Better and bigger everyday! I have finally overcome my problems with nute burn. I create 1 gallon of the solution w/ no dilution, running full strength nutes, and this solution is lasting 1 week+ now. Then daily, fill 1 gallon with purified city water, with 1ml of Heavy 16 Roots for PH balance.
Since I topped the 4 bagseed plants multiple times very early in veg growth, they are extremely short and bushy. But the flowering stretch seems to definitely be happening. Plus they have a ton of budsites being created.
Still waiting to see what sex the 4 bagseed are. I have multiple close-up pictures of the 4 bagseed photos if anyone can see any signs of the sex?
No PM or mites I can observe. Sprayed for them in week 5. Every day I am defoliating the lower branches of the plant as it becomes more obvious what isn't getting light. No smell.
Bagseed were started from seed, germinated using paper towel method, and pretty neglected with light up until week 4. Also they spent too long in small containers before being transplanted. Unidentified genetics/sex. Clones were bought anywhere from 9 inches to 13 inches tall. But the clones have just really taken off in their larger pots. The Blackwater plant in the middle is the smallest clone of the three I received, and it was also filled with less dirt than the other 2, which are obviously taller an bushier.
Anyone see anything else I should be doing?