🏆 Last chance to vote!
Jour 76 Et commence à développer leur pistils Les plantes sont saine et prennent beaucoup de hauteur je dois en palisser quelques une J’ai fais un thé de compost oxygéné pour les booster pour la floraison Recette : 5g cendre coque de ricin 25g biochar 5 gr levure de bière 4gr pollen d’abeille 7gr ortie micronisé 5gr spiruline 10gr tourteau de karanga 8gr Kelp 20gr zéolithe chabasit 5gr de consoude 3gr hydrolysât de Kelp 5gr vers de farine 12,5gr bactérie soluble 5gr levure saccharomyces cerevisae souche myco 6420 12,5gr de prêle sauvage sécher 125gr lombricompost 2gr big foot mycorhize gold Mycorrhizae (400 propagules per gram) Endomycorrhiza Glomus aggregatum -100 propagules/gram Glomus etunicatum – 100 prop/gram Glomus intraradices – 100 prop/gram Glomus mosseae – 100 prop/gram Bacillus subtilis – 350,000,000 cfu/gram Bacillus licheniformis – 200,000,000 cfu/gram Bacillus megaterium – 200,000,000 cfu/gram Bacillus simplex – 200,000,000 cfu/gram
26.1.25: I have had a mistake 😕 i spilt some Fish Mix as I was experimenting with a syphon from some aquarium tubing I have. Unfortunately, I forgot to take the syphon out! Ugh 😣 However, it is fish emulsion and very thick consistency. Therefore, I was able to scrape it up with 2 of my business cards up off the counter. So added this extra into the next 2 ltr solution I mixed. All plants were watered with at least 1ltr of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.3. Containing the following nutrients;- ♡ 3ml Seachem Seaweed ♡ 4ml Biobizz Fish Mix ♡ 4ml Biobizz Bio-Grow ♡ 3ml Biobizz Bloom ♡ 2ml Xpert Nutrients Bloom Booster ♡ 2ml Xpert Nutrients Cal-Mag ♡ .25g Ecothrive Biosys. ♡ 2.5g of Bicarbonate of Soda as PH UP. Unfortunately I have broken my PH pen too. Accidentally submerged it under water, then the readings went crazy. I'm leaving it to dry by standing it up but I'm most likely going to need a new one, which is extremely annoying 😑 I'm going start implementing the Scrog net probably some point next week if I let the plants that are in flower to just grow up now, as I do believe that I stunted Watermelon 🍉 by using too strenuous LST. Hopefully the plants still are able to grow upwards at this stage during flower for all the Purple Punch P1, P2 and P3. We will soon see! 28.1.25: My PH pen has packed up 😣 I've got to wait to get another. It's super annoying 😑 so I'm just judging by memory how to regulate it. Unfortunately, that's my only choice! I'm also out of the dechlorinator 😕 things are not going very well this week so far 😅 I guess we will have to make do, until I can get replenished. 29.1.25: I removed all the plants, hoovered, and disinfected the tent. There were several accidents when watering, causing some debris and splashes. I decided to just go ahead and get a few other things done. It's crazy how quickly things can become neglected! 😣 So I defoliated moderately on all plants except Gorilla Cookies seedling. I have absolutely dropped the ball on my lighting situation! My light was much further away than I thought! I turned it up to 100% and dropped it down to just under 2 feet away. After I reset the tent, I set up my scrog net. I removed 80% of all LST pegs. I am planning on letting the scrog net take over the training from here. I really want to minimise the risk of mould, so I decided to start using my dehumidifier. It has raised up to 73% RH this week, so it's necessary. Hopefully, I will be able to get my dechlorinator and PH pen soon! That's kind of essential to me. It's been a little bit of a stressful day in the garden, to be honest 😅 30.1.25: So I am expecting the arrival of my new PH pen today, as well as my new bottle of Ecothrive neutralise. It is supposed to measure the TDS and EC in addition to the standard TEMP and PH, which I had previously. Obviously, time will tell if it's any good or not. I realise, much too late now, that my lighting is very insufficient for this many plants. I need double the watts at least, and coverage is very poor. I remembered I had an old LED floor lamp, which was in a corner being unused. I decided to take the stand off, and Zip tied the pole onto the tent pole at the back left corner. I have no idea what the wattage is, and it's quite pathetic 😅 but I mean, I might as well use it, being as I definitely cannot afford more lights! 😣 Next grow, I will probably only grow 2 plants, max 4, and just use larger 7-10 Gallon pots. Being as I ran out of dechlorinator, I only watered some plants properly because I only had enough to make 6 litres. When my pen arrives, I will get everything properly watered. 31.1.25: The leaves of several plants are showing signs of iron deficiency. This is likely due to my PH pen packing up earlier. I now have a new pen. Due to this, I decided to use my Seachem Prime, which I use for my aquariums. As I wanted to get them watered properly, and my Ecothrive Neutralise hasn't arrived yet. I watered each plant with 1ltr of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.0. I added .25g Ecothrive Biosys to the water. May give them a breather on the nutes and just use the Cal-Mag and Biosys. Being as I've just topped dressed with rich fertilisers, I'm sure that will be OK for the next several waterings. Bubble Kush
Gracias al equipo de Herbies Seeds, Marshydro y XpertNutrients sin ellos esto no seria posible. 💐🍁 Mimosa Shot: Prepárate para una noche salvaje de embriaguez eufórica con esta cepa maravillosa de 30% de THC, Mimosa Shot de Herbies Seeds. Con cada bocanada de un apetitoso toque cítrico, te lleva a un emocionante viaje a través de niveles de felicidad que pensabas que nunca alcanzarías. La intensidad de la Mimosa Shot se equilibra con un glorioso color púrpura y unos rendimientos increíbles de hasta 800 g/m² (2,6 oz/ft²). Relájate y disfruta del viaje. 🚀 Consigue aqui tus semillas: https://herbiesheadshop.com/es/semillas-de-marihuana/mimosa-shot-herbies-seeds 💡FC6500: Eficiencia líder en el mercado: la lámpara de cultivo LED FC-E6500, que ostenta un estatus líder en el mercado, es una solución rentable con un PPE de 2,8 µmol/J y un rendimiento máximo de 2,5 g/vatio. Ofrece un PPF alto de 2026 umol/S y es adecuada para una cobertura de vegetación de 1,50 m x 1,50 m y una cobertura de flores de 1,20 m x 1,20 m. Iluminación versátil y uniforme. https://marshydro.eu/products/mars-hydro-fc-e-6500-730w-commercial-led-grow-light/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw1qO0BhDwARIsANfnkv9IIrYSbmJqz8PqpJOIyWwJfp5bc3SGJgUV68USLQ4tjmXDYwoBuAsaAue3EALw_wcB 🚥 MarsHydro ADLITE UV/IR/RED: Para lograr un crecimiento óptimo de las plantas y maximizar los rendimientos es un arte simple que depende en gran medida de las condiciones ambientales adecuadas. Reconociendo las limitaciones de la iluminación natural y las soluciones de iluminación tradicionales para satisfacer estas necesidades únicas, lanzamos ADLITE. Estas luces especiales UV, IR y roja están diseñadas para llenar áreas del espectro, proporcionando las altas longitudes de onda que las plantas necesitan para un crecimiento y desarrollo óptimos. 🚀 Consigue aqui tu Adlite: https://marshydro.eu/collections/adlite-supplemental-lights/ 🏠 : Marshydro 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80, carpa 100% estanca con ventanas laterales para llegar a todos los lugares durante el grow https://marshydro.eu/products/diy-150x150x200cm-grow-tent-kit 🌬️💨 Marshydro 6inch + filtro carbon para evitar olores indeseables. https://marshydro.eu/products/ifresh-smart-6inch-filter-kits/ 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: https://xpertnutrients.com/es/shop/ 📆 Semana 11: Por fin los cogollos están gordos como puños, le voy a aplicar un riego mas con nutrientes y el resto de riegos a agua. Ha quedado una planta enorme llena de resina, el aroma no alcanzo los cogollos para poder decir como huele, pero la carpa en general apesta
26.1.25: I have had a mistake 😕 i spilt some Fish Mix as I was experimenting with a syphon from some aquarium tubing I have. Unfortunately, I forgot to take the syphon out! Ugh 😣 However, it is fish emulsion and very thick consistency. Therefore, I was able to scrape it up with 2 of my business cards up off the counter. So added this extra into the next 2 ltr solution I mixed. All plants were watered with at least 1ltr of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.3. Containing the following nutrients;- ♡ 3ml Seachem Seaweed ♡ 4ml Biobizz Fish Mix ♡ 4ml Biobizz Bio-Grow ♡ 3ml Biobizz Bloom ♡ 2ml Xpert Nutrients Bloom Booster ♡ 2ml Xpert Nutrients Cal-Mag ♡ .25g Ecothrive Biosys. ♡ 2.5g of Bicarbonate of Soda as PH UP. Unfortunately I have broken my PH pen too. Accidentally submerged it under water, then the readings went crazy. I'm leaving it to dry by standing it up but I'm most likely going to need a new one, which is extremely annoying 😑 I'm going start implementing the Scrog net probably some point next week if I let the plants that are in flower to just grow up now, as I do believe that I stunted Watermelon 🍉 by using too strenuous LST. Hopefully the plants still are able to grow upwards at this stage during flower for all the Purple Punch P1, P2 and P3. We will soon see! 28.1.25: My PH pen has packed up 😣 I've got to wait to get another. It's super annoying 😑 so I'm just judging by memory how to regulate it. Unfortunately, that's my only choice! I'm also out of the dechlorinator 😕 things are not going very well this week so far 😅 I guess we will have to make do, until I can get replenished. 29.1.25: I removed all the plants, hoovered, and disinfected the tent. There were several accidents when watering, causing some debris and splashes. I decided to just go ahead and get a few other things done. It's crazy how quickly things can become neglected! 😣 So I defoliated moderately on all plants except Gorilla Cookies seedling. I have absolutely dropped the ball on my lighting situation! My light was much further away than I thought! I turned it up to 100% and dropped it down to just under 2 feet away. After I reset the tent, I set up my scrog net. I removed 80% of all LST pegs. I am planning on letting the scrog net take over the training from here. I really want to minimise the risk of mould, so I decided to start using my dehumidifier. It has raised up to 73% RH this week, so it's necessary. Hopefully, I will be able to get my dechlorinator and PH pen soon! That's kind of essential to me. It's been a little bit of a stressful day in the garden, to be honest 😅 30.1.25: So I am expecting the arrival of my new PH pen today, as well as my new bottle of Ecothrive neutralise. It is supposed to measure the TDS and EC in addition to the standard TEMP and PH, which I had previously. Obviously, time will tell if it's any good or not. I realise, much too late now, that my lighting is very insufficient for this many plants. I need double the watts at least, and coverage is very poor. I remembered I had an old LED floor lamp, which was in a corner being unused. I decided to take the stand off, and Zip tied the pole onto the tent pole at the back left corner. I have no idea what the wattage is, and it's quite pathetic 😅 but I mean, I might as well use it, being as I definitely cannot afford more lights! 😣 Next grow, I will probably only grow 2 plants, max 4, and just use larger 7-10 Gallon pots. Being as I ran out of dechlorinator, I only watered some plants properly because I only had enough to make 6 litres. When my pen arrives, I will get everything properly watered. 31.1.25: The leaves of several plants are showing signs of iron deficiency. This is likely due to my PH pen packing up earlier. I now have a new pen. Due to this, I decided to use my Seachem Prime, which I use for my aquariums. As I wanted to get them watered properly, and my Ecothrive Neutralise hasn't arrived yet. I watered each plant with 1ltr of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.0. I added .25g Ecothrive Biosys to the water. May give them a breather on the nutes and just use the Cal-Mag and Biosys. Being as I've just topped dressed with rich fertilisers, I'm sure that will be OK for the next several waterings. Bubble Kush
It's such a beautiful run with wonderful girls. I can't get enough of this stuff. The photos are very thirsty and need more love as the Autos. My opinion is more on autoflower. 🚀🌻💃 # OMG, just harvested my stress-killer strain! 🌿 150g wet from such a small plant, only 40cm tall! 🤯 No training needed for this little beauty. So proud of my little green friend. 💚 Can't wait to see what the dry weight is!
Gracias al equipo de Herbies Seeds, Marshydro y XpertNutrients sin ellos esto no seria posible. 💐🍁 Runtz Punch: Runtz Punch no es una cepa para personas de mente superficial, está hecha para reflexiones filosóficas, euforia dichosa y un gran subidón corporal a la hora de dormir. Es la cepa perfecta para romper la tolerancia en cualquier fumador experimentado. ¿Cuál es su secreto? Esta cepa tiene un gran impacto con un 29% (sí, 29%) de THC. Es mejor reservarla para noches de ensueño bajo las estrellas, deja que tu mente divague mientras tu cuerpo absorbe todas las cualidades terapéuticas que tanto necesita. 🚀 Consigue aqui tus semillas: https://herbiesheadshop.com/cannabis-seeds/runtz-punch-herbies-seeds 💡FC6500: Eficiencia líder en el mercado: la lámpara de cultivo LED FC-E6500, que ostenta un estatus líder en el mercado, es una solución rentable con un PPE de 2,8 µmol/J y un rendimiento máximo de 2,5 g/vatio. Ofrece un PPF alto de 2026 umol/S y es adecuada para una cobertura de vegetación de 1,50 m x 1,50 m y una cobertura de flores de 1,20 m x 1,20 m. Iluminación versátil y uniforme. https://marshydro.eu/products/mars-hydro-fc-e-6500-730w-commercial-led-grow-light/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw1qO0BhDwARIsANfnkv9IIrYSbmJqz8PqpJOIyWwJfp5bc3SGJgUV68USLQ4tjmXDYwoBuAsaAue3EALw_wcB 🚥 MarsHydro ADLITE UV/IR/RED: Para lograr un crecimiento óptimo de las plantas y maximizar los rendimientos es un arte simple que depende en gran medida de las condiciones ambientales adecuadas. Reconociendo las limitaciones de la iluminación natural y las soluciones de iluminación tradicionales para satisfacer estas necesidades únicas, lanzamos ADLITE. Estas luces especiales UV, IR y roja están diseñadas para llenar áreas del espectro, proporcionando las altas longitudes de onda que las plantas necesitan para un crecimiento y desarrollo óptimos. 🚀 Consigue aqui tu Adlite: https://marshydro.eu/collections/adlite-supplemental-lights/ 🏠 : Marshydro 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80, carpa 100% estanca con ventanas laterales para llegar a todos los lugares durante el grow https://marshydro.eu/products/diy-150x150x200cm-grow-tent-kit 🌬️💨 Marshydro 6inch + filtro carbon para evitar olores indeseables. https://marshydro.eu/products/ifresh-smart-6inch-filter-kits/ 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: https://xpertnutrients.com/es/shop/ 📆 Semana 11: Finalmente estoy contento con los resultados pese al error que tuve con el temporizador, lavado de raíces para esta maravilla y corte final en una semana.
Hanno iniziato la quinta settimana di vegetativa...penso che ancora poco e la passerò in fioritura 😂💪💪💪
26.1.25: I have had a mistake 😕 i spilt some Fish Mix as I was experimenting with a syphon from some aquarium tubing I have. Unfortunately, I forgot to take the syphon out! Ugh 😣 However, it is fish emulsion and very thick consistency. Therefore, I was able to scrape it up with 2 of my business cards up off the counter. So added this extra into the next 2 ltr solution I mixed. All plants were watered with at least 1ltr of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.3. Containing the following nutrients;- ♡ 3ml Seachem Seaweed ♡ 4ml Biobizz Fish Mix ♡ 4ml Biobizz Bio-Grow ♡ 3ml Biobizz Bloom ♡ 2ml Xpert Nutrients Bloom Booster ♡ 2ml Xpert Nutrients Cal-Mag ♡ .25g Ecothrive Biosys. ♡ 2.5g of Bicarbonate of Soda as PH UP. Unfortunately I have broken my PH pen too. Accidentally submerged it under water, then the readings went crazy. I'm leaving it to dry by standing it up but I'm most likely going to need a new one, which is extremely annoying 😑 I'm going start implementing the Scrog net probably some point next week if I let the plants that are in flower to just grow up now, as I do believe that I stunted Watermelon 🍉 by using too strenuous LST. Hopefully the plants still are able to grow upwards at this stage during flower for all the Purple Punch P1, P2 and P3. We will soon see! 28.1.25: My PH pen has packed up 😣 I've got to wait to get another. It's super annoying 😑 so I'm just judging by memory how to regulate it. Unfortunately, that's my only choice! I'm also out of the dechlorinator 😕 things are not going very well this week so far 😅 I guess we will have to make do, until I can get replenished. 29.1.25: I removed all the plants, hoovered, and disinfected the tent. There were several accidents when watering, causing some debris and splashes. I decided to just go ahead and get a few other things done. It's crazy how quickly things can become neglected! 😣 So I defoliated moderately on all plants except Gorilla Cookies seedling. I have absolutely dropped the ball on my lighting situation! My light was much further away than I thought! I turned it up to 100% and dropped it down to just under 2 feet away. After I reset the tent, I set up my scrog net. I removed 80% of all LST pegs. I am planning on letting the scrog net take over the training from here. I really want to minimise the risk of mould, so I decided to start using my dehumidifier. It has raised up to 73% RH this week, so it's necessary. Hopefully, I will be able to get my dechlorinator and PH pen soon! That's kind of essential to me. It's been a little bit of a stressful day in the garden, to be honest 😅 30.1.25: So I am expecting the arrival of my new PH pen today, as well as my new bottle of Ecothrive neutralise. It is supposed to measure the TDS and EC in addition to the standard TEMP and PH, which I had previously. Obviously, time will tell if it's any good or not. I realise, much too late now, that my lighting is very insufficient for this many plants. I need double the watts at least, and coverage is very poor. I remembered I had an old LED floor lamp, which was in a corner being unused. I decided to take the stand off, and Zip tied the pole onto the tent pole at the back left corner. I have no idea what the wattage is, and it's quite pathetic 😅 but I mean, I might as well use it, being as I definitely cannot afford more lights! 😣 Next grow, I will probably only grow 2 plants, max 4, and just use larger 7-10 Gallon pots. Being as I ran out of dechlorinator, I only watered some plants properly because I only had enough to make 6 litres. When my pen arrives, I will get everything properly watered. 31.1.25: The leaves of several plants are showing signs of iron deficiency. This is likely due to my PH pen packing up earlier. I now have a new pen. Due to this, I decided to use my Seachem Prime, which I use for my aquariums. As I wanted to get them watered properly, and my Ecothrive Neutralise hasn't arrived yet. I watered each plant with 1ltr of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.0. I added .25g Ecothrive Biosys to the water. May give them a breather on the nutes and just use the Cal-Mag and Biosys. Being as I've just topped dressed with rich fertilisers, I'm sure that will be OK for the next several waterings. Bubble Kush
26.1.25: I have had a mistake 😕 I spilt some Fish Mix as I was experimenting with a syphon from some aquarium tubing I have. Unfortunately, I forgot to take the syphon out! Ugh 😣 However, it is fish emulsion and very thick consistency. Therefore, I was able to scrape it up with 2 of my business cards up off the counter. So added this extra into the next 2 ltr solution I mixed. All plants were watered with at least 1ltr of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.3. Containing the following nutrients;- ♡ 3ml Seachem Seaweed ♡ 4ml Biobizz Fish Mix ♡ 4ml Biobizz Bio-Grow ♡ 3ml Biobizz Bloom ♡ 2ml Xpert Nutrients Bloom Booster ♡ 2ml Xpert Nutrients Cal-Mag ♡ .25g Ecothrive Biosys. ♡ 2.5g of Bicarbonate of Soda as PH UP. Unfortunately I have broken my PH pen too. Accidentally submerged it under water, then the readings went crazy. I'm leaving it to dry by standing it up but I'm most likely going to need a new one, which is extremely annoying 😑 I'm going start implementing the Scrog net probably some point next week if I let the plants that are in flower to just grow up now, as I do believe that I stunted Watermelon 🍉 by using too strenuous LST. Hopefully the plants still are able to grow upwards at this stage during flower for all the Purple Punch P1, P2 and P3. We will soon see! 28.1.25: My PH pen has packed up 😣 I've got to wait to get another. It's super annoying 😑 so I'm just judging by memory how to regulate it. Unfortunately, that's my only choice! I'm also out of the dechlorinator 😕 things are not going very well this week so far 😅 I guess we will have to make do, until I can get replenished. 29.1.25: I removed all the plants, hoovered, and disinfected the tent. There were several accidents when watering, causing some debris and splashes. I decided to just go ahead and get a few other things done. It's crazy how quickly things can become neglected! 😣 So I defoliated moderately on all plants except Gorilla Cookies seedling. I have absolutely dropped the ball on my lighting situation! My light was much further away than I thought! I turned it up to 100% and dropped it down to just under 2 feet away. After I reset the tent, I set up my scrog net. I removed 80% of all LST pegs. I am planning on letting the scrog net take over the training from here. I really want to minimise the risk of mould, so I decided to start using my dehumidifier. It has raised up to 73% RH this week, so it's necessary. Hopefully, I will be able to get my dechlorinator and PH pen soon! That's kind of essential to me. It's been a little bit of a stressful day in the garden, to be honest 😅 30.1.25: So I am expecting the arrival of my new PH pen today, as well as my new bottle of Ecothrive neutralise. It is supposed to measure the TDS and EC in addition to the standard TEMP and PH, which I had previously. Obviously, time will tell if it's any good or not. I realise, much too late now, that my lighting is very insufficient for this many plants. I need double the watts at least, and coverage is very poor. I remembered I had an old LED floor lamp, which was in a corner being unused. I decided to take the stand off, and Zip tied the pole onto the tent pole at the back left corner. I have no idea what the wattage is, and it's quite pathetic 😅 but I mean, I might as well use it, being as I definitely cannot afford more lights! 😣 Next grow, I will probably only grow 2 plants, max 4, and just use larger 7-10 Gallon pots. Being as I ran out of dechlorinator, I only watered some plants properly because I only had enough to make 6 litres. When my pen arrives, I will get everything properly watered. 31.1.25: The leaves of several plants are showing signs of iron deficiency. This is likely due to my PH pen packing up earlier. I now have a new pen. Due to this, I decided to use my Seachem Prime, which I use for my aquariums. As I wanted to get them watered properly, and my Ecothrive Neutralise hasn't arrived yet. I watered each plant with 1ltr of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.0. I added .25g Ecothrive Biosys to the water. May give them a breather on the nutes and just use the Cal-Mag and Biosys. Being as I've just topped dressed with rich fertilisers, I'm sure that will be OK for the next several waterings. Bubble Kush
26.1.25: I have had a mistake 😕 i spilt some Fish Mix as I was experimenting with a syphon from some aquarium tubing I have. Unfortunately, I forgot to take the syphon out! Ugh 😣 However, it is fish emulsion and very thick consistency. Therefore, I was able to scrape it up with 2 of my business cards up off the counter. So added this extra into the next 2 ltr solution I mixed. All plants were watered with at least 1ltr of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.3. Containing the following nutrients;- ♡ 3ml Seachem Seaweed ♡ 4ml Biobizz Fish Mix ♡ 4ml Biobizz Bio-Grow ♡ 3ml Biobizz Bloom ♡ 2ml Xpert Nutrients Bloom Booster ♡ 2ml Xpert Nutrients Cal-Mag ♡ .25g Ecothrive Biosys. ♡ 2.5g of Bicarbonate of Soda as PH UP. Unfortunately I have broken my PH pen too. Accidentally submerged it under water, then the readings went crazy. I'm leaving it to dry by standing it up but I'm most likely going to need a new one, which is extremely annoying 😑 I'm going start implementing the Scrog net probably some point next week if I let the plants that are in flower to just grow up now, as I do believe that I stunted Watermelon 🍉 by using too strenuous LST. Hopefully the plants still are able to grow upwards at this stage during flower for all the Purple Punch P1, P2 and P3. We will soon see! 28.1.25: My PH pen has packed up 😣 I've got to wait to get another. It's super annoying 😑 so I'm just judging by memory how to regulate it. Unfortunately, that's my only choice! I'm also out of the dechlorinator 😕 things are not going very well this week so far 😅 I guess we will have to make do, until I can get replenished. 29.1.25: I removed all the plants, hoovered, and disinfected the tent. There were several accidents when watering, causing some debris and splashes. I decided to just go ahead and get a few other things done. It's crazy how quickly things can become neglected! 😣 So I defoliated moderately on all plants except Gorilla Cookies seedling. I have absolutely dropped the ball on my lighting situation! My light was much further away than I thought! I turned it up to 100% and dropped it down to just under 2 feet away. After I reset the tent, I set up my scrog net. I removed 80% of all LST pegs. I am planning on letting the scrog net take over the training from here. I really want to minimise the risk of mould, so I decided to start using my dehumidifier. It has raised up to 73% RH this week, so it's necessary. Hopefully, I will be able to get my dechlorinator and PH pen soon! That's kind of essential to me. It's been a little bit of a stressful day in the garden, to be honest 😅 30.1.25: So I am expecting the arrival of my new PH pen today, as well as my new bottle of Ecothrive neutralise. It is supposed to measure the TDS and EC in addition to the standard TEMP and PH, which I had previously. Obviously, time will tell if it's any good or not. I realise, much too late now, that my lighting is very insufficient for this many plants. I need double the watts at least, and coverage is very poor. I remembered I had an old LED floor lamp, which was in a corner being unused. I decided to take the stand off, and Zip tied the pole onto the tent pole at the back left corner. I have no idea what the wattage is, and it's quite pathetic 😅 but I mean, I might as well use it, being as I definitely cannot afford more lights! 😣 Next grow, I will probably only grow 2 plants, max 4, and just use larger 7-10 Gallon pots. Being as I ran out of dechlorinator, I only watered some plants properly because I only had enough to make 6 litres. When my pen arrives, I will get everything properly watered. 31.1.25: The leaves of several plants are showing signs of iron deficiency. This is likely due to my PH pen packing up earlier. I now have a new pen. Due to this, I decided to use my Seachem Prime, which I use for my aquariums. As I wanted to get them watered properly, and my Ecothrive Neutralise hasn't arrived yet. I watered each plant with 1ltr of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.0. I added .25g Ecothrive Biosys to the water. May give them a breather on the nutes and just use the Cal-Mag and Biosys. Being as I've just topped dressed with rich fertilisers, I'm sure that will be OK for the next several waterings. Snipped another couple leaves which were annoying me 😅 I realised this is one of the pots I put my clay pebbles the bottom of. So I've probably not been watering enough, as she's right at the back, and assuming all was good because the pot was heavy. I went ahead and gave all the plants a thorough watering each with: 2ltrs of dechlorinated water, PH'd to 6.2 with:- ♡ 4ml of Xpert Nutrients Cal-Mag amino acids. ♡ 4ml Biobizz Bio-Grow ♡ 4ml Seaweed extract liquid Going to keep an eye out to see when they need more in next couple of days. They're all looking very well, except the slight colour fade on Bubble Kush
26.1.25: I have had a mistake 😕 i spilt some Fish Mix as I was experimenting with a syphon from some aquarium tubing I have. Unfortunately, I forgot to take the syphon out! Ugh 😣 However, it is fish emulsion and very thick consistency. Therefore, I was able to scrape it up with 2 of my business cards up off the counter. So added this extra into the next 2 ltr solution I mixed. All plants were watered with at least 1ltr of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.3. Containing the following nutrients;- ♡ 3ml Seachem Seaweed ♡ 4ml Biobizz Fish Mix ♡ 4ml Biobizz Bio-Grow ♡ 3ml Biobizz Bloom ♡ 2ml Xpert Nutrients Bloom Booster ♡ 2ml Xpert Nutrients Cal-Mag ♡ .25g Ecothrive Biosys. ♡ 2.5g of Bicarbonate of Soda as PH UP. Unfortunately I have broken my PH pen too. Accidentally submerged it under water, then the readings went crazy. I'm leaving it to dry by standing it up but I'm most likely going to need a new one, which is extremely annoying 😑 I'm going start implementing the Scrog net probably some point next week if I let the plants that are in flower to just grow up now, as I do believe that I stunted Watermelon 🍉 by using too strenuous LST. Hopefully the plants still are able to grow upwards at this stage during flower for all the Purple Punch P1, P2 and P3. We will soon see! 28.1.25: My PH pen has packed up 😣 I've got to wait to get another. It's super annoying 😑 so I'm just judging by memory how to regulate it. Unfortunately, that's my only choice! I'm also out of the dechlorinator 😕 things are not going very well this week so far 😅 I guess we will have to make do, until I can get replenished. 29.1.25: I removed all the plants, hoovered, and disinfected the tent. There were several accidents when watering, causing some debris and splashes. I decided to just go ahead and get a few other things done. It's crazy how quickly things can become neglected! 😣 So I defoliated moderately on all plants except Gorilla Cookies seedling. I have absolutely dropped the ball on my lighting situation! My light was much further away than I thought! I turned it up to 100% and dropped it down to just under 2 feet away. After I reset the tent, I set up my scrog net. I removed 80% of all LST pegs. I am planning on letting the scrog net take over the training from here. I really want to minimise the risk of mould, so I decided to start using my dehumidifier. It has raised up to 73% RH this week, so it's necessary. Hopefully, I will be able to get my dechlorinator and PH pen soon! That's kind of essential to me. It's been a little bit of a stressful day in the garden, to be honest 😅 30.1.25: So I am expecting the arrival of my new PH pen today, as well as my new bottle of Ecothrive neutralise. It is supposed to measure the TDS and EC in addition to the standard TEMP and PH, which I had previously. Obviously, time will tell if it's any good or not. I realise, much too late now, that my lighting is very insufficient for this many plants. I need double the watts at least, and coverage is very poor. I remembered I had an old LED floor lamp, which was in a corner being unused. I decided to take the stand off, and Zip tied the pole onto the tent pole at the back left corner. I have no idea what the wattage is, and it's quite pathetic 😅 but I mean, I might as well use it, being as I definitely cannot afford more lights! 😣 Next grow, I will probably only grow 2 plants, max 4, and just use larger 7-10 Gallon pots. Being as I ran out of dechlorinator, I only watered some plants properly because I only had enough to make 6 litres. When my pen arrives, I will get everything properly watered. 31.1.25: The leaves of several plants are showing signs of iron deficiency. This is likely due to my PH pen packing up earlier. I now have a new pen. Due to this, I decided to use my Seachem Prime, which I use for my aquariums. As I wanted to get them watered properly, and my Ecothrive Neutralise hasn't arrived yet. I watered each plant with 1ltr of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.0. I added .25g Ecothrive Biosys to the water. May give them a breather on the nutes and just use the Cal-Mag and Biosys. Being as I've just topped dressed with rich fertilisers, I'm sure that will be OK for the next several waterings. Bubble Kush
26.1.25: I have had a mistake 😕 i spilt some Fish Mix as I was experimenting with a syphon from some aquarium tubing I have. Unfortunately, I forgot to take the syphon out! Ugh 😣 However, it is fish emulsion and very thick consistency. Therefore, I was able to scrape it up with 2 of my business cards up off the counter. So added this extra into the next 2 ltr solution I mixed. All plants were watered with at least 1ltr of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.3. Containing the following nutrients;- ♡ 3ml Seachem Seaweed ♡ 4ml Biobizz Fish Mix ♡ 4ml Biobizz Bio-Grow ♡ 3ml Biobizz Bloom ♡ 2ml Xpert Nutrients Bloom Booster ♡ 2ml Xpert Nutrients Cal-Mag ♡ .25g Ecothrive Biosys. ♡ 2.5g of Bicarbonate of Soda as PH UP. Unfortunately I have broken my PH pen too. Accidentally submerged it under water, then the readings went crazy. I'm leaving it to dry by standing it up but I'm most likely going to need a new one, which is extremely annoying 😑 I'm going start implementing the Scrog net probably some point next week if I let the plants that are in flower to just grow up now, as I do believe that I stunted Watermelon 🍉 by using too strenuous LST. Hopefully the plants still are able to grow upwards at this stage during flower for all the Purple Punch P1, P2 and P3. We will soon see! 28.1.25: My PH pen has packed up 😣 I've got to wait to get another. It's super annoying 😑 so I'm just judging by memory how to regulate it. Unfortunately, that's my only choice! I'm also out of the dechlorinator 😕 things are not going very well this week so far 😅 I guess we will have to make do, until I can get replenished. 29.1.25: I removed all the plants, hoovered, and disinfected the tent. There were several accidents when watering, causing some debris and splashes. I decided to just go ahead and get a few other things done. It's crazy how quickly things can become neglected! 😣 So I defoliated moderately on all plants except Gorilla Cookies seedling. I have absolutely dropped the ball on my lighting situation! My light was much further away than I thought! I turned it up to 100% and dropped it down to just under 2 feet away. After I reset the tent, I set up my scrog net. I removed 80% of all LST pegs. I am planning on letting the scrog net take over the training from here. I really want to minimise the risk of mould, so I decided to start using my dehumidifier. It has raised up to 73% RH this week, so it's necessary. Hopefully, I will be able to get my dechlorinator and PH pen soon! That's kind of essential to me. It's been a little bit of a stressful day in the garden, to be honest 😅 30.1.25: So I am expecting the arrival of my new PH pen today, as well as my new bottle of Ecothrive neutralise. It is supposed to measure the TDS and EC in addition to the standard TEMP and PH, which I had previously. Obviously, time will tell if it's any good or not. I realise, much too late now, that my lighting is very insufficient for this many plants. I need double the watts at least, and coverage is very poor. I remembered I had an old LED floor lamp, which was in a corner being unused. I decided to take the stand off, and Zip tied the pole onto the tent pole at the back left corner. I have no idea what the wattage is, and it's quite pathetic 😅 but I mean, I might as well use it, being as I definitely cannot afford more lights! 😣 Next grow, I will probably only grow 2 plants, max 4, and just use larger 7-10 Gallon pots. Being as I ran out of dechlorinator, I only watered some plants properly because I only had enough to make 6 litres. When my pen arrives, I will get everything properly watered. 31.1.25: The leaves of several plants are showing signs of iron deficiency. This is likely due to my PH pen packing up earlier. I now have a new pen. Due to this, I decided to use my Seachem Prime, which I use for my aquariums. As I wanted to get them watered properly, and my Ecothrive Neutralise hasn't arrived yet. I watered each plant with 1ltr of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.0. I added .25g Ecothrive Biosys to the water. May give them a breather on the nutes and just use the Cal-Mag and Biosys. Being as I've just topped dressed with rich fertilisers, I'm sure that will be OK for the next several waterings. Snipped another couple leaves which were annoying me 😅 I realised this is one of the pots I put my clay pebbles the bottom of. So I've probably not been watering enough, as she's right at the back, and assuming all was good because the pot was heavy. I went ahead and gave all the plants a thorough watering each with: 2ltrs of dechlorinated water, PH'd to 6.2 with:- ♡ 4ml of Xpert Nutrients Cal-Mag amino acids. ♡ 4ml Biobizz Bio-Grow ♡ 4ml Seaweed extract liquid Going to keep an eye out to see when they need more in next couple of days. They're all looking very well, except the slight colour fade on Bubble Kush
26.1.25: I have had a mistake 😕 i spilt some Fish Mix as I was experimenting with a syphon from some aquarium tubing I have. Unfortunately, I forgot to take the syphon out! Ugh 😣 However, it is fish emulsion and very thick consistency. Therefore, I was able to scrape it up with 2 of my business cards up off the counter. So added this extra into the next 2 ltr solution I mixed. All plants were watered with at least 1ltr of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.3. Containing the following nutrients;- ♡ 3ml Seachem Seaweed ♡ 4ml Biobizz Fish Mix ♡ 4ml Biobizz Bio-Grow ♡ 3ml Biobizz Bloom ♡ 2ml Xpert Nutrients Bloom Booster ♡ 2ml Xpert Nutrients Cal-Mag ♡ .25g Ecothrive Biosys. ♡ 2.5g of Bicarbonate of Soda as PH UP. Unfortunately I have broken my PH pen too. Accidentally submerged it under water, then the readings went crazy. I'm leaving it to dry by standing it up but I'm most likely going to need a new one, which is extremely annoying 😑 I'm going start implementing the Scrog net probably some point next week if I let the plants that are in flower to just grow up now, as I do believe that I stunted Watermelon 🍉 by using too strenuous LST. Hopefully the plants still are able to grow upwards at this stage during flower for all the Purple Punch P1, P2 and P3. We will soon see! 28.1.25: My PH pen has packed up 😣 I've got to wait to get another. It's super annoying 😑 so I'm just judging by memory how to regulate it. Unfortunately, that's my only choice! I'm also out of the dechlorinator 😕 things are not going very well this week so far 😅 I guess we will have to make do, until I can get replenished. 29.1.25: I removed all the plants, hoovered, and disinfected the tent. There were several accidents when watering, causing some debris and splashes. I decided to just go ahead and get a few other things done. It's crazy how quickly things can become neglected! 😣 So I defoliated moderately on all plants except Gorilla Cookies seedling. I have absolutely dropped the ball on my lighting situation! My light was much further away than I thought! I turned it up to 100% and dropped it down to just under 2 feet away. After I reset the tent, I set up my scrog net. I removed 80% of all LST pegs. I am planning on letting the scrog net take over the training from here. I really want to minimise the risk of mould, so I decided to start using my dehumidifier. It has raised up to 73% RH this week, so it's necessary. Hopefully, I will be able to get my dechlorinator and PH pen soon! That's kind of essential to me. It's been a little bit of a stressful day in the garden, to be honest 😅 30.1.25: So I am expecting the arrival of my new PH pen today, as well as my new bottle of Ecothrive neutralise. It is supposed to measure the TDS and EC in addition to the standard TEMP and PH, which I had previously. Obviously, time will tell if it's any good or not. I realise, much too late now, that my lighting is very insufficient for this many plants. I need double the watts at least, and coverage is very poor. I remembered I had an old LED floor lamp, which was in a corner being unused. I decided to take the stand off, and Zip tied the pole onto the tent pole at the back left corner. I have no idea what the wattage is, and it's quite pathetic 😅 but I mean, I might as well use it, being as I definitely cannot afford more lights! 😣 Next grow, I will probably only grow 2 plants, max 4, and just use larger 7-10 Gallon pots. Being as I ran out of dechlorinator, I only watered some plants properly because I only had enough to make 6 litres. When my pen arrives, I will get everything properly watered. 31.1.25: The leaves of several plants are showing signs of iron deficiency. This is likely due to my PH pen packing up earlier. I now have a new pen. Due to this, I decided to use my Seachem Prime, which I use for my aquariums. As I wanted to get them watered properly, and my Ecothrive Neutralise hasn't arrived yet. I watered each plant with 1ltr of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.0. I added .25g Ecothrive Biosys to the water. May give them a breather on the nutes and just use the Cal-Mag and Biosys. Being as I've just topped dressed with rich fertilisers, I'm sure that will be OK for the next several waterings. 1.2.25: Watermelon 🍉 has started flowering. The size and shape of her is quite laughable 😅 Retrospectively I started the LST too early and went in too heavy with it too. That obviously wasn't a great idea. Still, this is my first run attempting to do LST, and I have a whole bunch to experience and learn from here! 😅 We may get lucky with a stretch. Who knows right. I remember this one was supposed to finish really early, like 10 weeks or something so hopefully will get at least a bit bigger 🤞 Also the new growth is still a little bleached out. Hopefully the switch to a functional PH meter will correct the imbalance which may have occurred due to my previous one packing up. Snipped another couple leaves which were annoying me 😅 I realised this is one of the pots I put my clay pebbles the bottom of. So I've probably not been watering enough, as she's right at the back, and assuming all was good because the pot was heavier. Removed a couple of leaves from Bubble Kush
26.1.25: I have had a mistake 😕 i spilt some Fish Mix as I was experimenting with a syphon from some aquarium tubing I have. Unfortunately, I forgot to take the syphon out! Ugh 😣 However, it is fish emulsion and very thick consistency. Therefore, I was able to scrape it up with 2 of my business cards up off the counter. So added this extra into the next 2 ltr solution I mixed. All plants were watered with at least 1ltr of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.3. Containing the following nutrients;- ♡ 3ml Seachem Seaweed ♡ 4ml Biobizz Fish Mix ♡ 4ml Biobizz Bio-Grow ♡ 3ml Biobizz Bloom ♡ 2ml Xpert Nutrients Bloom Booster ♡ 2ml Xpert Nutrients Cal-Mag ♡ .25g Ecothrive Biosys. ♡ 2.5g of Bicarbonate of Soda as PH UP. Unfortunately I have broken my PH pen too. Accidentally submerged it under water, then the readings went crazy. I'm leaving it to dry by standing it up but I'm most likely going to need a new one, which is extremely annoying 😑 I'm going start implementing the Scrog net probably some point next week if I let the plants that are in flower to just grow up now, as I do believe that I stunted Watermelon 🍉 by using too strenuous LST. Hopefully the plants still are able to grow upwards at this stage during flower for all the Purple Punch P1, P2 and P3. We will soon see! 28.1.25: My PH pen has packed up 😣 I've got to wait to get another. It's super annoying 😑 so I'm just judging by memory how to regulate it. Unfortunately, that's my only choice! I'm also out of the dechlorinator 😕 things are not going very well this week so far 😅 I guess we will have to make do, until I can get replenished. 29.1.25: I removed all the plants, hoovered, and disinfected the tent. There were several accidents when watering, causing some debris and splashes. I decided to just go ahead and get a few other things done. It's crazy how quickly things can become neglected! 😣 So I defoliated moderately on all plants except Gorilla Cookies seedling. I have absolutely dropped the ball on my lighting situation! My light was much further away than I thought! I turned it up to 100% and dropped it down to just under 2 feet away. After I reset the tent, I set up my scrog net. I removed 80% of all LST pegs. I am planning on letting the scrog net take over the training from here. I really want to minimise the risk of mould, so I decided to start using my dehumidifier. It has raised up to 73% RH this week, so it's necessary. Hopefully, I will be able to get my dechlorinator and PH pen soon! That's kind of essential to me. It's been a little bit of a stressful day in the garden, to be honest 😅 30.1.25: So I am expecting the arrival of my new PH pen today, as well as my new bottle of Ecothrive neutralise. It is supposed to measure the TDS and EC in addition to the standard TEMP and PH, which I had previously. Obviously, time will tell if it's any good or not. I realise, much too late now, that my lighting is very insufficient for this many plants. I need double the watts at least, and coverage is very poor. I remembered I had an old LED floor lamp, which was in a corner being unused. I decided to take the stand off, and Zip tied the pole onto the tent pole at the back left corner. I have no idea what the wattage is, and it's quite pathetic 😅 but I mean, I might as well use it, being as I definitely cannot afford more lights! 😣 Next grow, I will probably only grow 2 plants, max 4, and just use larger 7-10 Gallon pots. Being as I ran out of dechlorinator, I only watered some plants properly because I only had enough to make 6 litres. When my pen arrives, I will get everything properly watered. 31.1.25: The leaves of several plants are showing signs of iron deficiency. This is likely due to my PH pen packing up earlier. I now have a new pen. Due to this, I decided to use my Seachem Prime, which I use for my aquariums. As I wanted to get them watered properly, and my Ecothrive Neutralise hasn't arrived yet. I watered each plant with 1ltr of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.0. I added .25g Ecothrive Biosys to the water. May give them a breather on the nutes and just use the Cal-Mag and Biosys. Being as I've just topped dressed with rich fertilisers, I'm sure that will be OK for the next several waterings. Bubble Kush
26.1.25: I have had a mistake 😕 I spilt some Fish Mix as I was experimenting with a syphon from some aquarium tubing I have. Unfortunately, I forgot to take the syphon out! Ugh 😣 However, it is fish emulsion and very thick consistency. Therefore, I was able to scrape it up with 2 of my business cards up off the counter. So added this extra into the next 2 ltr solution I mixed. All plants were watered with at least 1ltr of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.3. Containing the following nutrients;- ♡ 3ml Seachem Seaweed ♡ 4ml Biobizz Fish Mix ♡ 4ml Biobizz Bio-Grow ♡ 3ml Biobizz Bloom ♡ 2ml Xpert Nutrients Bloom Booster ♡ 2ml Xpert Nutrients Cal-Mag ♡ .25g Ecothrive Biosys. ♡ 2.5g of Bicarbonate of Soda as PH UP. Unfortunately I have broken my PH pen too. Accidentally submerged it under water, then the readings went crazy. I'm leaving it to dry by standing it up but I'm most likely going to need a new one, which is extremely annoying 😑 I'm going start implementing the Scrog net probably some point next week if I let the plants that are in flower to just grow up now, as I do believe that I stunted Watermelon 🍉 by using too strenuous LST. Hopefully the plants still are able to grow upwards at this stage during flower for all the Purple Punch P1, P2 and P3. We will soon see! 28.1.25: My PH pen has packed up 😣 I've got to wait to get another. It's super annoying 😑 so I'm just judging by memory how to regulate it. Unfortunately, that's my only choice! I'm also out of the dechlorinator 😕 things are not going very well this week so far 😅 I guess we will have to make do, until I can get replenished. 29.1.25: I removed all the plants, hoovered, and disinfected the tent. There were several accidents when watering, causing some debris and splashes. I decided to just go ahead and get a few other things done. It's crazy how quickly things can become neglected! 😣 So I defoliated moderately on all plants except Gorilla Cookies seedling. I have absolutely dropped the ball on my lighting situation! My light was much further away than I thought! I turned it up to 100% and dropped it down to just under 2 feet away. After I reset the tent, I set up my scrog net. I removed 80% of all LST pegs. I am planning on letting the scrog net take over the training from here. I really want to minimise the risk of mould, so I decided to start using my dehumidifier. It has raised up to 73% RH this week, so it's necessary. Hopefully, I will be able to get my dechlorinator and PH pen soon! That's kind of essential to me. It's been a little bit of a stressful day in the garden, to be honest 😅 30.1.25: So I am expecting the arrival of my new PH pen today, as well as my new bottle of Ecothrive neutralise. It is supposed to measure the TDS and EC in addition to the standard TEMP and PH, which I had previously. Obviously, time will tell if it's any good or not. I realise, much too late now, that my lighting is very insufficient for this many plants. I need double the watts at least, and coverage is very poor. I remembered I had an old LED floor lamp, which was in a corner being unused. I decided to take the stand off, and Zip tied the pole onto the tent pole at the back left corner. I have no idea what the wattage is, and it's quite pathetic 😅 but I mean, I might as well use it, being as I definitely cannot afford more lights! 😣 Next grow, I will probably only grow 2 plants, max 4, and just use larger 7-10 Gallon pots. Being as I ran out of dechlorinator, I only watered some plants properly because I only had enough to make 6 litres. When my pen arrives, I will get everything properly watered. 31.1.25: The leaves of several plants are showing signs of iron deficiency. This is likely due to my PH pen packing up earlier. I now have a new pen. Due to this, I decided to use my Seachem Prime, which I use for my aquariums. As I wanted to get them watered properly, and my Ecothrive Neutralise hasn't arrived yet. I watered each plant with 1ltr of dechlorinated water PH'd to 6.0. I added .25g Ecothrive Biosys to the water. May give them a breather on the nutes and just use the Cal-Mag and Biosys. Being as I've just topped dressed with rich fertilisers, I'm sure that will be OK for the next several waterings. Bubble Kush
Gracias al equipo de Royal Queen Seeds, en especial a @james, Marshydro y XpertNutrients y sin ellos esto no seria posible. 💐🍁 Gelato #44: Los criadores de Tyson 2.0 criaron Gelato 44 a partir de cepas finas. Al cruzar la Sunset Sherbet y la Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies, crearon un híbrido de dominancia índica que asesta fuertes golpes en el cuerpo y la cabeza. Su contenido de THC del 22% crea sinergia con terpenos colocantes para ablandar los músculos Mantenla hidratada y con una dieta constante y pasará por la fase de floración en unas ocho semanas. Las plantas de interior alcanzan una altura máxima de 120 cm y producen 400-450 g/m², mientras que sus homólogas de exterior alcanzan los 180 cm y producen hasta 600 g por planta. 🚀 Consigue aqui tus semillas: https://www.royalqueenseeds.es/rqs-semillas-cannabis-tyson/663-gelato-44.html 💡FC6500: Eficiencia líder en el mercado: la lámpara de cultivo LED FC-E6500, que ostenta un estatus líder en el mercado, es una solución rentable con un PPE de 2,8 µmol/J y un rendimiento máximo de 2,5 g/vatio. Ofrece un PPF alto de 2026 umol/S y es adecuada para una cobertura de vegetación de 1,50 m x 1,50 m y una cobertura de flores de 1,20 m x 1,20 m. Iluminación versátil y uniforme. https://marshydro.eu/products/mars-hydro-fc-e-6500-730w-commercial-led-grow-light/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw1qO0BhDwARIsANfnkv9IIrYSbmJqz8PqpJOIyWwJfp5bc3SGJgUV68USLQ4tjmXDYwoBuAsaAue3EALw_wcB 🚥 MarsHydro ADLITE UV/IR/RED: Para lograr un crecimiento óptimo de las plantas y maximizar los rendimientos es un arte simple que depende en gran medida de las condiciones ambientales adecuadas. Reconociendo las limitaciones de la iluminación natural y las soluciones de iluminación tradicionales para satisfacer estas necesidades únicas, lanzamos ADLITE. Estas luces especiales UV, IR y roja están diseñadas para llenar áreas del espectro, proporcionando las altas longitudes de onda que las plantas necesitan para un crecimiento y desarrollo óptimos. 🚀 Consigue aqui tu Adlite: https://marshydro.eu/collections/adlite-supplemental-lights/ 🏠 : Marshydro 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80, carpa 100% estanca con ventanas laterales para llegar a todos los lugares durante el grow https://marshydro.eu/products/diy-150x150x200cm-grow-tent-kit 🌬️💨 Marshydro 6inch + filtro carbon para evitar olores indeseables. https://marshydro.eu/products/ifresh-smart-6inch-filter-kits/ 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: https://xpertnutrients.com/es/shop/ 📆 Semana 11:: Los cogollos están en su etapa de engorde, ella fue una de las que no entraron en floración debido al error con el temporizador. Estan muy cargas de resina esta vez.