Woche 5 - Vorletzte Woche der Vegetation und beeindruckende Entwicklung Die fünfte Woche markierte die vorletzte Vegetationswoche, und die Pflanzen zeigten weiterhin bemerkenswertes Wachstum und Gesundheit. Die Nährstoffe und das Gießschema blieben unverändert, wobei der EC- und pH-Wert sowohl im Drain als auch in der Nährlösung stabil auf optimalem Niveau waren. Die Luftfeuchtigkeit wurde leicht auf 60 % gesenkt, während die Temperatur weiterhin im Bereich von etwa 22 bis 26 Grad blieb. Die Pflanzen setzten ihr Wachstum in beeindruckendem Tempo fort und entwickelten enorme Seitentriebe. SPOILER !!!: Ohne jegliches zusätzliches Training bildeten sich am Ende der Woche 16 bis 18 Hauptnebenbuds sowie jeweils ein zentraler, kräftiger Headbud. Die Genetik dieser Pflanzen erwies sich als absolut außergewöhnlich. ENGLISH Week 5 - Final Week of Vegetation and Remarkable Development The fifth week marked the penultimate week of vegetation, and the plants continued to show remarkable growth and health. The nutrient and watering schedules remained unchanged, with EC and pH levels stable at optimal values, both in the nutrient solution and the drain. Humidity was slightly reduced to 60%, while temperatures stayed in the range of 22 to 26 degrees Celsius. The plants kept growing at an impressive rate and developed enormous side branches. Without any additional training, by the end of the week, they formed 16 to 18 main side buds along with a strong central head bud. The genetics of these plants proved to be absolutely outstanding.
I used mammoth microbes, power si, photosynthesis plus, roots organic nutrients, fox farms soil under mixed lighting with an outdoor flower.
Ever since I started adding nutrients my main flowering plant looks like it’s stressed out. Maybe even slowing of some growth. The one that just started flowering seems to be unbothered. Continuing to try to follow instructions as best as I can but of coarse I can do stupid things like after I feed I once used water without ph correcting it 😒. All good though gotta learn somehow. This strain keeps growing regardless. Might just not hit its maximum potential due to lack of professional know how.
day 36. light schedule was 12/12. only for this day tops looking yellow ish. so i suppose its because of the lack of light plus it stretch quite a bit. back to 18/6 then day 37. topped with RO water, 1 quart, pH to 6.0 growth spurt is real. havent seen much like this before day 38. topped with another RO water, 1 quart, pH to 6.0 reservoir water level is decreasing rapidly kinda have to change reservoir before the weekend. noted to self day 39. nothing much really day 40. decided to change the reservoir. water level is low, the reservoir came back at pH 5.2, 360ppm plant is drinking a bunch and needs more nute new regimen was still the same, 600ppm done some light defoliation just to clear some foliage day 41. nothing much still day 42. topped with RO water, 1 quart, pH to 6.0 plant is vigorous, but havent started to flower. is hydro take this long to flower? i mean it stretch almost double it size since last week and there's NO PISTIL AT ALL. NONE AT ALL. checked every one of them im running outta space, 16 inches left to the light
I love the buds, short and stocky. Covered in crystals, plant didnt get any aphids, and the other 3 growing in the same tent did.
We ended up harvesting on day 55 of flower for these girls. 2 of these girls stayed shorter and gave a more spaced out bud stucture, while the other 2 took over the tent and were twice as big and gave a more normal compact bud stucture. 1 plant in particular(front left one) took over the main area of the tent on its side and produced about half of the total weight over all. We ran into some problems with stretching this go round as I’m still trying to figure out these light movers. But trial and error will prevail in the long run I’m sure, just takes so long once you make a change to see the results sometimes it’s tricky. Lol we haven’t cured yet but already it is some nice smelling and tasty buds. Got that classic OG kush kinda smell and taste. I will update more on this once we get some curing time in on it. We ended up with just over 10 ounces of bud and a little over an once of smaller popcorn buds, although with the exception of the one that gave us half the weight, most of the buds on the other 3 girls once broken up where all smaller with a few exceptions. But for an early version strain that is crossed with the ruderalis plant for fast flower it didn’t turn out to bad all things considered. 11 ounces off 4 plants in 55 days is ok in my books. Lol we also got a crap load of trim and just the lower fluffy stuff we will use for baking and oil making. Overall it was very easy to go, took some good ph swings like a champ and really didn’t give me any trouble with the exception of my mistakes and experimenting with my light rail movers.
The whole theme of this indoor grow was how to cope with the ups and downs of growing your medicine in a unfinished basement .The plant loved her environment in the first week but do to my soil being hot she soon developed yellowing of the leaves and was about to kill her off . Then with some adjustments to her enviroment she really took off and grew up .This has and continues to be a great strain to grow and the team at fastbuds always has those bomb genetics ...she never has issues with feeding and drank very well this whole trip . I would recommend this strain to anyone to try doesn't matter of your a hobbies or first time growing.. cheers canna family ...
Wow and wow the stench coming off of these flowers is too notch stuff you guys .. They were so easy to grow from start to finish and were very good at growing with minimal water, under feeding and anything else I threw at it . It's great at taking your training and doesn't mind cropping either . They have so many great strains I'm eager to try some more after this one because they are suck treats to grow anymore ..
Absolute nightmare grow.. It all turned out great in the end, but it's the first and last time i'm growing full size plants in a Aeroflo 40 system. Water leaks due to root clogging the system. Stems that had 1cm to the edge in a 7.5cm pot. Everything basicly went ballistic from the time it went into flower. I removed and cleared leafs before flowering, but these ladies kept growing. Aeroponics is the sickest thing i grown in so far, i just wish i was a bit more prepared for it.
Buds looking alright. Leaves have seen better days & I feel like she's dying on me... Swapped the light because my friend who 'claims he's an expert' told me too. Flushed 20th will go for a 2-week flush even with this flawless finish. (if they make it that long) My tap water is 360ppm & runoff is 415 after flush (30+L of PH'd water) I am definitely going to do a 48-hour dark period before harvest with no watering. Anything I'm doing wrong let me know!