Aug 3: woohoo week two of flowering. Plant is definitely flowering and looks to be on its way to a strong finish. Very excited for this one and it looks very promising.
Group pic is Cheese in front, Gelato, Gorilla Cookies, and Bruce Banner. Last two are 16 cola manifolds, and the front two are 8 colas.
Aug 5: video shows use of 730 nm far red light as a bloom booster. A few seconds at dusk is all it takes. I use Civil Twilight as listed on for my latitude each night. Currently getting 2 minutes earlier each night.
The far red light at dusk, at the same point in the light cycle each night, causes the plant to go into dark mode about two hours faster. It’s like getting an extra two hours of darkness in a 26 h day. Works indoors and on autos too. Moves up flowering by about 3-4 weeks here. Don’t miss a night and keep it at the same relative time each night. This is sometimes called phyto-forcing. Easier than moving the plants into the garage each night.
Aug 6: foliar spray of potassium silicate and Extreme Blend done in early evening. Plants drink a lot when it is hot and they’re this big and have been watering twice a day lately.
Aug 7: did another round of compost tea this morning.
Aug 9: defoliated the understory to improve airflow and remove shaded bits. Mostly fan leaves and popcorn bud sites with a few small branches that were growing in towards the centre.