8/12 - Dropped 3 seeds into RO water to germinate
8/13 - Placed seeds into moist paper towel and into plastic bag to germinate on heat mat.
8/15 - All three seeds sprouted. In the morning I prepared three 3-gallon pots with Roots Organics Original Soil and Nature's Living Soil Autoflower mix. I will be doing Super Soil method for this grow. I filled the bottom one third of the pot with regular soil, then added 1 lb of Nature's Living soil and mixed it in. Then filled the rest of the pot with the regular soil. I topped it with Mosquito Bits for added BTI for pest prevention. Finally, I wet the pots down with RO water and Organic Black Strap Molasses. After about 8 hours, I planted the three seeds and placed them in the 4x5 tent with a humidity dome to keep in moisture.
8/16 - Two of the three already have their true leaves. So, I have removed the humidity domes from those two.
8/17 - The last of the GSCs have sprouted her true leaves so I have removed her dome. I sprayed them lightly again today with RO water and molasses.