01/08/18 - I fed them all 1 litre each, one of them seems to be praying up but the other two Seem a little bit droopy still.
02/08/18 - #3 is praying like usual and the other two are getting better Day by day I’m going to be giving them another feeding tomorrow, I have seen roots stretching out to the sides of the pots so I might saturate the whole pot.
04/08/18 - horrible sight today looks like rusty cracks in some leaves , not got a clue what this.
05/08/18 - browning has continued since last night and it’s all on the new leafs not the older ones. i fed them without any calmag , so I think it could be a deficiency of some sort (cal/mag).the mad thing is, it’s only two of the girls, one of them is completely fine nice green leaves not yellow marks that turn orange/brown. It definitely has nothing to do with my ph or all three girls would be showing some symptoms seeing as they all get fed with the same soloution.✌️🏻
07/08/18 - everything’s cleared up their was slight nute burn in the process but everything seems a lot better so I decided to start LST. all the new leaves are the colour they should be with no nute burns or calcium deficiency 🙏🏻