I fed them yesterday except for the 3 x SP's, the short OS(c), and the last Blackberry (a). Those 5 plants were each flushed with 8 gallons of warm water and Liquidsoil.
I watered the ones that will be harvested tomorrow so hey will be turgid for a rough trim.
Took photos of the ones slated for execution. They'll be in the dark til tomorrow night.
Harvested and washed the 3 x SPs, the last Blackberry, and one of the OS's.
Hanging to dry -
My closet looks so empty now with only 11 plants in there...
I flushed all 3 of the Lemon Pies, and the purple Wedding Cheesecake with 8 gallons of warm water each, including Liquidsoil. Everybody else got fed for probably the last time.