🏆 Last chance to vote!
Début d une nouvelle expérience j espère que je vais réussir
All in all it's a good high but the light I used sux . I barely got 2 ounces off 8 plants. Time for round 2!!!
Very satisfied and impressed lasted a little bit longer than I expected in vegetation. Enjoying the process and learning
Finished her second week of flush, plan on harvesting her as soon as her pot has fully dried out. Trichomes appear mainly cloudy to the point where the buds appear white. I’ve smoked a few test buds that I took a couple of days into her flush, the taste even at that point was unreal! By far the strongest strain I’ve grown to date. Happy with how everything looks, until next time 🌱💚
B.A.C. schedule goes on with bloom week 6 : a bit more PK Booster again and no more Final Solution. Motherplant looks better after a massive plain water watering, I'll alternate nutritive solution / plain water for now. Clones buds' are getting fatter, faster than motherplant ones, and a few big leaves are yellowing. There are trichromes everywhere and smell is more powerfull. 2023/04/12 : first check on trichromes... there are already amber ones on clones' leaves, not yet on flowers. Mother plant is a bit late, only clear and cloudy trichromes for the moment. I would say 2 to 3 weeks before harvest.😊
Well i broke a branch right off Bubba Cheese cake #2 stem by slightly trying to move a 3 gal pot lol ouchie They will both need supports fyi. Anywho, I either out did myself or these are the longest trichomes I've seen. #2 is bigger n frostier. #1 smells like freaken candy...and i mean the good colors you save for last lol. #2 is more muted but creamier and maybe hopefully some cheese. Increased exaust fan speed, Increased oscillating fan speed. Reduced lights to 11/13. Adjusted far red, adjusted morning to come on later at night and turned off the heat mat (yes i had a heat mat lol). That should hopefully bring out any colors but it seems this one may stay green af. Another grower is going to week 20 i think in flower and still no color change....in my experience that means this wont taste anything like earthy wood anthocyanins.
03/04 Belle grande dame. H - 3s. théoriquement avant effeuillage 🤪. 04/04 je l'ai nourrie Tous les jour la semaine dernière. Plus 2 arrosage a l'eau le soir tellement elle réclame. 😀 09/04 Dernier dosage de nute. Elle commence à ambrer. Tous vas bien.😍👍
-4/2/23 Start of Week --Week 2 -4/4/23 (Day 17) --Observations: still not having problems with daily nutrient spray, looks as if it has lost the explosive growth that it had in the first week. --Changes: lowered RH to 50%, also started spraying soil with nutrient water --Diary Entry: the HR was lowered because of other plants being in the last weeks before harvest, so it will be going back up in two weeks. the light cycle will change to 18/ 6 light/night once the other plants get harvested. the light will be lowered at the beginning of next week but the intensity will not be lowered unless problems arise. will be checking soil for PH and temperature at the end of the week, may take photo of the soil probe readings. -4/5/23 (Day 18) --Diary Entry: full watering without nutrients and sprayed with nutrients. Still working on first shade leaves, no second set yet. --Post-Note: still trying find good settings on my new Fujifilm X-H2 for the two lenses that I have, Fujifilm 16mm-80mm zoom and 30mm macro. Photos are only going to get better, also still having problems with focus stacking but that could be staking program. May start adding what lens is being used in the caption for each photo. -4/6/23 (Day 19) --Observations: second set of shade leaves are forming --Diary Entry: photo makes it hard to see the second set of shade leaves but they are there. will be taking end of the week photos and video with macro lens. -4/8/23 (day 21) --Observations: second set of shade leaves are growing quick --Diary Entry: quickly making progress now, should start forming branch nodes soon. one more week of 12/12 light/night cycle then it will get 18/6 light/night until it is required to start flower cycle, trying to line up harvest with the fast flower competition. will start training when branch nodes start forming, should be sometime late next week or the falowing week. -4/8/23 End of Week
i removed the lst now let them grow The autopot goes so much faster very nice
The plant realizes there is an overabundance of light and it seems to understand this and develops accordingly. I see a mass monster. Focused on rates of photosynthesis, instead of photomorphogenesis. Added a custom Lakhovsky ring around the base. It is positioned in such a way that it rotates on itself, as in the photo, and an energy field will develop all around. If we have only 1 ring, the opening goes true north and the 2 wires must not touch. With 2 rings of different diameters, I can alternate North / South openings. (4x10" Copper wire wrapped in aluminum sheathing then further coil wrapped with copper)
Ehi ragazzi eccoci a noi! Le ragazze hibride stanno crescendo davvero rigogliose, le foglie sono proprio di un bel verde intenso del colore corretto ,ma quello che mi sta stupendo è la capacità di questa lampada Mars hydro FC E3000 di essere uniforme e intensa di qualità in tutte le piante ,le quali stanno crescendo in modo molto più omogeneo rispetto ai cicli precedenti! E sto utilizzando solo il 50 %della potenza di questa benedetta luce! È davvero impressionante , anche la velocità di crescita mi sembra aumentata rispetto ai cicli precedenti! Spero che tutto vada come ho progettato senza carenze di nutrienti.. ma purtroppo come bene sapete ogni ciclo e totalmente diverso dall' altro e ogni ragazza e strain differente hanno anche esigenze nutrizionali differenti, questo l ho notato solo con l esperienza, prima pensavo che bastava dare a tutte la stessa quantità e sarebbero cresciute identiche .. ma questo nn succede quasi mai, bisogna progettare e anticipare tutte le possibili variabili in gioco! Alla fine è "vita"❤️ noi stiamo crescendo della vita con amore al massimo delle nostre possibilità come fossero nostre figlie! Speriamo continuino così e che crescano in libertà nel miglior modo possibile! Buon 420 a tutti ragazzi vi adoro!! 👊❤️🌱🌿🌲
Ehi ragazzi è già passata una settimana e neanche me ne sono reso conto! Si vede che l erba che sto fumando è bella potente per farmi rimanere in uno spazio/tempo non ben definito! Apparte questo divagamento, posso dire che i nutrienti stanno facendo effetto! La ragazza sembra che stia crescendo davvero bene , ogni settimana raddoppia le dimensioni circa , ora siamo già al quarto paio di foglie laterali e ho intenzione probabilmente in settimana di mettere la rete per iniziare a direzionare le piante,in modo da avere più cime possibilmente uniformi, ma soprattutto, avendo il problema dell altezza, cercherò di fare in modo che rimangano più basse possibile , dovrò studiare un metodo per farlo senza stressarle troppo e senza utilizzare tagli e toppature che in un autofiorente,necessiterebbero di troppo tempo per recuperare dal taglio e quindi la resa sarebbe minore,... Bene siamo solo all inizio e non vedo l ora di vedere come cresceranno queste ragazze magiche ! La luce FC E 300l è davvero impressionante! La sto usando al 50 % della potenza e devo dire che stanno crescendo in modo molto rigoglioso tutte le ragazze in modo uniforme anche ai lati, la luce è molto ben distribuita rispetto alla TS 1000 che avevo in precedenza , che nonostante tutto ha fatto il suo dovere e lo continuerà a fare in modo più che egregio! Buon 420 a tutti alla prossima settimana! 💪👊😉
The two plants this week look like they are turning green again and the yellowing is going away so I think all is well
Happy Easter all over the word, I will share my Italian best aperitif ever. D51 Eighth week, if they are so beautiful it is also thanks to you! I love this community, I hope to stay there, as long as I don't get arrested... Anyway... I wanted to point out that all my doses of nutrients are for a liter and a half of water so as to be even more scrupulous to avoid overfertilizing. I turned off the dimmer, at noon simulating a half day of fire lol i'm crazy. added a reflective film to the base of the room, raised the plants to the same level by placing boxes under the pots, many Thanks @Roberts for encouraging me to look for the boxes, I'm a lazy boy!😇 ...a clarification for the most refined minds .... I know very well that the glass is for white wine but it is the only one I have, I take this opportunity to thank my neighbor for giving it to me ;) D55 Buds fattering
Hey growmies girls looking amazing. They have grown immensely 😎💪❤️ They really hungry so today imma feed them some good nutrition. They are all responding really good to the sp 6500 💪💪💪 If you are interested in this led come check her out on MH site 👉 😀https://marshydro.eu/products/mars-hydro-sp-6500-led-grow-light/ SP6500, as one of the huge single bar LED grow lights, installed with top quality Samsung LM301B diodes, designed with enhanced red in broad-spectrum light, emits the highest central PPF and has the superb penetration that its major applications are for high-wire plants and greenhouses. Wattage – 650w Veg Coverage – 4×5 ft Flower Coverage – 3×5 ft Featuring a thick aluminium passive heat sink and densely arranged chips, the SP Series provides high efficacy but low heat output while minimizing obstruction to natural light.
The two plants this week look like they are turning green again and the yellowing is going away so I think all is well
Hello Guys and Happy Easter🐰, Week 4 of flowering is over. One plant got a polyploid mutation i got the same mutation on an earlier grow so i know this will look interessting at the end. I did my first cuttings on the Slurricanes 8/10 are rooted so im quite happy with the outcome but unfortunately the cutting from the frostiest pheno at the moment didnt make it. I did a little bit to much on the more PK nutrients so they got a little bit buned tips but in overall im very happy some of the plants already smell so fruity and sweet cant wait how this Tent will smell at the End 😋