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Sziasztok 40.nap Jól reagálnak a hajlításra a lányok Esővizet kapnak.. A tápanyag amit rendeltem meg nem jött meg... Wuxal supert használok etetni szeretik nagyon
Sziasztok 40.nap Jól reagálnak a hajlításra a lányok Esővizet kapnak.. A tápanyag amit rendeltem meg nem jött meg... Wuxal supert használok etetni szeretik nagyon
Je ne mets pas beaucoup de moyens pour faire pousser mes plantes et donc elles poussent assez lentement. Cette fois je suis très surpris. Ces medusa poussent vite et sont très semblables! Les 2 plantes ont germé à 3 jours d'intervalle. Elles ont conservé cette différence de 3 à 5 cm lors de la croissance. Maintenant le stretch est terminé et elles font exactement 55cm. Je ne perçois plus la différence visuellement. J'ai enlevé quelques feuilles du bas pour faciliter l'arrosage et ajouté un cercle de fil de fer gainé pour écarter les branches de celle de droite. Leur structure est identique. C'est stupéfiant.
Bienvenidos cultivadores de marihuana clandestinos, y también, a los que tienen la fortuna de no serlo!🖐️👨‍🌾 esta temporada cultivando leyendas sativas... todo por la causa! Hoy, sin compasión, he cometido un crimen... Hace unas horas, mirando mi jardín de la alegría, descubrí con asombro un polizón, un intruso libidinoso, un macho alfa en todo su esplendor, un invertido agazapado en la esquina. Ha esperado 85 días para mostrar su verdadera cara, mis hembras todavía adolescentes corrían peligro, este sátiro, el gran fornicador disfrazado, el zorro en el gallinero, ha estado esperando su oportunidad, para dejar, sin consentimiento, su polen pervertido en mis chicas, todavía inocentes y puras. Ah! rabia incontenible de ver a este macho infiltrado y traidor, lascivo conspirador inesperado, obsceno personaje al que inmediatamente desterré de la carpa de cultivo, era de noche, durmió al relente, solo, como un apestado, lejos de quien creyó ser su familia, había roto la Regla Sagrada con deshonesta lujuria: "Este jardín no es lugar para machos", la ley de esta carpa de cultivo es clara, quien la quebrante será ejecutado con mucho dolor y sus restos serán esparcidos en el Mulch de mis plantas hembra. Al amanecer, delante de la carpa de cultivo profanada, convoqué al verdugo más desalmado, no le pedí misericordia, pregunté al reo por su último deseo, quiso fumar un porro de marihuana orgánica, yo fumé también, después me senté, se escucharon voces pidiendo clemencia, el verdugo hizo su trabajo magníficamente, el gran semental conspirador sufrió mucho mientras sus ramas eran separadas del tronco y arrojadas al suelo con bárbaro desdén. 😈 El lugar vacío dejado en la carpa de cultivo fue inmediatamente ocupado por 3M ▼ La gitanilla, una planta que va dar mucho que hablar y que abandona su carpa casera uniéndose al resto de las hembras, viene con una maceta de 7L, pero está dispuesta a competir al máximo nivel con su hermana y compañeras cultivadas en macetas de 11L… a jugar. Ahora también mi pequeña carpa casera queda en exclusiva para las dos plantas hermanas y auto florecientes que estoy cultivando esta temporada. Hoy he ajusticiado a un vicioso macho y he disfrutado mucho contándolo… me voy a hacer otro porro! Hasta la próxima... SALUDOS A TODOS!! ================================= Info de la cepa Durban Poison: "Una planta sativa pura que nunca ha sido hibridada..." MSNL Seeds - Genética: Variedad africana original x Skunk holandesa - Sativa pura: 100% - Tiempo de Floración - 8-10 Semanas - Rendimiento masivo: hasta 600 g/m² - THC Alto - Hasta 20% ==============
1📆 Fioritura: Uuu che bellezza la ciliegina perduta😍🍒 è cresciuta parecchio in dimensioni ed ha iniziato a produrre dei bei peletti bianchi🤪
-6/4/23 Start of Week --Week 11/Flower 5 -6/10/23 (Day 84/Flower 35) --Observations: starting to form calyxes, sent intensifying, --Changes: started giving water every other day --Comments: buds are starting to form calyxes and sent is getting stronger. still smells of lemons, it's hard to tell the difference between scent of the purple lemonade and the lemon basil. realized that not enough water was being given so now giving water every other day, may still not be enough water for all the plants in this pot. -6/10/23 End of Week
Hey guys, I'm finally back with the true smoke report of this Skywalker OG Gelato Auto! This has been a wonderful experience growing this cultivar from Ganja Farmer Seeds. She's rocking a beautiful hard to describe aroma. Saying that she smells like sweet flowery berrys with earthy backtones won't describe how wonderful she smells and tastes. After a long 14 day dry and 30 plus day cure, she is leaving some sweet earthy tastes on the palette. Also, she formed some pretty dense buds that are pretty caked and I'm really happy with the end result. Thank you Ganja Farmer for hitting us with some really good genetics 👊😁💨
For the Grow section on my page: Throughout the germination stage, I explored three distinct seed germination techniques: the direct soil implantation, immersion in a hydroponic medium, and the classic paper towel method. My tests involved the Gods Gift autoflower from Premium Cultivators, Northern Lights from Royal Queen Seed Bank, and the F1 Epsilon strain, also from Royal. My primary focus, however, has been on the F1 Epsilon strain. As part of my shift towards commercial operations, I'm currently pushing the potential of these seeds to achieve maximum efficiency and productivity. I'm in the midst of identifying the optimal strains for my commercial venture. My objective, quite simply, is to strike an optimal balance between quality and yield for my future cannabis crops. With astute business planning and leveraging emerging laws, I plan to provide these products at a significantly lower price than my competitors. End of Germination Stage - Staring Vegetation Stage Day 9 - I inadvertently oversaturated my plants with nutrients, which led to the immediate demise of two plants. A key lesson learned was that utilizing old woolite medium is not advisable. Instead, using dirt plugs proves to be a more effective method. Moreover, it's crucial to ensure that nutrients are introduced directly into the water supply to avoid any potential harm to the plants. Additional Note: For enhanced root stability and quicker access to the water supply, it's important to situate the dirt plugs deeply within the pebbles. Also ensure germination process as follows: 12 hour soak, drop into soil plug deep into hydroponics pebble medium.
Sziasztok 40.nap Jól reagálnak a hajlításra a lányok Esővizet kapnak.. A tápanyag amit rendeltem meg nem jött meg... Wuxal supert használok etetni szeretik nagyon
For the Grow section on my page: Throughout the germination stage, I explored three distinct seed germination techniques: the direct soil implantation, immersion in a hydroponic medium, and the classic paper towel method. My tests involved the Gods Gift autoflower from Premium Cultivators, Northern Lights from Royal Queen Seed Bank, and the F1 Epsilon strain, also from Royal. My primary focus, however, has been on the F1 Epsilon strain. As part of my shift towards commercial operations, I'm currently pushing the potential of these seeds to achieve maximum efficiency and productivity. I'm in the midst of identifying the optimal strains for my commercial venture. My objective, quite simply, is to strike an optimal balance between quality and yield for my future cannabis crops. With astute business planning and leveraging emerging laws, I plan to provide these products at a significantly lower price than my competitors. End of Germination Stage - Staring Vegetation Stage Day 9 - I inadvertently oversaturated my plants with nutrients, which led to the immediate demise of two plants. A key lesson learned was that utilizing old woolite medium is not advisable. Instead, using dirt plugs proves to be a more effective method. Moreover, it's crucial to ensure that nutrients are introduced directly into the water supply to avoid any potential harm to the plants. Additional Note: For enhanced root stability and quicker access to the water supply, it's important to situate the dirt plugs deeply within the pebbles. Also ensure germination process as follows: 12 hour soak, drop into soil plug deep into hydroponics pebble medium.
OG KUSH - Bag seed from a grateful dead show (Chem Dawg) 04 - 07 May 2023 - Germination Week 08 - 14 May 2023 - Veg week 1 15 - 21 May 2023 - Veg week 2 22 - 28 May 2023 - Veg week 3 29 - 04 June 2023 - Veg week 4 05 - 11 June 2023 - Veg week 5 12 - 18 June 2023 - Veg week 6 - Final Veg
The flowers acted a bit funny The smell is amazing
The plants are growing at a good rate now and drinking a litre each per day. I feed them by hand and each plant gets 2litres every other day. Didn't do anything else this week other than install the trellis on the last day. This plant is at the back of the timelapse video.
The plants are growing at a good rate now and drinking a litre each per day. I feed them by hand and each plant gets 2litres every other day. Didn't do anything else this week other than install the trellis on the last day. This plant is at the back of the timelapse video.
The plants are growing at a good rate now and drinking a litre each per day. I feed them by hand and each plant gets 2litres every other day. Didn't do anything else this week other than install the trellis on the last day. This plant is on the laft in the timelapse video.
The plants are growing at a good rate now and drinking a litre each per day. I feed them by hand and each plant gets 2litres every other day. Didn't do anything else this week other than install the trellis on the last day. This plant is on the laft in the timelapse video.