Spotted some budrot again. This time I had enough of it and didn't want to risk further rot, so I decided to harvest them and not let them flower for another week.
Forgot to take pictures before the trim, they look silly now without the support from the copperdreads and rubberwires haha.
They had 8 weeks of flowering, I'm glad that 1 out of 2 came out nicely. The other one is just another regular looking outside plant lol.
I always give them a first trim, so the buds can dry better, faster, safer. After some days or maybe at the end of drying, i will trim them again.
You can expect the final update with pictures between 7 to 14 days from now.
ps, Somehow the beautifull colors from the better plant doesn't show properly when filming or taking pictures, neighter am I a professional photographer.
But ill promise to take better ones, once the buds got the final trim and got dried.