Room Info
• Flower room: 2.4m x 2.4m x 2m
• Lights: 4 x Gavita 750w (with Gavita master controller)
• Irrigation: IWS Flood & Drain Pro (with custom 25L pots)
• Lung Room: Intake air is coming from my lung room. Inside that is all the controllers, intake fan, 350L reservoir tank, a large air conditioner and a 3kw heater
• Extras: 2 x 6" RVK Fans with DiffuseAir attachments; Custom MistMaker Humidifier
Week 1 of flower
• Midweek I found fungus gnats hanging around the pots. I pored 2 liters of 0.6% hydrogen peroxide into the top of each plant. Then 2 days later watered in some beneficial nematodes (Steinernema spp.) and topped the pots with a decent layer of GnatNix. Bye bye gnats.
• I noticed the EC value drop in the nutrient reservoir. Next week will need to be slightly higher. pH stayed pretty stable.
• At the end of flower week 1, I did an under trim of any bud sites that would never make the surface. I do this to stop any fluffy buds from developing underneath. I want big dense buds on top only.