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Hello names John this is my first grow.I’m not using any bottled nutes for this grow. Instead using nature’s living auto flower concentrate.
I added a second LED which works with more purple/red light additionally to my full spectrum white light to give the buds more the wave length they prefer. Seems like the new light pushes them to spread and elongate their branches, especially the main stem.
Techniques acquired!! Guys... we really need some rain. The area were in is experiencing record high temperatures and its getting hotter and hotter everyday. :( Nevertheless the girls have prevailed and come out strong! A moment of silence please for ben, she will be missed..... Now it's time for techniques. The LST is the main technique we are trying to go for and it seems to be working well for them. The HST was not intentional lol I just accidentally bent Osaka's stem and she started to flourish so I tried it on Prince and it seems to be working very well. Don't you just love how resilient plants are?? Were still keeping the watering to the same and the nutrient level did go up a little but only for the ones that are still standing...
Hey everyone! Welcome to our second grow journal! We're growing the same strains as in the first journal, but this time, we plan to only top the plants. They're in 18-liter pots, and you'll be able to follow their progress here as well. These plants are 20 days younger than the ones in the first grow, so it'll be interesting to compare their development. Stay tuned for updates!
Day 36: "Hey everyone! Just a quick update: I removed a few more leaves here and there and did one last round of LST (low stress training). 🌿 The plants are looking great, and I'm going to let them recover now before sending them into the flowering stage. I'm really excited to see them start blooming in 2-3 weeks! Also, a quick update on our temperature issue: today, the temperature stayed below 26.8°C, which is great news! However, we still need to find a solution to keep the humidity levels up. Our 360 m³/h exhaust system isn't able to maintain the required humidity level. I've calculated that we need a humidifier that can evaporate 1800ml/h to maintain 60-70% humidity, which would help manage the temperature better. Does anyone have tips for a good humidifier or other methods to control the humidity and temperature? Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Day 37: Hey everyone! Tomorrow, we're planning to buy some Cal-Mag because we suspect the yellowing leaves might be due to a calcium-magnesium deficiency. We're also going to get a pH test kit to make sure everything is balanced properly. Do you think this is a good idea? Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Day 38: Hey everyone! Quick update: it turns out the yellowing leaves were due to a nitrogen deficiency. We increased the fertilizer dosage today, so the plants should start looking better in 4 to 5 days. 🌿 Thanks for all the support and suggestions Day 39: Hey everyone! Another quick update: after increasing the fertilizer yesterday to address the nitrogen deficiency, it should take about 4 to 5 days for the yellow leaves to turn green again. 🌿 We're already seeing improvements! The plants have grown significantly and are developing a dense canopy once more. It's great to see them bouncing back so quickly! Day 41: "Hey everyone! Quick update: we've removed the bands we were using for LST (low stress training) and are now letting the plants grow freely. 🌿 We plan to keep them in the vegetative phase for about one more week before transitioning them to the flowering phase. Excited to see how they continue to develop!"
She seems to be recovering from the water log roots…after she dries out I will feed her some fish fertilizer…in case this is a nitrogen issue.
Shes really the slowest of my 3 girls. Defoliated and removed some bud sites on the lower branches.
Her leaves are spreading out and taking in all this sun. I am truly satisfied with her growth thus far. I will top her on the start of week 3.
She is recovering fed her some more fish fertilizer this week…i expect her to Be fully green next week. It seems like she will take a while before flowing also.
The plants were repotted in their final pots of 7l. Growth has continued to increase strongly and I will top them all tomorrow. I have decided to keep all the plants. I haven't fertilized them yet but I will start this week. The watering water has only been slightly adjusted with Epsom salts and CalMag and the pH value lowered from 7.5 to 7.0.
A new version of the classic. The old classic strain now improved and in auto version! Just like the name suggests. Expect up to 500gr/m2 of super big buds. Ideal for beginners. Top-quality buds without much maintenance or extra effort. Indica-dominant hybrid. A relaxing high that comes hand-in-hand with a pleasant head buzz.
Ich bin zufrieden bis jetzt. Sie sieht gut genährt und gesund aus und hat den Umzug nach draußen gut verkraftet.
Ich bin zufrieden bis jetzt. Sie sieht gut genährt und gesund aus und hat den Umzug nach draußen gut verkraftet.
Hey Leute, Die Woche war echr viel Los. Die Lady strecken sich immer mehr und bekommen die ersten Blütenansätze 💚. Es sind extrem viele Sonnensegel vorhanden und auch so müssen die Pflanzen entlaubt werden. Freue mich endlich, wenn ich nächste Woche damit starten kann. ✂️ Möchte erst die Streckungsphase abwarten. 🌞 Wünsche euch einen schönen Pfingstmontag. 🍀
Hello Growmies! As we conclude our Epic Buzz journey, let's dive into the final harvest data under the exceptional conditions provided by the Trolmaster and the engaging platform of GD. This week marks the end of our cultivation cycle with a final wet weight of 1720 grams from a setup featuring the FC4800 light dimmed to 65% maximum, utilizing 108 watts over an area of approximately 0.48 square meters. Final Harvest Metrics: Yield Efficiency: Achieved an impressive yield efficiency of 15.92 wet grams per watt, underscoring the efficiency of our light setup. Area Yield: With a productivity of 3583.33 wet grams per square meter, our cultivation space was maximized for optimal output. Plant Yield: Each plant contributed significantly, averaging 573.33 grams, highlighting robust growth and development. Density: The garden hosted 6.25 plants per square meter, optimizing space without overcrowding. Energy Utilization: The grow utilized 225 watts per square meter, a testament to our strategic light management. A huge shoutout to Trolmaster for making such an amazing contest possible, and to GD for providing a platform that brings us all together. This cultivation journey has been a rewarding challenge, showcasing the potential of careful strain selection and attentive grow practices. In the meantime, feel free to check out my upcoming Barneys Farm diaries which will soon take over this tent. Exciting times ahead as we continue to explore and share our passion for growing! Stay Lifted! Salokin
Hello Growmies! As we conclude our Epic Buzz journey, let's dive into the final harvest data under the exceptional conditions provided by the Trolmaster and the engaging platform of GD. This week marks the end of our cultivation cycle with a final wet weight of 1720 grams from a setup featuring the FC4800 light dimmed to 65% maximum, utilizing 108 watts over an area of approximately 0.48 square meters. Final Harvest Metrics: Yield Efficiency: Achieved an impressive yield efficiency of 15.92 wet grams per watt, underscoring the efficiency of our light setup. Area Yield: With a productivity of 3583.33 wet grams per square meter, our cultivation space was maximized for optimal output. Plant Yield: Each plant contributed significantly, averaging 573.33 grams, highlighting robust growth and development. Density: The garden hosted 6.25 plants per square meter, optimizing space without overcrowding. Energy Utilization: The grow utilized 225 watts per square meter, a testament to our strategic light management. A huge shoutout to Trolmaster for making such an amazing contest possible, and to GD for providing a platform that brings us all together. This cultivation journey has been a rewarding challenge, showcasing the potential of careful strain selection and attentive grow practices. In the meantime, feel free to check out my upcoming Barneys Farm diaries which will soon take over this tent. Exciting times ahead as we continue to explore and share our passion for growing! Stay Lifted! Salokin
Sie macht sich soweit gut, allerdings spargelt sie weiter. Ich habe sie ein wenig gestützt, damit da nichts schief geht. Zwischen Nodie 1 und 2 ist ein recht großer Abstand entstanden, was aber bei den anderen Pflanzen auch passiert ist. Es kann also nicht am Medium oder dem Dünger liegen, da sie unterschiedliche Bedingungen haben. Ich werde das weiter beobachten, vermutlich liegts am Lichtspektrum. Da hab ich ja recht wenig Erfahrung, wie man die Sonne mit einer LED vergleicht.