Day 31 -Well first please excuse my english . She'doing well so far. Still stretching , and not a tiny one as she took 2 cm each days till day 28. She got an open structure like a little christmas three with a moderate distance
between the nods.
I had 1/4 tps of my bloom powder (6 - 21 - 31) direct into the soil 3 days ago with a little burning issue (almost invisible for now), my ph was also too low as it was 6.3 so i'll correct my water ph to 6.5 and no more nuts add till week 6.
She's smelling good at that stage but quite difficult to describe so i'll try to do it when i will be mote potent ( week 7 to 8 i guess)
If you haves some question i'll be glade to answer , good grow y'all