****Week 16 growth – March 20 to 26, 2021 – Week 7 flower ******
We are in flush now until the end😃 Its nice to be past toxicity and deficiency issues and will just watch them finish and swell up.
Flushing agent used this week to assist with getting all the nutrients out.
This girl is still looking awesome and I am hopeful she will flush out more of the nutrients. She is pretty green overall so she was given the flushing agent. Still expecting her to be fire, just not a huge producer👍
Little more detail…..
Mar 20/21, Day 43
- plain watering today
- 4L given to each girl at 26ppm and 6.0pH
- turned the light down more today to 410 watts
Mar 21/21, Day 44
- dry out day
Mar 22/21, Day 45
- finishing agent watering today
- typhoon given today for flush at 2ml/l
- 425ppm and 6.0pH
- 4L for each girl.
- a couple of the girls are a little dark so going to use a flushing agent.
Mar 23/21, Day 46
- plain watering
- watering again after the flushing agent
- 4L for each girl and gave a good runoff
Mar 24/21, Day 47
- dry out day
- fade coming out now
Mar 25/21, Day 48
- plain watering with tap water.
- 280ppm and 6.1pH
- 4L each girl again
Mar 26/21, Day 49
- dry out day
- will be drying out the pots more now before the next waterings.
Through week 7 and heading into week 8. Not a lot of action in the final weeks as far as grower maintenance.......love the end when you can just enjoy😃 Very nice ETS💪🙏