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She's doing well as far as I'm concerned. Very late flowering, bud growth has almost stopped save for a couple smaller buds about the size of a plum each. Pistils are turning from pure white to bright orange with cognac tones. I like bright orange hair in my bud, so I'm happy with this. No less happy I am that I have apparently grown a significantly purple-ish plant, which would be my first time ever having access to purple-ish quality bud. I'm very excited to see how she turns out after curing!
Alrighty My Friend well this was one hell of a grow , i had a blast , the SugarLarry exceeded my expectations in everyway .... I would definitely recommend 👌 👉Soil Provided by ProMix.ca 👉Nutrients Provided by Agrogardens 👉Lighting Provided by MarsHydro.ca Thanks my friends for the great support over the years 🙏 Happy Growing
Alrighty My Friend well this was one hell of a grow , i had a blast , the SugarLarry exceeded my expectations in everyway .... I would definitely recommend 👌 👉Soil Provided by ProMix.ca 👉Nutrients Provided by Agrogardens 👉Lighting Provided by MarsHydro.ca Thanks my friends for the great support over the years 🙏 Happy Growing
Alrighty My Friend well this was one hell of a grow , i had a blast , the SugarLarry exceeded my expectations in everyway .... I would definitely recommend 👌 👉Soil Provided by ProMix.ca 👉Nutrients Provided by Agrogardens 👉Lighting Provided by MarsHydro.ca Thanks my friends for the great support over the years 🙏 Happy Growing
I have to dry the buds in the dark, at 20 degrees in 50% humidity
Alrighty My Friends I had a blast growing this stuff , everytime I grow this plant its fire 🔥 and its always the same pheno so far , truly amazing 👏 stuff Nothing but budz on a stick 👌Would not only recommend 😉 but I will go a far as stating this the best smoke I've had grown to date 😋 👉Soil Provided by ProMix.ca 👉Nutrients Provided by Agrogardens 👉Lighting Provided by MarsHydro.ca Thanks my friends for the great support over the years 🙏 Happy Growing
Alrighty My Friends I had a blast growing this stuff , everytime I grow this plant its fire 🔥 and its always the same pheno so far , truly amazing 👏 stuff Nothing but budz on a stick 👌Would not only recommend 😉 but I will go a far as stating this the best smoke I've had grown to date 😋 👉Soil Provided by ProMix.ca 👉Nutrients Provided by Agrogardens 👉Lighting Provided by MarsHydro.ca Thanks my friends for the great support over the years 🙏 Happy Growing
Alrighty My Friends I had a blast growing this stuff , everytime I grow this plant its fire 🔥 and its always the same pheno so far , truly amazing 👏 stuff Nothing but budz on a stick 👌Would not only recommend 😉 but I will go a far as stating this the best smoke I've had grown to date 😋 👉Soil Provided by ProMix.ca 👉Nutrients Provided by Agrogardens 👉Lighting Provided by MarsHydro.ca Thanks my friends for the great support over the years 🙏 Happy Growing
I have to dry the buds in the dark, at 21 degrees in 50% humidity 🤯
Week 4 for the gorilla cookies from fastbuds 420 All good so far, we continue to apply addictives from xpert nutrients and add some more bloom nutrients as some of the girls are demanding a little more bloom nutrients. All good so far and not much more weeks to go, lets see of the girls continue to swollen up a bit more
Week 4 for the banana purple punch from fastbuds 420 All good so far, we continue to apply addictives from xpert nutrients and add some more bloom nutrients as some of the girls are demanding a little more bloom nutrients. All good so far and not much more weeks to go, lets see of the girls continue to swollen up a bit more
Week 4 for the Apricot from fastbuds 420 All good so far, we continue to apply addictives from xpert nutrients and add some more bloom nutrients as some of the girls are demanding a little more bloom nutrients. All good so far and not much more weeks to go, lets see of the girls continue to swollen up a bit more
Esto ha llegado a su fin, podría haberlas dejado otra semana más, pero resulta que lo que creía que era una plaga de trips termino siendo de araña, se ha propagado muy lentamente porque las condiciones eran desfavorables para ellas, pero al final han terminando invadiendo mi jardín. No podía verlas sufrir más y he decidido cortar por lo sano. A pesar de la plaga las flores tienen un aspecto muy bueno, y el olor cítrico-dulce están intenso que me recuerda a un foie gras gourmet. Presagio que va tener muy buen sabor, deseando ya de catarlas
On day 1 I transplanted 2 BB clones into 3 gal smart pots with coco coir. I watered them in with veg formula and set up my blumat watering system with week 1 flower nutes. I raised PPFD to 600-700. On day 2 the reservoirs PH was adjusted from 6.4 to 6.0. The rez is 823 ppm. The tops are 16.5" from the grow light. The blumats have not started watering yet and I will monitor to ensure it goes smoothly. I have the blumats set at 1.25 carrots on left plant and 1 carrot on right plant. The average PPFD of my 16 tops is 703 PPFD. I increased temps to 85 day 81 night to get leaf surface around 80 f during day. On day 3 the reservoirs PH is 6.2. The rez is 782 ppm. The blumats have started watering and I will monitor closely over the next few days. On day 4 the reservoirs PH was adjusted from 6.3 to 6.1. The rez is 717ppm. On day 5 the reservoirs PH is steady at 6.1. The rez is 706 ppm. The highest top is 15.25" from the light. I defoliated to bring in more air and light to deeper into the canopy. I increased the flow rate of blumat by .5 carrot on the right plant as it was a little to dry for my liking. The Clones are preforming well. On day 6 the reservoir PH is going down so I adjusted up from 6.0 to 6.2. The rez is 730 ppm. The highest cola is 14.75" from the light. The left plant had a runaway so I reduced blumat by 1 carrot. I increased flow of blumat on right plant by .5 carrot as it is still drier than I would like. On day 7 the reservoirs PH was adjusted from 6.3 to 6.0. The highest cola is 14.25". I reset rez with nutes.
Week 4 for the strawberry gorilla from fastbuds 420 All good so far, we continue to apply addictives from xpert nutrients and add some more bloom nutrients as some of the girls are demanding a little more bloom nutrients. All good so far and not much more weeks to go, lets see of the girls continue to swollen up a bit more
Week 4 for the strawberry gorilla from fastbuds 420 All good so far, we continue to apply addictives from xpert nutrients and add some more bloom nutrients as some of the girls are demanding a little more bloom nutrients. All good so far and not much more weeks to go, lets see of the girls continue to swollen up a bit more
День 85. 02.07 перевёл на 14/10, но не пошло😢 18.07 перевёл на 12/12 Кендик Температура Днём 30 Ночью 27 Влажность 52% Расстояние до лампы 7см это критично😂 Полив 2л Simplex terra Bloom 8мл Simplex taste 2мл Simplex solid 2мл Simplex Power 6 капель на 300 мл Simplex Mass 3 капли на 300 мл Растиха очень хорошо себя чувствует и показывает всем видом своим😁поднабрали многие ветви объём, так что многие должны будут выдержать цветочки😊 На этой недели начался безумный запах лесных ягод и такой сладкий сладкий запах, начали трихомы показываться довольно хорошо, цветочки набирают по тихоньку массу свою😁 на днях проведу ещё дефулиацию и думаю уже уберу все остальные листья мешающие😊 День 85. 02.07 перевёл на 14/10, но не пошло😢 18.07 перевёл на 12/12 Банана лов Температура Днём 30 Ночью 27 Влажность 52% Расстояние до лампы 25 см Полив 2л Simplex terra Bloom 8мл Simplex taste 2мл Simplex solid 2мл Simplex Power 6 капель на 300 мл Simplex Mass 3 капли на 300 мл Растиха начала испускать такой запах мощи страшной, пока описать не могу точно запах, но чувствуется что будет тяжело с ней бороться😂 А так наливаються достаточно толстые шишки, прям набор идёт очень заметный каждый день, питается очень хорошо и ей всё нравится иногда даже кажется что просит ещё😁 А ещё вернёмся к мутаций на Кендике, как она развилась и во что превратилась😂
Oggi, lunedì 22/01 ho cambiato una 40 ina di litri di soluzione nuova e fresca...ho notato che verso la fine, l'acqua/soluzione era più "limpida" rispetto alla prima ventina di litri ... credo che la pietra porosa con aggiunta di ossigenatore sia stata utile nel secchio "Sistema" per evitare eventuali depositi sul fondo Il problema maggiore è la temperatura stessa ossigenata... è impossibile tenerla a 19/20° senza l'uso di un raffreddatore(Chiller)...costa un botto! Ora è a 21.3 ma sicuramente salirà....di solito è intorno ai 22° ...La luce led dimmerabile è all'80%... È vero che ci saranno le foglie a fare ombra al vaso....ma non so se al 100% ,che metterò ad inizio fioritura e l'abbassero in altezza a 40 cm dalla cima,cosa accadrà alla temperatura,in generale Per ora andiamo avanti e proviamo a risolvere una cosa la volta 😉 Oggi topping o FiMing, vediamo cosa riesce😂 Crescono ma... credo che abbiano preso il Mosaico del tabacco..una malattia che deforma le foglie,si piegano le punte in su e in giù, alcune foglie appunto presentano una specie di mosaico con macchie giallognolo Sembra bene...oggi 2 febbraio defogliazione e da lunedì si passa alle 12 ore..... credo che farò così...o farò poi fatica a gestire le altezze e l'area...ho notato che le foglie e il tronco sono molto più grossi rispetto la terra con lo stesso periodo di 3 settimane piene...
Red Wine was a joy to grow. Very easy plant that not need a lot of nutrition to eat. Smell is out of this world, cant pinpoint because Ive never done Red Wine ever... But its fruity and a hint of berries. From Seed to flower it took 11 weeks. Thats a fast growing plant