Hello Bros&Sis! Ciao!😊
this time I've decided to made a video update, from the start of the week to the finish, we're gonna see some BIG differences! (The longest is from the end)
About the ladies:
Girls in coco
Royal AK- she's drinking every single drop op solution and has literally exploded! I'm really happy about her training (top/lst/hst). A very strong strain.
OG Kush- I don't get this girl, she's definitely not an heavy drinker.
Speedy Chile FF- when I re-potted her into 6lt pot, some of my Bros hoped for a Baobab, what do you think?😂 (has some mutations, has a growth of 3 leaves and then 2 branches have joined together and the other has grown normally)
Ladies in Soil:
UK Cheese auto- I've broke a branch due to heavy crop. Lesson learned.
Pink Doc CBD auto- she's growing good, finally! The only thing I'm worried about is that she will not grow so much, because switch is near.
Candy Kush Express- A really nice lady, not too tall, good side branches and she take everything with no care less (one of the most "broken" in the tent)
Special Kush#1- She likes her new pot, but there's something wrong (see leaves) maybe related to VPD or RU?
I've used different techniques on this ladies, but the one I like the most is cropping the branches and the main stems and also broke the branches where meets the stems, to give'em more power, and more "space" for nutrients transports in sight of bloom!
That's all mate, we will see soon for the next update! Ciao!😙
(hey @Growdiaries if you want to use my video, feel free to do it, but please, don't change the music, it's already on YT and for CC use)