The plants are still developing very slowly.
I may top dress with Ecothrive Life Cycle again, as it's taking longer than expected. So they can probably benefit from that.
I overwatered all plants, there was run off. I watered 2 days in a row. There weren't any visual signs that this affected the plants. I'm not going to water, until the soil is dry enough to mix in the ammendments.
I'm sill using the Xpert Nutrients Bloom Booster, I have noticed that FBP1 and FBP3 have gotten more sizeable since using this product. It's hard to tell on my FBP2 as the buds are already huge.
I have continued to defoliate today.
I also moved the plants around to maximise light exposure.
The branches on FBP3 and FBP1, were looking flimsy. So I tied a few more branches with string, to keep them from breaking and taking up so much room.
So today I added Ecothrive Life Cycle, Diatomaceous earth, also went ahead and added the Bat guano.
I watered it in with 2 Tbs of Black strap molasses in 1 ltr of water, to each plant. Each plant also got 1ltr of water with 3ml of Ecothrive Flourish. Additionally I used 2ml of Xpert Nutrients Bloom Booster in 1ltr of water.
I've noticed that there are new pistils are growing out of the top buds. I think it may be light and or heat stress. It's up to 30°C, at some points. The humidity is pretty stable at 40-50%.
I've lowered the light intensity slightly, and am now using 2 fans on low settings. To try to get the heat to lower.
I've decided that stakes are necessary to FBP1 and FBP3. So have made some 70" tall.
I also finally got round to cleaning out the bottom of the tent. It was a mess, so I disinfected it with F10. I didn't get any anywhere near the plants.
The plants top soil had dried up overnight, I'm assuming the dehumidifier has something to do with it! It is is a great piece of kit.
I watered each plant with 1ltr of dechlorinated water, PH'd to 6.0. Each 1ltr had 1 ml of Ecothrive Flourish.
I don't want the microbial ammendments, to dry out and ruin it. So I'm thinking about watering just once a day, only 1 ltr per 5 gallon pot.
Additionally my companion plant, Rosemary has some either; webbing or Mould on it, so I took it out of the tent, and will treat soil
In that pot with a neem oil drench, and see what happens. I need to repot it, my mint plant in the tent also has exploded and needs repotting.
I've watered again, as the water is getting drank by my dehumidifier. Couldn't live without it though!
I added 3ltrs of water to each plant included was;-
3ml per litre of Ecothrive Flourish,
2ml Xpert Nutrients Bloom Booster.
Dechlorinated to 6.2.
Still haven't managed to add the extra plant stakes yet.
Today all the top soil was dry, and with my dehumidifier so close, I've added another 2ltrs of water each with;-
2ml of Xpert Nutrients Bloom Booster
2ml of Ecothrive Flourish
2ml of cal-mag.
PH'd to 6.0.
Had to add additional stakes in to FBP2 (my best pheno)! As the flowers are soo heavy, it's crazy actually. I've been using 6% silica, since the beginning.
I am checking the trichomes daily through the jewellers loupe. They do actually still look clear / glassy. I'm glad I did top dress this week, as it looks like we're going to be going for a long while yet. 2-4 weeks.
Ps. If I've made mistakes in this update, I'm 9/10 faded on my Royal Critical. 😅
I watered with 2 ltrs of water per plant PH'd to 6.0. For each litre, I added 1ml of Ecothrive Flourish and 2ml of Xpert Nutrients Bloom Booster.
I accidentally bent a branch on FBP3. I have taped it together tightly with duct tape.
I also added more stakes to FBP2 as the flowers are getting super heavy, which is an awesome thing, as I was prepared for staking, and tying. Can't wait to taste these when they're ready to harvest! 🤤
I'm thinking of making up a new 5 or 10 gallon pot with a super-soil mix, I did that for this run, but now I know more about ammendments, hopefully it will be better this time. I'm going to leave the soil mix as per the instructions to cook / dry, before planting this time.
Will update again 🙂