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Bienvenidos a la semana #6 😀 😬 🙏 Día 39 (26/06) Esta planta no para de crecer! Dudo entre hacer de nuevo Topping o LST, y como tengo unos clips muy chulos, me decido hacerle LST Día 40 (27/06) ¡Ha respondido genial al LST! Se ha puesto de nuevo hacia arriba en unas horas y está tirando ramas de los internodos que han quedado más expuestos. Los nuevos abonos también le han dado un verdor espectacular a los ápices superiores 😀 Continuamos con organic way! Se echa en la parte superior del sustrato 11 gramos de harina de huesos 11 gramos de guano de murciélago Se riega con 1000 ml de la siguiente mezcla: 1 ml/l de Melaza + 30 ml/l de Té de Hummus Se renueva el mulch! Día 41 (28/06) Día nublado. Nada que decir Se nota que el mulch hace su efecto reteniendo la humedad Día 42 (29/06) Crecimiento non stop! :-D Día 43 (30/06) Se riega con 1000 ml de la siguiente mezcla: 1 ml/l de Melaza + 40 ml/l de Té de Hummus pH = 6.4 EC = 1600 Día 44 (01/07) Intento domar a esta fiera de la naturaleza con LST A ver quien puede más! LOL Receta de Guanato (méritos a @deFharo) Ingredientes: 125 gr de guano de murcielago 1 litro de agua (osmosis o grifo reposada) 25 g de hidróxido de potasio Pasos 1- Disolver el Hidróxido de Potasio en 500 ml de agua 2- Añadir el guano de murcielago y remover 3- Revolver o agitar varias veces 4- A las 24 horas añadir el resto del agua (500 ml) a 40 - 50 ºC 5- Revolver varias veces al día durante al menos 3 días (alargarlo hasta 6-7 días si no hay prisa)
Fastbuds Smoothie Auto 🔸🔸🔸05/03/2023🔸🔸🔸 Day 73 - Above Ground 📝Sunday 07.02.23 - The girls are very small but doing very well for their size, not sure why sometimes autos get stunted, the buds are hard as rocks and have an amazing smell! 📝Wednesday 06.28.23 - The buds continue to pack on weight and ripen, the smell in the tent is amazing, fed with a Mayan tea from Humbolt Nutrients, loved the way it looked, they have great products. 🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸 ▪️Grown By: MrJones ▪️Medic Grow Smart 8 LED / Settings 60% & F1 ▪️@medicgrow420 ▪️@fastbuds_genetics_official ▪️@gaiagreenorganics ▪️Soil - ProMix HP 🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸 📝Smoothie Auto is the result of a cross between Somango and Blueberry, and really brings out the best of both worlds; a well-statured plant ideal for all types of growers. Reaching up to 23% THC, this strain delivers an uplifting giggly high. Not to mention its exceptionally fruity taste making it an ideal choice for extractions. ▪️Bud Appearance Fruity, sticky, resinous buds, as potent as they are tasty. Rock-solid nugs that’ll crumble when touched. ▪️Smoke Report Balanced, yet Potent. This strain blends a euphoric head high with relaxing body effects. A great strain for a sun-time smoke, a weekend getaway, or a relaxed afternoon with friends. ▪️Plant Appearance A well-structured plant that will grow a large main cola accompanied by some lower side branches, somewhat resembling an Indica, yet still with a good average inter-nodal spacing. During the later weeks of growth, some can expect purple hues to appear on the leaves. 🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸
White Chrystal Meth Auto 🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸 ~~~~04.20.23~~~~ “DAY 72 Above Ground” 📝Sunday 07.02.23 - This lady has lagged behind the others who started at the same time, they are in their projected harvest window, but feel they need another few weeks. 📝Wednesday 06.28.23 - The buds continue to pack on weight and ripen, the smell in the tent is amazing, fed with a Mayan tea from Humbolt Nutrients, loved the way it looked, they have great products. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸 🌱White Chrystal Meth Auto 👨‍🌾🏽Grown By: MrJones 🔆@medicgrow420 @originalsensibleseeds
Recovering from being topped, bushing out. Some leave damage, stress or weather I assume
Amnesia 1 and 2 (Seedstockers) The amnesias keep getting fatter and interestingly the pistils of both started to darken at the same time. The same amnesia with two weeks difference in the beginning of the flowering Gorilla Cookies Auto (Fast Buds) It keeps growing and getting fatter... It is unbelievable how many flowers each branch has Godzilla Cookies (Herbies) Still growing with no sign of pre-flower Gorilla Glue Auto (Herbies) No problems, it is in a 1 liter pot Amnesia 1 (Seedstockers) With LST 9 weeks of flowering (80 days) It has 55 centimeters 14L LED 25 cm LUX 59.000 Amnesia 2 (Seedstockers) Without LST 7 weeks of flowering (76 days) It has 60 centimeters 14L LED 20 cm LUX 70.000 Gorilla Cookies Auto (Fast Buds) 2 week of flowering (52 days) It has 60 centimeters 16L LED 56 cm LUX 55.000 This Week - Defoliation and LST - Godzilla Cookies (Herbies) 6 Week (42 days) It has 50 centimeters 15L LED 60 cm LUX 45.000 This Week - Defoliation and LST Gorilla Glue Auto (Herbies) 3 Week (19 days)
Week 8 doing well I think. Doubled up the bloom feed. Temperature has been lower but nothing horrible for the ladies.
Topped one of them but it's still to small to bend in any way, at least for this week. Looks like the nutrients in the All Mix soil might not be enough for this stage. I will be dropping ActiVera and BioHeaven and will start introducing BioGrow, BioBloom and TopMax. CalMag I use pretty almost every single watering other than in flushing as the water is very soft. Temperature a bit hot this week. The light is working at about 70% right now but I can probably lower it if it gets too hot. As this is not an auto, and might be quite branchy, I wanted to try and make a nicely organized structure so I can go crazy with topping and try and get a new record output for this space. Let's see how that works out :P
Bienvenidos a la semana #7 😀😬😐🙏 Día 46 (26/06) CC & RB han reaccionado super bien a los nuevos abonos! Tienen un verdor espectacular! NL no para de engordar, y tiene el olor típico de las Northern Lights de la Old School. Vaya pasada!  😀 Las OF siguen consumiendo sus hojas de abanico y tienen el mismo tratamiento que el resto... Me da que es una cepa bastante débil... 😑 Día 47 (27/06) Continuamos con organic way!  Se echa en la parte superior del sustrato 11 gramos de harina de huesos 11 gramos de guano de murciélago (por planta)  Se riega con la siguiente mezcla: 1 ml/l de Melaza + 30 ml/l de Té de Hummus OF#1 = 250 m lCC y RB = 500 ml NL = 1.000 ml NL está cogiendo un grosor de cogollos y un olor de la vieja escuela brutal! 😬 Día 48 (28/06) Día nublado. Nada que decir Día 49 (29/06) Mi primer riego con EC controlada Gracias maestro @deFharo por los consejos!  Mezcla: 1 ml/l de Melaza + 40 ml/l de Té de Hummus en agua del grifo reposada ph = 6.5 EC = 1.6 OF#1 = 250 m CC y RB = 250 ml NL = 0 ml (la maceta está muy pesada)  Día 50 (30/06) No hay necesidad de riego Los colores son impresionantes y los cogollos están engordando y cubiertos de tricomas :-D Día 51 (01/07) Gracias al maestro @deFharo introduzco una nueva receta al cultivo: el Guanato Os la dejo más abajo, pero el mérito es todo de @deFharo  Mezcla de riego: 1 ml/l de Melaza + 5 ml/l de Humato PK + 5 ml/l de Guanato en agua del grifo reposada ph = 6.4EC = 1.680 OF#1 = 250 ml CC y RB = 500 ml NL = 1000 ml __________________________________________________________________________________ Receta de Guanato Ingredientes: 125 gr de guano de murcielago 1 litro de agua (osmosis o grifo reposada) 25 g de hidróxido de potasio Pasos 1- Disolver el Hidróxido de Potasio en 500 ml de agua 2- Añadir el guano de murcielago y remover 3- Revolver o agitar varias veces 4- A las 24 horas añadir el resto del agua (500 ml) a 40 - 50 ºC 5- Revolver varias veces al día durante al menos 3 días (alargarlo hasta 6-7 días si no hay prisa)
“DAY 72 Above Ground” 📝Sunday 07.02.23 - These ladies are looking ready to harvest, going to cut after lights-on, and do a pre-harvest report. 📝Wednesday 06.28.23 - The buds continue to pack on weight and ripen, the smell in the tent is amazing, fed with a Mayan tea from Humbolt Nutrients, loved the way it looked, they have great products. ~~~~~~~~~~~ 📝@fastbuds_official 📝Soil - ProMix HP 📝Medic Grow Smart 8 LED / Light Settings: 40% - V1 📝@medicgrow420 📝@gaiagreenorganics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 📝Cinderella Auto - grows dark-green thick buds with elongated large-sized calyxes and lots and lots of long amber hairs all over them.
Allora.... Questa settimana ha ripreso veramente tanto! La settimana scorsa era rimasta un po' indietro rispetto le sue amiche (diverse genetiche) ma adesso ha veramente dato il suo scatto è ha rivelato che è all'altezza delle sue compagne di crescita! Anche lei sembra che si stia iniziando a riempire bene e ho deciso di togliere qualche internodo centrale per favorire l'areazione ed evitare eventuali sorprese di muffe più in là( anche se non ho mai avuto problemi meglio prevenire che curare)...non vedo l'ora che si inizi a gonfiare un po' perché sono molto curioso di questa genetica! Ha un 29% di THC quindi dovrebbe essere adatta a me .... speriamo bene e incrociamo le dita! Nel frattempo volevo ribadire la potenza di questi prodotti di Cannaboom! Sto usando tutta la linea full cream (con qualche aiuto della linea minerale tipo il loro CALMAG(SI) ) che oltre ad essere un semplice Cal Mag contiene anche silicio e ferro! Veramente adatto a le piante per fare assimilare meglio potassio e fosforo! Credetemi che con solo due applicazioni ho potuto vedere delle differenze esuberanti! Infatti speromtanto di continuare a usare i loro prodotti perché mi stanno veramente aiutando a spaccare questa growbox da 100x100! Quindi ancora grazie a CANNABOOM! Un grande grazie speciale a tutto il team di anesia che mi ha fornito questa splendida nuovissima e potente genetica! Spero che piaccia come uscirà il diario! Ma alla fine ci saranno delle sorprese per tutti quindi rimanete sintonizzati! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼 Seguitemi anche su Instagram sul mio profilo curati_da_solo🔥🔥🔥🔥
Topped both plants this week and started to train them with some stakes. Not sure if I will do a second topping or if this will be the only one, give this is an auto. In the absence of a scrog net, I'm using some stakes to try and spread the plant as evenly as possible. Still watering very little and around the sides, with the idea of making those roots stretch. I'm still using Root Juice and plant to keep using it for a few more weeks. From next watering I will start to introduce BioGrow, BioBloom and TopMax and cut out Acti Vera and Bio Heaven for now.
Strawberry Pie Auto ~~~~04.20.23~~~~ “DAY 72 Above Ground” 📝Sunday 07.02.23 - These ladies are looking ready to harvest, going to cut after lights-on, and do a pre-harvest report. 📝Wednesday 06.28.23 - The buds continue to pack on weight and ripen, the smell in the tent is amazing, fed with a Mayan tea from Humbolt Nutrients, loved the way it looked, they have great products. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 📝Strawberry Pie Auto 📝Grown By: MrJones 📝@fastbuds_official 📝Soil - ProMix HP 📝Medic Grow Smart 8 LED - SETTINGS 60% F1 📝@medicgrow420 📝@gaiagreenorganics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 📝 A true delight with a delicious aroma and a stunning 26% THC. This eye candy of a cultivar boasts unique colors and reeks of red berries and cookie dough that will leave your mouth watering. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the grand finale of my Medusa F1 journey! Week 10 has arrived, and it's a spectacle of colors that even the most talented painters would envy. The buds on my Medusa are a visual feast, showcasing a symphony of pinks, purples, reds, and greens. It's like stepping into a surreal world of botanical beauty. As we approach the harvest, it's time to bid farewell to additional nutrients. Just like saving room for dessert after a sumptuous meal, we're allowing the plant to focus all its energy on maturing those magnificent buds. It's the VIP treatment, giving them the undivided attention they deserve. Now, let's talk trichomes, those tiny resinous wonders that hold the key to potency. I've become a trichome connoisseur, inspecting them daily with a fascination that could rival an alien investigator. These shimmering crystals are like a galaxy of diamonds, reflecting the culmination of our hard work and dedication. A special shoutout goes to Royal Queen Seeds for blessing us with the Medusa F1 genetics. They've truly crafted a masterpiece, and I'm honored to have been a part of this growing adventure. Thank you, Royal Queen Seeds, for making our dreams come true. As we approach the final curtain call, I invite you all to savor the beauty of cannabis cultivation. Embrace the vibrant colors, relish the trichome spectacle, and celebrate the magic of nature's artistry. As always thank you all for stopping by and for supporting me on this journey, i am super passion about growing and fell blessed to have you all with me on this new journey <3 <3 <3 Genetics - RQS MEDUSA F1 Ligth - LUMATEK ZEUS 465 COMPACT PRO 
All info and full product details can be find in can find @ With true love comes happiness <3<3<3 Always believe in your self and always do things expecting nothing and with an open heart , be a giver and the universe will give back to you in ways you could not even imagine so <3<3<3 <3 <3 <3 Growers love to you all <3 <3 <3 Medusa F1 Medusa is a true F1 hybrid created from pure, inbred cannabis lines. She boasts uniform grow traits, mouthwatering aromas and flavours, and plenty of potency. If you're looking to bring stable, elongated plants into your room, tent, or garden, look no further. Mouthwatering Aromas, High Potency, and Mid-Size Plants Though she won't turn you to stone like the mythical goddess after which she's named, Medusa F1 is bound to get you plenty stoned in her own special way. Combining genetics from inbred lines deriving from Sugar Magnolia, a thick and sweet indica, and American Beauty, a fast, fruity hybrid loved for its well-balanced, positive high, the result is an autoflowering F1 variety that produces fresh flavours, a unique cannabinoid profile, and large yields. A very aromatic cultivar with a vibrant concentration of terpenes bearing notes of fresh mint alongside an upfront peppery kick, backed up by hints of fresh fruit, berries, and tangy fuel. Her thick, frosty flowers consistently produce high levels of THC and CBG, as well as high concentrations of myrcene, ocimene, farnesene, and caryophyllene. As a result, Medusa F1 has strong effects that relax and stone the body from head to toe (brought on by particularly high concentrations of myrcene and farnesene) while motivating the mind with an uplifting, creative, and motivating kick (thanks to high concentrations of ocimene). Medusa F1 seeds produce elongated autoflowering plants with long, strong branches and well-spaced internodes. Plants regularly grow up to 80–85cm tall and boast a fast flowering time of just 42–45 days (72 days from germination to harvest). Thanks to her genetics, Medusa F1 produces plenty of thick flowers with big, swollen calyxes that make for very easy trimming. Medusa F1 is very stable, handling stress and unfavourable growing conditions with ease, though she is somewhat susceptible to Botrytis, so make sure to keep tabs on the humidity in your grow room/garden
Questa settimana lei ha dato uno scatto di crescita veramente enorme! E arrivata facilmente a 1 metro di altezza (mi arriva al mio gomito) Si iniziano a sentire un po' di dolci odori, molto leggeri ma ci sono! I pistilli iniziano a riempire i calici e le punte tendono a diventare più chiare (simbolo di inizio fioritura) non mi aspettavo tutta questa crescita considerato si è beccata 2 topping , uno al 5 nodo e li altri due al secondo uno da destra e l'altro da è veramente ripresa stupendamente anzi in realtà non ha mai dato segni di rallentamento! Ecco perché io adoro le genetiche di ANESIA ! Sono veramente stabili , segno di numerosi incroci! Anche i loro fertilizzati sono veramente ottimi grazie al biopotenziatore adesso cresce il micelio nel mio substrato!!! Mai vista una cosa del genere prima! Sul serio tutta la potenza in solo 3 prodotti! Ringrazio veramente i ragazzi di anesia per queste splendide genetiche ! Per non parlare della semplicità di preparazione! Grazie ancora a tutti voi per essere sempre in prima linea con i vostri commenti e likes! 🌈🌱🌈 Auguro una buona giornata a tutti voi!!!!😘