2.9 , I haven’t hooked my CO2 tank yet just been reading the natural CO2 in the room. Will be intro out in there soon. The Athena Pro line that I’m using is being measured in weight not ml and the cleanse also balance are measured in ml Grow 7.7 grams per gal Core 4.6 grams per gal Cleanse 2.5 ml per gal Balance 3 ml per gal
It’s swelling season and the smell is powerful now!
Comecei a dar Bloombastic cedo demais mas parei porque me enformei que não era a altura exata, sou novo por aqui e preciso de umas dicas 🤓 Mas acho que não está nada mau para a primeira vez
Strong baby! Lady Jealousy was in the vegetative phase for 7 weeks and is now in her 4th week of flowering - wow, that's really remarkable! No automatic before, was like her. She has an irrepressible will to live and is tremendously motivated to deliver! Sour Jealousy means a lot of passion and diligence, but also assured quality and reliability. Let's look forward with excitement. Take care & bee 🐝 positive! Alpha_Green
12/05/24 Short Facts: Watered: 1 x 2.5L, 1 x 2.4L, 1 x 2.8L, 1 x 2.5 — Total: 10.2L VPD @ 1.4 Light @ 70% (~700 to 950 PPFD) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nothing special happened this week. The leaves are looking better, so I’m now 100% confident that it was a nitrogen deficiency combined with senescence. The buds are also getting a bit bigger now. Maybe I’ll give her a little more time and harvest her after Christmas. The Blumat Digital Pro Plus is really helpful, making my watering spot-on. Great tool!