Vote Now 🏆 for the Grow Awards 2025!
Any questions guys just ask away, I know I don't fill out these things the way your supposed to but I would rather give you the information on a video, plus Veg is always yh e boring stage anyway. Happy Growing guys
RadicalJuice – Week 4 Update A few days ago, I top-dressed the soil with some homemade organic fertilizer – a mix of worm humus, infected biochar, horn shavings, and a natural universal fertilizer. The plant is responding really well and thriving! 🌿🔥 Unlike my previous hydro grows, where nutrients were directly fed to the plants, this time, the focus is on feeding the microorganisms in the soil. I’m only watering with pure water and letting the soil life provide the nutrients – the goal: the most flavorful cannabis possible! 🍇💎 🚀 Want to be part of the RootJuice community? Send me a message to enter the giveaway! I’ll be selecting a few testers who will receive one liter for free – only shipping costs need to be covered. Testers should share their results here on GrowDiaries! 🙌🔥 --- RadicalJuice – Woche 4 Update Vor ein paar Tagen habe ich die Erde mit etwas selbstgemachtem organischem Dünger aufgefrischt – einer Mischung aus Wurmhumus, infizierter Bio-Kohle, Hornspänen und einem natürlichen Universaldünger. Die Pflanze nimmt das super an und wächst prächtig! 🌿🔥 Im Gegensatz zu meinen vorherigen Hydro-Grows, wo die Nährstoffe direkt zugeführt wurden, liegt hier der Fokus darauf, die Mikroorganismen im Boden zu füttern. Ich gieße ausschließlich mit Wasser und lasse das Bodenleben die Nährstoffe bereitstellen – das Ziel: das geschmackvollste Cannabis überhaupt! 🍇💎 🚀 Wer Teil der RootJuice Community werden will, kann mir eine Nachricht schreiben, um in den Auslosetopf zu kommen! Ich werde bald einige Tester auswählen, die jeweils einen Liter gratis erhalten – lediglich die Versandkosten müssen übernommen werden. Die Tester sollten ihre Erfahrungen hier auf GrowDiaries teilen! 🙌🔥
Two totally different girls with all the same treatment one is absolutely huge while the other is already wrapping up I topped it pretty early and the other was just lst and hst doing great tho should be finishing up around next week or so with the little guy should fatten up quick
#1: Stamm beim umstellen leicht geknickt... Blumendraht zur Stabilisierung + Lollipopping #2: Wächst gut, sehr große Blätter + Lollipopping #3: Bonzai wächst mit wenig Licht sehr "spargelig" (lange Internodien)... also mehr Licht, aber weniger Photosynthese - Entlauben (halb)
Comment Hello, I hope all are doing well out here!!! It's been a while sense I've made a diary, but I've never stopped learning and growing. So fuck ya, here is what I've been working with. I'm loving these genetics, is where you can get some. The Dolphin wax is sold out. Check his page tho sometimes thry got sales on clones you might get lucky!!! In the 2x4 iSorin 🔥 Black Amber (HFCS) x May- Trix Dolphin Wax 🐬 Tropcherry x May-Trix Battle Axe
Comment Hello, I hope all are doing well out here!!! It's been a while sense I've made a diary, but I've never stopped learning and growing. So fuck ya, here is what I've been working with. I'm loving these genetics, is where you can get some. The Dolphin wax is sold out. Check his page tho sometimes thry got sales on clones you might get lucky!!! In the 2x4 iSorin 🔥 Black Amber (HFCS) x May- Trix Dolphin Wax 🐬 Tropcherry x May-Trix Battle Axe
23/feb Ran out of addatives therefor they are on green sensation and bloom food only. She looks fine. Couple of minor previous burns and some yellowing here and there. I might so some clean up this week.
🌱 Eternity Cup 2025 – Woche 6 Update 🔥 Unser Eternity Cup 2025 Grow, powered by Zamnesia & Plagron, geht in die nächste Runde! 🚀 Die Runtz Autoflowers unter der Evo 301 (Samsung Chips, 180W) zeigen jetzt deutliche Unterschiede – jede Pflanze entwickelt sich nach ihrem eigenen Tempo. 🌿 🔍 Setup & Entwicklung nach 6 Wochen: 🌿 #1 – 20L Topf, nicht getoppt, aber LST Diese Dame steht jetzt voll in der Blüte! 🌸 Dank des großen Topfes hat sie sich super entwickelt, schöne Buds setzen sich langsam an. Sie bleibt stabil und gesund – die LST-Methode zahlt sich aus! ✅ 🌿 #2 – 8L Topf, getoppt & LST Während die anderen zwei sich voll auf die Blüte konzentrieren, legt #2 nochmal ordentlich in die Breite zu! 📏 Das Topping und LST zeigen ihre Wirkung – die Pflanze bleibt kompakt, aber buschig. Die ersten Blütenansätze sind zu sehen, aber sie nimmt sich weiter etwas mehr Zeit. 🌱 🌿 #3 – 8L Topf, nicht getoppt, kein Training Genau wie #1 steht auch diese Pflanze voll in der Blüte! 🌸 Sie ist von Natur aus etwas höher gewachsen und beginnt jetzt, schöne Buds auszubilden. 🌱 Fazit nach Woche 6: Die ungetoppten #1 & #3 sind mitten in der Blüte, während #2 sich weiter in die Breite entwickelt und noch ein wenig hinterherhinkt. 🌱💪 Aber alle drei sind kerngesund, und es bleibt spannend zu sehen, ob sich das Wachstum von #2 am Ende durch höhere Buddichte auszahlt! ➡️ Wie wird sich der Blütenaufbau in den nächsten Wochen entwickeln? Bleibt #2 länger in der Vegi? Wir halten euch auf dem Laufenden! Stay tuned für Woche 7! 🔥 Update vom 25.02 die explodieren ich muss das Zelt wechseln maximal 1 Woche noch und sie kommen in das doppelt so große Zelt !!! Ich bin so Happy bitte schaut euch #1,#3 an das sind Autos #EternityCup2025 #Zamnesia #Plagron #GrowDiaries #RuntzAuto #Homegrow #CannabisCommunity
————————————————————— WEEK 5 / DAY 29-36 Mars Hydro FC-E3000 Floragard Professional GrowMix 11L Plant bag made of fleece Light: 55cm / 55%; Schedule: 24/0; PPFD: 650 umol/m2/s 20° C - 70 RH 500ml per Plant PH 6,5-7 2ml BioGrow; 0ml TopMax ; 0ml BioBloom; 1ml CalMag 1ml CalMag #1 Royal Critical Automatic #2 Royal Critical Automatic Fan, extractor and pump ON 24/0. ————————————————————— -17.02.2025 The fourth week of vegetation begins. The plants are looking very good so far and I'm happy with the grow so far. There have been no significant complications so far. The lowest few leaves have been removed and light LST applied using plastic benders. -19.02.2025 The plants get their typical “white hairs”, pre-flowering has started. -23.02.2025 The plants are doing well, I haven't been able to look after them for the last few days. But they have survived. The fourth week of vegetation is coming to an end and as you can see the plants are starting to flower.
————————————————————— WEEK 5 / DAY 29-36 Mars Hydro FC-E3000 Floragard Professional GrowMix 11L Plant bag made of fleece Light: 55cm / 55%; Schedule: 24/0; PPFD: 650 umol/m2/s 20° C - 70 RH 500ml per Plant PH 6,5-7 2ml BioGrow; 0ml TopMax ; 0ml BioBloom; 1ml CalMag 1ml CalMag #1 Royal Critical Automatic #2 Royal Critical Automatic Fan, extractor and pump ON 24/0. ————————————————————— -17.02.2025 The fourth week of vegetation begins. The plants are looking very good so far and I'm happy with the grow so far. There have been no significant complications so far. The lowest few leaves have been removed and light LST applied using plastic benders. -19.02.2025 The plants get their typical “white hairs”, pre-flowering has started. -23.02.2025 The plants are doing well, I haven't been able to look after them for the last few days. But they have survived. The fourth week of vegetation is coming to an end and as you can see the plants are starting to flower.
The nitrogen level was little to high I'm correcting this I done some high Stress training :)
So far a very easy grow, but I expect to see a nitrogen deficiency after having grown this cultivar before
————————————————————— WEEK 5 / DAY 29-36 Mars Hydro FC-E3000 Floragard Professional GrowMix 11L Plant bag made of fleece Light: 55cm / 55%; Schedule: 24/0; PPFD: 650 umol/m2/s 20° C - 70 RH 500ml per Plant PH 6,5-7 2ml BioGrow; 0ml TopMax ; 0ml BioBloom 2ml CalMag #1 Blueberry Automatic #2 Blueberry Automatic Fan, extractor and pump ON 24/0. ————————————————————— -17.02.2025 The fourth week of vegetation begins. The plants are looking very good so far and I'm happy with the grow so far. There have been no significant complications so far. The lowest few leaves have been removed and light LST applied using plastic benders. -19.02.2025 The plants get their typical “white hairs”, pre-flowering has started. -23.02.2025 The plants are doing well, I haven't been able to look after them for the last few days. But they have survived. The fourth week of vegetation is coming to an end and as you can see the plants are starting to flower.
————————————————————— WEEK 5 / DAY 29-36 Mars Hydro FC-E3000 Floragard Professional GrowMix 11L Plant bag made of fleece Light: 55cm / 55%; Schedule: 24/0; PPFD: 650 umol/m2/s 20° C - 70 RH 500ml per Plant PH 6,5-7 2ml BioGrow; 0ml TopMax ; 0ml BioBloom 2ml CalMag #1 Blueberry Automatic #2 Blueberry Automatic Fan, extractor and pump ON 24/0. ————————————————————— -17.02.2025 The fourth week of vegetation begins. The plants are looking very good so far and I'm happy with the grow so far. There have been no significant complications so far. The lowest few leaves have been removed and light LST applied using plastic benders. -19.02.2025 The plants get their typical “white hairs”, pre-flowering has started. -23.02.2025 The plants are doing well, I haven't been able to look after them for the last few days. But they have survived. The fourth week of vegetation is coming to an end and as you can see the plants are starting to flower.
Not much lateral growth, main stem still
To get higher temperatures I placed the growbox near the radiator, dimmer still at 25%, boiled tap water also this week, this guaranteed me an ideal pp for the beginning, from now on I will use mountain water which will allow me to use less fertilizer.
Day 39 from seed!! I’m exited to watch the explosive grow of this genetics soon i will be take some clones or each pheno to take the best and put in the next batch!!! Stay tuned
He germinado la semilla en un jiffi de turba con la semilla previamente hidratada. En cuanto germine la paso a maceta definitiva y cubro la plántula con un vaso de plástico para crear un ambiente acogedor para ella en esta fase.💀
Fall colors really coming on frost is building, weight gain is also happening The terpene profile is now an OVERIPE strawberry