The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Another week of flower in the books. The Afghani x Mac1 auto is finally starting to get some terp production and smelling like exotic fruit...papaya leaning. She's drinking water multiple times a day, and I've honestly stopped measuring. I give her water when she's light, and that's about twice a day. She was also top dressed this week with 1tsp of 284 bloom and 1tbsp of guano.
Started the flush process today , flushing for the next 2 weeks everytime she dries up.
Power House of a plant! It just won't stop growing
Esta semana como en la anterior se puede apreciar que las flores continúan aumentando de tamaño rápidamente, De nutrientes solo le he subido un poco la proporción de el Acti-Vera, el olor ha aumentado bastante.
What a beauty, this girl is in her final days and she smells wonderful with a very distinctive scent of lemon and pine! There is some powdery mildew and as always she will get her wash in the harvest process. This has been a strong plant from the beginning and she has had the strength to fight whatever stood in her way!
Esta última semana he bajado 2°C la temperatura del armario y he activado la luz rojiza para recrear mejor la llegada del otoño y que las plantas lo den todo de ellas. El primer día de esta semana hice el lavado de raíces con unos 10L por planta, me gusta hacerlo poco ha poco con todas las plantas por igual, aprovechando la buena filtración de la mazeta, primero agrego 2L y dejó que drenen bien todas las mazetas y repito el proceso unas 5 veces hasta que el agua sobrante salga transparente, importante que el agua este sobre pH 6 para que los minerales sobrantes se disuelvan bien y la planta pueda absorber lo poco que quede en el substrato.
welcome to 📅 day 8 of veg 3/22/2021 🌱she is growing just as I would expect from the Aglex light. She is starting her 3rd set of leaves and she looks healthy and happy. Update 📅 Day 11 of veg 3/25/2021 she grew quite a lot over night and so I micro toped ✂️ her I will upload pics in the morning
There will be pleasant dreamzzzz around here in the near future, these beauties are covered in crystal and the buds are incredibly dense. They are almost near harvest and they will have a wash when the time comes. These girls have been incredible from day one and I must say, we are WOWED by this strain and the genetics within!
There will be pleasant dreamzzzz around here in the near future, these beauties are covered in crystal and the buds are incredibly dense. They are almost near harvest and they will have a wash when the time comes. These girls have been incredible from day one and I must say, we are WOWED by this strain and the genetics within!
As you can see this baby decided to top herself, we were a little worried that she wouldn’t choose life but she had the will and has survived! The lower branches have taken over and she will provide us with her love. The ones that fight the hardest always seem to be special and we are very excited to see what secrets she has to share with us! I myself, am in love!
This was my first experience using Mapito and Ebb & Flow, together with the new LED light. The plant turned out to be unusually low. 👌 The variety is quite fragrant, but the smell appeared only in the middle of flowering. At the time of trimming, the plant smelled of mint candies 😁
How ya doing mates?? Awesome week last week - all photos and logs have been added so be sure to check it out! This week is going great so far! I've switched to an early vegetative state nutrient system. As you'll see in the daily logs early this week, this bumps up the micro and grow nutes, and keeps the bloom at 0.6ml/gal. A quick note about last week - I'm unable to update the measurements, but please note that those nutrient amounts are measured in ml/gal, NOT ml/l. Anyhow, this week I'm just waiting to get my order of diatomaceous earth so that I can make up another batch of soil. I'm still debating between topping this week before repotting or letting them take root in the new pots first. Decisions decisions lol. I think at the very least I'll clean up some of the lower growth to make sure the energy is being spent at the right places. I've been switching back and forth between just LST and mainlining in the past - but I think I really like the ease and cleanliness of mainlining. The draw back is the recovery time they take in the process haha. UPDATE: The D.E. has come in, and I repotted the girls this week. I mixed in about 1.5-2 cups D.E. for the whole pot, as well as some Bat Guano and Kelp Meal for micro and macro nutrients to use on dry cycles. I've also included some photos of the mother plant to give an idea of what's to come! I've just started to flower it, which is the first time for this strain - so I'm pumped! Day 15: M.C. 01-21 After reviewing the last set of photos from last week, I figured I'd play it safe and dimmed the light back down to 25% strength. The mother plant is almost ready for flower, and I'm down some tents so she'll be taking this one over shortly. These photos were taken shortly after the lights went off, and they look quite happy! You can see some of the side branch developement in today's photo for MC-01. The pots are fairly dry now, and I've decided to move to the next stage in the nutrient regime. This kicks up the Micro and Grow nutes, while maintaining the Bloom amounts. M.C. 02-21 A nice top photo for MC-02, you can really see the lighter green in this photo. Not to worry though, as these will darken back to a vibrant green as long as I give her what she needs shortly! The pots are fairly dry now, and I've decided to move to the next stage in the nutrient regime. This kicks up the Micro and Grow nutes, while maintaining the Bloom amounts. M.C. 03-21 Look at that little leaf poking out from the 2nd node! Some slight yellowing you can see too, but again, not to worry. The new mix should rectify that. I've decided to move to the next stage in the nutrient regime. This kicks up the Micro and Grow nutes, while maintaining the Bloom amounts. Day 16: M.C. 01-21 Today is the day - for the mother! I've cleared out some space and moved plants around. So back out to the grow room these girls go! MC-01 seems much better today with the reduction in light. The 5th node is almost flattened out and the 6th coming through still. Most notably though, you can really see the work she's put into the side branches! The branches at nodes 2 and 3 are starting to produce more leaves - great sign! The new growth at the top is also a nice dark green. Added 500ml water to the tray. M.C. 02-21 MC-02 seems to have liked the adjustment of light as well. She's got nice dark green growth at the top, and the little branches at the 2nd node seem to have a full leaf! Added 500ml water to the tray. M.C. 03-21 The photo from today is cool, because you can see how close MC-01 & 03 are, even though there's almost a full node difference. MC-03 is stretch out a bit to compete with her sister for the light haha. She's also put some more effort into the side branches that you can see. Added 500 ml water to the tray. Day 17: M.C. 01-21 I figured a video would be the best way to illustrate the changes today! They've been back in the grow room under the Veg dedicated light for a day now and seem to be loving it! MC-01 has its' 5th node out, splitting the 6th node, and I can JUST see the 7th node coming in. I don't think they'll get too much more height, as you can see that the side branches are starting to stretch now! She's definitely going to be well tangled in the roots by the end of the week when I hope to repot her. M.C. 02-21 MC-02 is doing great despite the difference in height! You'll notice the side branches stretching out at nodes 2 & 3. The pots are also still fairly wet at their center, so I'll hold off on water most likely. At least this clone will have time to root more while we wait for the supplies! M.C. 03-21 MC-03 also has great side branching! If you take a look at the group photo from today, you'll see that both MC-01 & 03 are practically the same height, but MC-03 snuck in there by the stretch haha. Day 18: M.C. 01-21 My order of D.E. came in last night, perfect timing! As you can see, her roots have fully reached the bottom, and have started to migrate upwards with the water that's absorbed. The soil was a little dry for my liking, which made things a little difficult/dusty but still no mishaps! Watered around the root-zone before covering with more soil to keep the gnats down. M.C. 02-21 Not quite as much lateral root growth as MC-01, but still plenty enough for a repotting! Her soil was a little dry as well. Ideally I should have given them a light misting from the top of the soil and let is drip down to keep the dusty bits together haha. M.C. 03-21 Nice and thick root growth, no issues with repotting, and strong stalk. The extra spacing in the nodes may prove to be helpful during the training phase. Day 19: M.C. 01-21 Some nice top shots today as they slowly get acclimated to their new homes. Once I see them push out a new node, I'll probably top them. This is to make sure that they're taking to the new pot without causing any extra stress before they can take it. Today I watered them with an early veg nutrient. I like to stay cautious with nutrient boosts since they're in soil - not to mention the added nutrients from the repotting. M.C. 02-21 Top shots for the girls today. Not much change, but also no immediate signs of shock either, so I'll take it. M.C. 03-21 You can't really see it in this angled shot, but the small branch at the second node is coming along nicely! I think the girls are happy that they each have their own tray not haha. Day 20: M.C. 01-21 Definitely noticing some slow changes to the top nodes when comparing the pictures from the previous day. The leaves are slowly starting to separate, and I'm not noticing too much yellowing yet which is good. Watered with 500ml water to keep water migrating upwards to meet the roots. M.C. 02-21 Not noticing much change in this girl today, but that's okay. She's most likely focusing on the root developement instead which I can't complain about! Watered from the bottom. M.C. 03-21 Maybe seeing some separation in the top leaves, however more notably are the small branches at the 2nd node that you can see better here. Still a bit of stretching with them as they get longer. I might even keep them on for clones later on. Watered from the bottom. Day 21: M.C. 01-21 Looks like she gained some distance last night, as the top node is now above the fan leaves, unlike 2 days ago. I'm really getting eager to top them, as I don't want them to waste too much time and energy growing tissue that I'll just end up cutting off. I'll be bumping the nutrients up starting next week to keep the progress going, moving to a mid-veg stage shortly. I'm going to let things dry up tonight for a fresh boost of water tomorrow to give it a dry cycle as the pot is still a bit heavy. M.C. 02-21 MC-02 really worked hard last night it seems, as she almost completely flatted out her top leaves! I think she's ready for a topping, but I'll let her benefit from the headstart and let the other two catch up and root before. dry cycle for her tonight as well. M.C. 03-21 MC-03 was busy last night too and is now slowly flattening out the top node as well! Maybe tonight they'll have enough progress to go topless afterall haha. Dry cycle in prep for watering tomorrow.
I continue with the same setting. I have 18/6 nice grow and flowering. Plants are healthy. This week I just started with Green sensation additive.
I continue with the same setting. I have 18/6 nice grow and flowering. Plants are healthy. This week I just started with Green sensation additive.
The weak plant is small and sick. The healthy plant is beautiful even I expected a little bigger plant. Leaves and flowers started to be purple.
The weak plant is small and sick. The healthy plant is beautiful even I expected a little bigger plant. Leaves and flowers started to be purple.
Всем привет! Эта неделя началась с того, что мне пришлось удалить штук 20 веерных листьев, потому что растение перестало вмещаться в бокс. Правда к концу недели все вернулось на круги своя. Полностью перешли на питание во время цветения. Ко всему прочему начали болеть листья. Пока не разбирался что к чему, но есть подозрения на нехватку кальция и магния, так как я перестал их давать. Сегодня полил обильно Cal-Mag, посмотрим будет или не будет прогрессировать. Стретч замедлился, но все еще продолжается. Даю 50000 люксов на верхушки растения, это примерно 90 ватт. Та мутация о которой рассказывал ранее, где шишка начала расти прям из устья листа - все почти также, прогресса нет. Но вот обнаружилась другая мутация - полиплоидия. Одни из основных веток, в самом начале, была не аккуратно загнута и получила легкий надлом. Этот самый надлом и запустил полиплоидную мутация. Я видел до этого, что листья и боковые ветки растут как-то не симметрично, но особого внимания не обращал. Единственное, что давно заметил, так интересный нарост у одной из больших веток - он какой-то продолговатый и сверху, а не по всему периметру. И вот вчера заметил, что одна из шишек растет не вверх, а вширь. Стал внимательно изучать всю ветку и понял, что она сама по себе какая-то не симметричная: у основания ветки 3 листа, при чем расположены они на разных уровнях, шишки тоже растут не симметрично, ствол со странным не симметричным узором, а наверху шишка двойная. Кажется дальше шишка будет расширяться все больше и больше. В общем каждый гровер рано или поздно сталкивается с какой-либо мутация. Я вот за раз столкнулся с двумя. Интересно будет понаблюдать что будет дальше. Спасибо что заглянули. Всем большой большой удачи и везения!