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¡Estoy muy contento con los resultados de la cosecha de mi Hulkberry! Esta cepa de Royal Queen Seeds ha sido increíblemente resistente y productiva. Utilicé XpertNutrients durante todo el ciclo de cultivo y los resultados fueron notables. Desde la fase de vegetación hasta la floración, las plantas respondieron perfectamente a los nutrientes, mostrando un crecimiento robusto y saludable. Los cogollos están densos, resinosos y con un aroma increíblemente afrutado, con toques de pino y tierra. La calidad de la cosecha ha superado mis expectativas, tanto en cantidad como en calidad. A lo largo del cultivo, XpertNutrients proporcionó una nutrición equilibrada, lo que permitió a la Hulkberry desarrollar su máximo potencial sin signos de deficiencias o excesos de nutrientes. En resumen, si buscas una cepa fácil de manejar y con grandes rendimientos, la Hulkberry de Royal Queen Seeds es una excelente opción, y combinada con XpertNutrients, los resultados serán realmente impresionantes. ¡Totalmente recomenda.
Hello everyone, everything is good so far. I just had some trouble getting my humidity down. So I put my filter down and added 3 PC fans again. One for supply air and two for circulation. Together they consume around 10W. And lo and behold! It works. Now I'm consistently around 50%.
Vamos familia sexta semana de vida de estás Punch Pie de RoyalQueenSeeds . Que ganas tengo de ver el progreso de esta variedad, las plantas están sanas, se ven con buen color. La cantidad de agua cada 48h entre riegos, nutrientes de la gama Agrobeta. Ya puedo decir que acabé con la plaga, haré alguna rociada más de jabón potásico y aceite de Belen para prevenir más apariciones de plagas pero si ya 100% se eliminó. Esperaremos que no me suba mucho la temperatura , por el momento se mantiene entre 25-36 así que lujo. A una de ellas la pasaré solo en un indoor y le haré un trasplante. Aquí dejo ya en las fotos como está. Estas próximas semanas veremos cómo avanzan, ya que ahora les cambiaré el ciclo de luz a 12-12. Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 https://www.mars-hydro.com/ Agrobeta: https://www.agrobeta.com/agrobetatiendaonline/36-abonos-canamo Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨.
Vamos familia sexta semana de vida de estás Punch Pie de RoyalQueenSeeds . Que ganas tengo de ver el progreso de esta variedad, las plantas están sanas, se ven con buen color. La cantidad de agua cada 48h entre riegos, nutrientes de la gama Agrobeta. Ya puedo decir que acabé con la plaga, haré alguna rociada más de jabón potásico y aceite de Belen para prevenir más apariciones de plagas pero si ya 100% se eliminó. Esperaremos que no me suba mucho la temperatura , por el momento se mantiene entre 25-36 así que lujo. A una de ellas la pasaré solo en un indoor y le haré un trasplante. Aquí dejo ya en las fotos como está. Estas próximas semanas veremos cómo avanzan, ya que ahora les cambiaré el ciclo de luz a 12-12. Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 https://www.mars-hydro.com/ Agrobeta: https://www.agrobeta.com/agrobetatiendaonline/36-abonos-canamo Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨.
Temperature and measurements listed in grow conditions are averaged for the week. The pH listed in the grow conditions is soil pH. Nutrients listed in nutrients section are ml/per gallon of soil. Day 1 we had rain showers in the morning and throughout the day. They showed first sign of flower. Day 2 we had rain in the morning, drizzle and showers in the afternoon. The ferrous sulfate reduced the soil pH from just above 7 to just below. I added 10ml blood meal and 10ml ferrous sulfate top dressed to each pot. The nitrogen should boost the stretch during early flower. The additional ferrous sulfate should keep the pH in the 6.5-7 range and help with chlorosis during early flower. Day 3 we had more rain, drizzle, and mist all day. The soil pH is responding slowly. It's down to 6.8 Day 4 we had rain all morning. The pots are soaked. Day 5 we missed the scattered showers, but it's been 80-90% humidity. We did have lots of sunshine. Day 6 we had lots of sunshine and temperatures above 80° F Day 7 we had lots of sunshine with temperatures in the mid 80's F. I had to water about .5 gallons directly from the hose. The well water is 7.6 pH and 50°F. Overall this week was a success this plant more than doubled in height. There's still a small excess of phosphorous in the soil. The plant grew into it this week.
Day 38 The plant's are growing well and are very watered. I can start seeing the roots coming out of the 7L pots. I am thinking I about getting bigger ones in 2 -3 weeks. Other than that, I cropped the top of three of them and I start seeing great results. I can't wait to share the pictures of the evolution. Next week I will get them more space and start LST,. Plan ahead: Week 5-6: continue the vegetation stage. Starting of ventilation and Calmag week 7: I will replace the pots to 20L Week 8 start the flowering for 2 months
Temperature and measurements listed in grow conditions are averaged for the week. The listed pH is the soil pH. Nutrients listed in nutrients section are ml/per gallon of soil. Day 1 we had rain showers in the morning and throughout the day. They showed first sign of flower. Day 2 we had rain in the morning, drizzle and showers in the afternoon. The ferrous sulfate reduced the soil pH from just above 7 to just below. I added 10ml blood meal and 10ml ferrous sulfate top dressed to each pot. The nitrogen should boost the stretch during early flower. The additional ferrous sulfate should keep the pH in the 6.5-7 range and help with chlorosis during early flower. Day 3 we had more rain, drizzle, and mist all day. The soil pH is coming down slowly. It's 6.9 on day 3. Day 4 it rained all morning. The pots are soaked. Day 5 we missed the scattered showers but it was 80-90% humidity all day. We did have lots of sunshine Day 6 we had lots of sunshine and temperatures above 80°F. Day 7 we had sunny skies. Temperature was in the mid 80'sF. I had to water about .5 gallons directly from the hose. 7.6 pH and 50°F Both plants doubled in height. There's still a small excess of phosphorous in the soil. The plants will grow into the phosphorus during flower. Overall a successful week.
Vamos familia primera semana de floración de estás Tropical Zmoothie de SeedStockers. Que ganas tengo de ver el progreso de esta variedad, las plantas están sanas, se ven con buen color. La cantidad de agua cada 48h entre riegos. Esta semana añadimos nutrientes de la gama Agrobeta. Ya puedo confirmar que elimine la plaga de tripa con aceite de nene jabón potásico e insecticida para ácaros. Las plantas están bastante bien ya llevan una semana en 12 horas de luz 12 oscuridad. Estas próximas semanas veremos como avanzan. Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 https://www.mars-hydro.com/ Agrobeta: https://www.agrobeta.com/agrobetatiendaonline/36-abonos-canamo Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨.
FIMed her for the last time, continuing to train her throughout. Nutes will be adjusted to size of pot as well as water. Just letting her spread her wings and fly 🦅
FBT2403 has grown really well. She is super frosty and sticky. I switched her to ph water 2 days ago. I will be harvesting her in the next update. Everything has gone fairly well for the grow. She has a really nice profile. She should be pretty potent upon finish. Thank you Agrogardens, Medic Grow, and Fast Buds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g If anyone needs to purchase fastbuds here is a link for my affiliate program https://myfastbuds.com/?a_aid=60910eaff2419
Auto Maxi Gom is starting to flower more heavily now. She has been growing well. Everything has been really stable, and doing great. 🤞🏻 she keeps up the rhythm she is in and produces some dense frosty colas. Nothing else to report at the moment. Thank you Medic Grow, Seeds Mafia, and Xpert Nutrients. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g
Vamos familia primera semana de floración de estás apollo black cherry de SeedStockers. Que ganas tengo de ver el progreso de esta variedad, las plantas están sanas, se ven con buen color. La cantidad de agua cada 48h entre riegos. Esta semana añadimos nutrientes de la gama Agrobeta. Ya puedo confirmar que elimine la plaga de tripa con aceite de nene jabón potásico e insecticida para ácaros. Las plantas están bastante bien ya llevan una semana en 12 horas de luz 12 oscuridad. Estas próximas semanas veremos como avanzan. Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 https://www.mars-hydro.com/ Agrobeta: https://www.agrobeta.com/agrobetatiendaonline/36-abonos-canamo Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨.
Lemon Cherry Pops are in it’s own 4x4 along with the Smile now Cry Laterz x 1 FX3 is in its own 3x3 now. Topped
Buenas compis Terminando tercera semana de flora Las peques , muestran algo ,debo subir las dosificaciones Para darles algo más de alegría Pero por lo demás ..todo genial
she's amazing !!! the girl drinks a lot, 4.5 liters every 3 days:) she grows very fast and looks healthy and happy:).