🏆 Last chance to vote!
Ok, so I forgot to take any pics on week two and holiday time week 3 came up real fast. so we are going to skip over any of the week two details. just watered em and they grew. This week we did a nice little transplant into their final 2gal pots. Fortified with a bunch of amendments and Acti-Sol, everything is listed in the video. Any question just let me know. I don't age my medium at all and I think I should start doing this to avoid some other things, I just find it hard to do it in winter time indoors as soil can be stinky with amendments and I like it to stay in the tent under the carbon filter. Medium I used is 40% coir, 30% perlite, 20% compost, 10% vermiculite and 10% worm castings. Then the amendments are added into that at the rate of 30-60ml per 1Gal of medium. This batch has Gaia 4-4-4, Gaia Insect Frass, Giaia Diatomaceous Earth, Gaia Rock Dust, Acti-Sol Seaweed Meal, Acti-Sol Shrimp/Crab Meal, Acti-Sol 4-3-2, Acti-Sol 4-6-8 and Bokashi. Nice little mix, water it in with a bit of magnesium and microbes dissolved into the water. The bokashi should help break everything down and make a bit of a acidic environment for all the meals and rock dust to become available. Roots looked good, not a dense as some runs but still nice. I feel the soil might be a bit hot so will expect some burnage on them hopefully its nothing to crazy. Will ph down with a mix of citric, malic and ascorbic acids. They are in a rate of something like 50-60%/40-30%/5-10%, its written down in my of my notes just can't find the pad ATM. Also more videos vs anything this week. I like em more but processing them is annoying AF. Side note, my lights timer was on 12/12 not 16/8 so it explains why they went into bloom, switch it back and will top the plants next week one they start to reverse their ways and get comfortable in the new pots. Also got ride of the chive seed start as it was looking sad, plus I got a bunch of European chive varieties in the mail yesterday and want to try them out. see if they really have any different taste and what ones I like better. Till next week.
Opdagede der var stort set 4.5 pH i alle planterne! Men det har været ganske kortsigtet, da DER INGEN FEJL ER AT SE KUN PÅ LAVE FREEz . Men det kan reddes! Tilbage til det det handler om;) 💚☮️ jeg er overbevist om jeg har en flot pige pt ! Nu kommer mit spørgsmål så;) : er der grund til at plante den over i en 26 liters potte ? Jeg har set og hørt forskellige historier om det! Så vil gerne have en pro til at sige go ore no go ☮️😇🌸held og lykke alle sammen! Fra Nicogreen 💚💜💙tilføjet lige lidt billeder af den ca 1/4 del jeg har af gødning;) OG DET ER ALLE PENGENE VÆRD!💚💜
Blue Gelato - Royal Queen Seeds, 118 days from seed and 70 days in flowering. We're watering her with pure water and ice, preparing for the harvest. We've also tried smoking the lower buds, and the result is simply incredible—very potent and flavorful. Now we're waiting for full maturity and root flushing to experience the full strength of this beauty.
Den vokser og vokser og fordobler sig på ca en til tre dage og rødderne er så smukke og de tre dobler sig på 24 timer! Jeg SKAL HAVE BESTILT ET STØRRE OG BEDRE DWC OPSET ! Nogle anbefalinger?☮️🙏🏼🌸😇💚💚💚☮️💚jeg kan slet ikke få nok af Zamniesia og deres frø ! Det er de bedste indenfor det! Også kan i have jeres mening om det! Jeg er tilfreds og glad:) og de er altid gode til at hjælpe og de overholder ALLE AFTALER 110 procent!
Week 1 of flower in the books and they’re all stretching nicely. Root mass is in good shape and starting to conform to the Rez walls so it’s gett’n tangled in there. We’ll move over to full bloom nutes in the coming week and hopefully cotton balls within the next 2. Alls good for now.
Week 5 and PK deficiency has been corrected. Buds are building and feeds have been consistent at the high end of the maxi-bloom ratio - 2.5tsp/10L. Hopefully the higher pk strength doesn’t create any burn issues with the other, healthy plants. Some very light pruning but generally leaving them all alone. Current choice cuts are plants 1,3,4 in terms of overall resilience and moderated nute reqs. This is an all-important consideration before we also start looking at overall aesthetic pheno traits. At least for running the F3s when the time comes. This strain is proving a little more challenging to grow than expected.
Dutch Passion - Melonads Runtz, 120 days from seed and 72 days in flowering. The trichomes are still clear, so we will continue to wait until at least 20% of the trichomes turn brown before harvesting. Our beauty is still being fed with Xpert Nutrients, which keeps her in excellent condition. I want to express my huge thanks to Dutch Passion for such an incredible strain! And of course, a special thank you to Xpert Nutrients for their fertilizers that help the plant develop and show its full potential at every stage of growth!
Girls are doing well they are due a cut which will be sometime soon.. G4 is massive the main colar is eye level to me and about 5 nodes down from that are over my
Eternity Grow Cup 2025 – Plagron & Zamnesia Runtz by Zamnesia Seeds – 51 days from seed and 22 days into flowering. 🌱 Our girl is growing beautifully! One of the colas shot up around 20 cm taller than the rest, so we had to bend it down. Thanks to LST and careful pruning of branches and leaves, she’s taken on a really interesting shape. We’re planning another round of leaf defoliation soon to give her even more space to thrive. 🌿 She’s loving the Plagron nutrients, and it really shows – she looks absolutely fantastic! 🙌💚
Lil LST and defoliation for whiskey Zulu
Lil LST and defoliation for whiskey Zulu
Lil LST and defoliation for whiskey Zulu
Beginning of week 8, 2 weeks left for harvest! Starting to show some purple on top buds bottom still has a ways to ripen up. All nutrients done except for foop sweetener. I’m using 5 ml a gallon (50 ppm) until harvest then done!
Girls are doing well they are due a cut which will be sometime soon.. G4 is massive the main colar is eye level to me and about 5 nodes down from that are over my
Girls are doing well they are due a cut which will be sometime soon.. G4 is massive the main colar is eye level to me and about 5 nodes down from that are over my
Girls are doing well they are due a cut which will be sometime soon.. G4 is massive the main colar is eye level to me and about 5 nodes down from that are over my
Girls are doing well they are due a cut which will be sometime soon.. G4 is massive the main colar is eye level to me and about 5 nodes down from that are over my
Another week of flower in the books. The Afghani x Mac1 auto is finally starting to get some terp production and smelling like exotic fruit...papaya leaning. She's drinking water multiple times a day, and I've honestly stopped measuring. I give her water when she's light, and that's about twice a day. She was also top dressed this week with 1tsp of 284 bloom and 1tbsp of guano.
Through week 8 she fattening up while swirling well daily. Smells is greatly intensifies each day especially when lights on and she start spreads aroma The profile is as Fastbuds described in the strain name but my juice mix🥤( terp profile ) just by now is like a bit more strong on a sweet like grape candy and then the sourly lime after. Just smelling it makes me craving already.😮‍💨👌