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Grüßt euch Freunde! 2 Tage vor dem Ende der 7. Woche sieht es doch schon sehr nach Herbst aus. 👌 Habe die ganze Woche keinen Dünger zugeführt und jeden zweiten Tag 6 Liter Wasser auf 6,5 ph‘ed gegeben. Die Farben die sich hier entwickelt haben flashen mich immernoch jedes mal wenn ich das Zelt aufmache. Der Geruch ist wirklich intensiv und hat was fruchtig erdiges mit leichter Gas Note. Mehr dazu natürlich erst nach dem trocknen und cure. Schätze mal das wir so in 14 Tagen am Ziel sind, bleibt also spannend was da noch passiert. Bis dahin euch allen eine gute Woche!💚
Very Healthy girls so far ! Watering every 4 Days now. Nothing special. No training yet. Lowered Light 2 inches to increase PAR. I had to move locations of tent. Humidity is a little high in this room. Running dehumidifier at night and changed light cycle to 20 Hours of Light, 4 off to decrease time in high humidity. Humidifier is putting in work. Averaging 60-65 during day and 70- 75 during night. Im feeling like the girl on the right is showing different gene traits. Eager to see if there is any major differences in the coming weeks ! Thanks for checking out the girls !
It’s getting frosty as in the tent , nice colour and beautiful smell coming from the chunky bud , she’s a slow mover and still has a few weeks to go but no complaints here it’s gonna be a bumper yield of some great weed
Very Healthy girls so far ! Watering every 4 Days now. Nothing special. No training yet. Lowered Light 2 inches to increase PAR. I had to move locations of tent. Humidity is a little high in this room. Running dehumidifier at night and changed light cycle to 20 Hours of Light, 4 off to decrease time in high humidity. Humidifier is putting in work. Averaging 60-65 during day and 70- 75 during night. Thanks for checking out the girls !
Tag 85 Aufgrund des wechselhaften Wetters ist das mit der Luftfeuchtigkeit so ne sache , Schwanke immer mal zwischen 40-60 % So langsam Befinden wir uns aber auf der Zielgeraden .Die buds Gewinnen sichtbar an Masse , noch ca 4 Wochen und sie sollten ernte reif sein ,aber bis dahin kauf ich mir noch eine lupe um sicher zu stellen das die Trichomeköpfe soweit sind :) Von T.A habe ich mir noch einen Flash Cleaner zugelegt und dann wird zum ende Hin nochmal gespült das die Plfanze wirklich rein ist . Keep Growing Fam , bis zum nächsten Update. 💪
Some of the older leaves started yellowing, so I used a little bit of mineral fertilizer and also added a spoonful of bone and blood meal. Although I think it is quite natural for them to use mobile resources and for leaves to die off, I added some fertilizer just once, especially for the nitrogen deficiency. But it will be a one-time thing. Other than that, nothing special happened. I do hope that the buds are getting bigger, but right now, I don't see much progress this week, except on the buds on the lower branches. In less than two weeks, my grow tent and new setup should arrive, so maybe she will finish inside a proper tent, and I'll get my kitchen back 😂 She is really smelly right now.
Some of the older leaves started yellowing, so I used a little bit of mineral fertilizer and also added a spoonful of bone and blood meal. Although I think it is quite natural for them to use mobile resources and for leaves to die off, I added some fertilizer just once, especially for the nitrogen deficiency. But it will be a one-time thing. Other than that, nothing special happened. I do hope that the buds are getting bigger, but right now, I don't see much progress this week, except on the buds on the lower branches. In less than two weeks, my grow tent and new setup should arrive, so maybe she will finish inside a proper tent, and I'll get my kitchen back 😂 She is really smelly right now.
and on it goes. i don't have much to report. due to some very hot days she got alg-a-mic and acti-vera from BIOBIZZ for a better nutrient uptake. she has grown another few centimetres, looks healthy and strong. i had applied LST to her again to get the side shoots more into the sun.
she has adapted very well to the change. a good increase in growth. she is now getting bio-grow from biobizz. and a little support. i am thinking of trimming her next week. i think she will be strong enough then.
she has adapted very well to the change. a good increase in growth. she is now getting bio-grow from biobizz. and a little support. i am thinking of trimming her next week. i think she will be strong enough then.
and on it goes. i don't have much to report. due to some very hot days she has been given alg-a-mic and acti-vera from BIOBIZZ for better nutrient uptake. she has grown another few centimetres, looks healthy and strong.
it has really developed very well. it has grown another 20cm. and the flowers are now really coming into their own and are getting thicker and thicker. because of the heat, it has been given calm-a-mag and acti-vera by biobizz. and of course now also bio-bloom.
it has really developed very well. it has grown another 10cm. and the flowers are now really coming into their own and are getting thicker and thicker. because of the heat, it has been given calm-a-mag and acti-vera by biobizz. and of course now also bio-bloom.
we are in the 10th week and in the 5th week of flowering. she has grown a lot more buds and her scent is overworldly and very intense. the trichomes are mostly milky and one or two are already amber. i think i will give her another week and then harvest. i don't want any couch puscher weed.