The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Both plants look healthy. I keep defoliating every day and they keep growing new leaves. They are extremely bushy plants. I have elevated their pots as they almost don’t stretch and they are a lot smaller than the rest of the tent now. A trailers net is added to level the canopies end of 1st flowering week.
Hello everybody :) End of the eighth week of flowering. Everything has calmed down and now the girls are just gaining weight :) The BAC Stimulator + Terpinator combination does the job! Buds are superb covered with resin, very oily and sticky - mniam :)
Tok off large fan leaves on day 24. Seeing preflower starting. Decided to try out a natural shape instead of doing LST. I hope this doesn't backfire... The blackberry gum on the right is getting big. I like how autopotamus has natural shape... But he also has much more light haha
Inizio del flush, a breve mi procuro una lente o qualcosa per controllare i tricomi
Week 3 (30/03 - 05/04) D15: - D16: added a layer of light mix soil to fill the pot and to sustain the plant. 1ml of Root-juice in 0.5 l of tap water @ pH 7 D17: - D18: glass of tap water D19: - D20: 1ml of Root-juice in 0.5 l of tap water @ pH 7 D21: 1ml of Root-juice, 0.5ml of Bio-grow in 0.5 l of tap water @ pH 6.3 (corrected with 0.25ml of Terra Aquatica pH-)
La semana empezó con lluvia y poco sol, el crecimiento se ralentizó, aunque siempre las he protegido de la lluvia para poder abonar en los riegos. Tras la lluvia llegaron los días de sol pero con mucho sol y viento seco. Humedad relativa 20% y temperaturas invernales. Las plantas pasan la noche dentro de casa y 2 de ellas reciben 4 h de iluminación artificial complementarias. He comenzado a utilizar biobizz grow y un revitalizante de algas (1 vez en pulverización foliar y siempre com el riego). Todavia he utilizado el potenciador de raices. El primer dia de la semana empecé el LST en las 2 plantas que reciben iluminación artificial (1 automaria y 1 white berry). Estoy muy sorprendido con su desarrollo en comparación con el resto (aunque no crecen en altura, tienen muchas hojas y se ve que las ramas se desarrollan). Ayer empecé el LST con la otra white berry.
2 Girls 1 Cup week 10?? Looks like WG still has a few weeks left on her. GC on the other hand... is technically already dead to me, I've properly mourned her loss. Just need to keep her out of the way (and alive). Day 63- my TDS meter was accurate the whole time.. had to dial it back up.. I'm an idiot.. but these girls have been rocking out at over a thousand for weeks now and not really showing signs of burn. Few tips here and there. Crank the P/K up in this week's feed. RES change tonight. Modified GHE late bloom aggressive feed. TAP water so there's no added N from the calmag needed with RO. Breakdown as follows: 5gal TAP water - 137ppm Micro- 33mL Grow- 35.5mL Bloom- 50mL RES totals after ph corrections [email protected]. ============================================================================================= Day 64- GC seems to have blown up since yesterdays stabbing.. i took a vid, which ended up being a little too long. didnt want to wait for it to upload so i canceled. may clip the part where i went psycho on GC main and upload later. she may get stabbed a few more times before this is all over. thinking about drilling a hole or two in WG within the last few days, and the 48hr dark before chop chop. (when the time comes of course) ============================================================================================= Day 65- I don't think I ever disclosed my tent is in a closet... vid tonight shows it. Also shows how much head space I have above it for a TALLER tent.. a 4x4x80 would fit this current space REAL nice.. could make em taller as well. One thing I need to think over before the next run. I did cut GC back some tonight. Was creating a shadow on WG, and I didn't want it smacking in the fan again. That got annoying quick the other night while trying to sleep. WG still fattening up. Top offs have been with bubbled/aged TAP. Tonight I gave em a G/B 5/10mL shot since numbers are dropping from top offs and consumption. ============================================================================================= Day 66- i know i didnt add a comment for the day... but i DID upload pics. must have not saved. noticed when updating timelapse with the days footage, my diary is missing pics from 66. damnit! maybe i should quit uploading so many damn videos. ============================================================================================= Day 69- WG starting to show signs of its end. Brown spots on a few random leaves here and there. Checked tricomes tonight and were like 90% cloudy 10% clear. Hope they start to amber up within the next week. Haven't hit the A/C yet, and Temps are reaching 86! I can say that I have noticed less of an odor when opening the tent. So I think I'm nuking them terps. ============================================================================================= As always, thanks for stopping by and checking out my current grow experiment. Link to YT vid of the day 27-67 timelapse
Always R.O Water Watering the plant 3 times for per week 1st flushing. (15 ppm) (03.04.2023) 4 liter with Flaskleen Drain 1700 ppm start 2st flushing. (15 ppm) (05.04.2023) 4 liter with Flaskllen Drain end 400 ppm :) -Day76 watering (250 ppm)(08.04.2023) 4 liter with Drykoolbloom(2-45-28) 0,39 gr/L and calmag xtra 1ml/L I had to do Defoliation:( 1000 ppfd
Gorilla Cookies has been doing good up till today. Has a little ph climbing issue. So I increased nutrition some to help keep ph in check. She should be ready to go now. Everything is going well with the G3000 light. Thank you Spider Farmer, and Pure Instinto Seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 Spider Farmer G300w: Spider Farmer 10X20 Heat Mat Kit - Spider Farmer Amazon Store: Spider Farmer Official Site: Discount code: saveurcash (stackable)
Pues muy contento de tener por fin esta variedad en mi indoor ya que llevaba tiempo queriendo probarla y me esta sorprendiendo la manera de su crecimiento tan rapido y parejas las 4 iguales!!un 20 de 10 les doy💪🚀🚀🚀🌱
Still going strong! The plant did not turn purple unfortunately, but has so many lovely buds, I had to make a video. Guest appearance: my left foot. Although many pistils are still white, trichomes are starting to get milky. The husband stopped with the nutrients and only uses GBN Clean Fruits for the last week(s).
Good growing for this week, developping structure, colors, smell Can see her growing if you look her the morning and the night! Awesome Basically, this strain get small and don’t offer a lot of recolt, but gave you a world class taste weed! She is unique
ACTUALIZACIONES A DIARIO!! Miles de gracias al equipo de Royal Queen Seeds y a @James por proponerme esta aventura tan trepidante y poder conocer de cerca las nuevas F1 y sobre todo a la gran Titan F1. Espero que lo disfruteis y os sirva como referencia. ¿Qué piensas cuando lees la palabra “Titán”? Hay quienes la asocian con los hijos de Urano de la mitología griega. Otros saben que Titán es la luna más grande de Saturno. ¿Y entre los cultivadores de hierba? Estas personas reconocen a la Titan F1 como una variedad de marihuana con una genética de vanguardia. Se trata de uno de los primeros híbridos F1 autoflorecientes, y es una variedad pionera que ofrece productividad, resistencia y algo completamente nuevo. La Titan F1 deleitará tu olfato durante la fase de floración y más allá. Esta variedad autofloreciente ofrece un potente perfil de terpenos compuesto principalmente por mirceno, farneseno, ocimeno, pineno, bisabolol y limoneno. Gracias a MarsHydro 😊🙏 por darme la mejor luz que hay en el mercado. La marca numero uno en focos 💡, carpas de cultivo ⛺️, extractores 🌬️ y demás aparatos que necesitas para tu cultivo. Para esta aventura arrancaremos con 💡Mars Hydro TS 1000 Full Spectrum LED Grow Light 150W Regulable y 1 semilla autofloreciente a un ciclo de 20/4. Verdaderos 150w con este TS1000, la mejor luz de cultivo LED para principiantes. Ofrece una luz adecuada para 2-4 plantas 🌱. Su precio razonable, la marcada mejora del rendimiento y el control variable de la producción la hacen amigable para los nuevos cultivadores. Todo un tesoro para cualquier cultivador que este comenzando. Usaremos para esta aventura una carpa de 60x60x90, MarsHydro una carpa para los más exigentes.Con una solapa de cremallera mejorada, dobles cremalleras de metal con forro,reflectante diamante tipo Mylar, postes de metal para una estructura mas solida, no se puede pedir nada mas. Garantizando una respuesta en solo 24 horas tanto si has usado antes la marca como si no. 🌻🚀 Consigue tus semillas aqui: 💡 MarsHydro TS1000: ⛺️ 60 x 60 x 90 MarsHydro: Septima semana de floracion, las planta ha terminado de estirar, las ramas laterales han estirando junto con la cola central y se muestran los futuros cogollos, es una planta muy compacta y he tenido que quitar alguna hoja baja para evitar la aparicion de algun hongo. Se muestra una gran cola principal. Es la genetica que mejor ha respondido, por no decir la mejor. Felicidades Royal Queen Seeds y MarsHydro 😁. Los cogollos han estirado muy rápido y se ha formado una larga cola principal con muchos cogollos en las ramas laterales, continua cargandose de resina. Las flores empiezan a engordar, queda poco para el lavado de raíces. 📆 Día 63 a 70: Riego con EC de 1050 a diario, los cogollos empiezan a madurar se acerca la cosecha, ha sido un cultivo muy rápido y sencillo.