The grow was a complete success I am so happy and have some great quality product at the end of it.
First things first the important bits the weights of each plant and what was done differently on each during the grow, plant colours can be determined by looking at the colour of the pipecleaner hooked over side throughout the grow.
Pink - Wet = 548g | Dry = 106g
Pink didn't have any defoliation or trimming throughout the grow, she was the untouched girl, looked the biggest at the begining but the other girls overtook in flowering in a big big way! She looked like she got root rot close to the end of the grow potentially, her leaves turned on me very quickly and I harvested her early, she wasn't quite as dry as I liked and during drying more mould occurred on some of the buds, I was left with a good 85g after being very fussy and wipping lots of buds out to protect the rest of the harvest. You can tell she was harvested a little early as doesn't taste as good or smell as good as the rest. Her buds in the jar are more compact as been curing for a week on the rest.
Orange - Wet = 416g | Dry = 120g
A little bit trimming/defoliation. Stripped of fan leaves on last week for flush.
Blue - Wet = 466g | Dry = 121g
She was smaller at the start, and I flushed too early as she had a late growth spurt and became massive, think she also developed a late root rot but caught it before any harm was caused to the buds but the leaves are a bit yellow as you can see from the final trimmed product! Also potentially so tall she may of been a bit close to the light and got a little hot.
Yellow - Wet = 508g | Dry = 132g
The abosolute star of the grow! We grew her originally as a backup in a spare container that is awful for growing, we ended up needing her and transplanted her in the early weeks when we broke one of the other girls. She had a good trim/defoliation throughout grow to ensure she was getting good light coverage.
So from this grow I have learnt alot and will be taking the information to try and create a perfect grow next time! My plans are to use perlite to help prevent root rot in the later stages and increase air flow through the soil mix. I will also use a 9cm pot to start the grils off and transplant when they have grown out of them. I will place the scrog net in the tent early on so can use it to train the girls, probably around week 2/3. And I will do a light trim late veg and last couple weeks of flower will get a heavy defoliation. Keeps your eyes open for my pineapple express growing coming soon!
For the complete feed schedule you can download the PDF here: