Checkout my Instagram @smallbudz to see the Small budget grow setup for indoor use, low watt, low heat, low noise, step by step.
17/02/2020 - Fed her 1.5l of 6.4PH water with 0,2ml of each: Cal Mag (Atami), Grow, Bloom and Max, and 0,5ml of each: Heaven, Alga-mic and Vera, noticed some run off, I use about 1/4 of the nutrient dosage on the chart, to achieve about 100/150PPM (500 scale).
She's starting to smell like smelly feet.
22/02/2020 - Last feed, gave her 1.5l of 6.5PH water with 0,2ml of each: Cal Mag (Atami), Grow, Bloom and Max, and 0,5ml of each: Heaven, Alga-mic and Vera, noticed some run off, I use about 1/4 of the nutrient dosage on the chart, to achieve about 100/150PPM (500 scale).