Currently waiting for the soil to dry out after the flush last week so only foliar feeding . It seems to be helping, I need to put aside a few hours to give both my remo chemo and purple CBD some love. Both got lockout from salt buildup and I need to sit down and trim any dead growth, some light LST and TDS and pH the runoff. The old growth is yellowing fast on this one so it better be soon! Otherwise she will lollipop herself!
Day 70 - fed nutrients and pH water 6.2.
Looks like I will have to do a bit more topping, she's stretching for the sky!
Day 66- no water no food, just letting her dry out a bit as I suspect root issues, she's stretching to the sky though so aside from the nitrogen deficiency we're looking good!
Day 68- she had dried out nicely, gave her some fish mix and liquid seaweed, 3ml/l and 4ml/l respectively, 2l feed. Have trimmed dead and dying growth. Just going to leave her to it for a week or two