This week I'm going to talk a little bit about the 2 gal pots I leave outdoors. Since they're going to be indoors now, I've assembled a fertilizer rack and the bottom compartment is perfect for a cage with all the plants I have. With a length of 1.5m, width 65cm and height of 1m, I will use 4 led bulbs 50w and 2 full spectrum LEDs 36w long 1.2m. 272w / ~ 1m2.
2/3:Plant the plants indoors and lst them. 4 led bulb 50w
5/3:Run off all the trees, as it was soaked with rain water when left outside. is still the old nutritional dose.
6/3: Today I received the led light I ordered. I perfect my design and let the tree in the cage out and lst.
9/3:I feel everything is perfect today, I reduce their lighting time to 12/12. I will cut off all the fan leaves from the stem of the 2gal pots and prune all the small branches of the 1gal pot. in this pruning I will trim them as much as possible. It's been 37 days since the seed and I think they're ready for flowering. I need to flower them urgently because in the next 2 months the weather can be as hot as 40 degrees, and I really have no way to reduce their temperature. I would probably have them flower for 7 to 8 weeks to retain maximum resin. a few days before high, I fliming an NL plant, I experimented with this technique and I feel that they have been very successful since the fliming plants have a much larger stump than other plants. I really like this technique, as it will save me the small space I currently have without having toppings. With just a few simple steps I have got a really big stump and still keep the biggest main bud of the tree. I hope each plant can give me 20-25 grams of dried marijuana.