First off, I hope all who visit this journal watch the timelapse. I'm very happy with how it turned out. The GSC is in the foreground. Comparing the beginning to the end shows just how dramatically my plant has grown in the past week.
This plant now has a photo-period neighbor! I have changed the light schedule back to 18-6 to accommodate. Her chronicles will be in a separate journal.
Towards the end of week two, I noticed the leaves were forming brown spots that I took as a sign of calcium deficiency. To treat this, I used a gallon of (hard) tap water, adding calcium to the reservoir. Luckily this seems to have done the trick! The spots have been absent on all subsequent leaf growth. Sometime in the middle of this week, I had to re balance the pH from ~7 to ~6. Perhaps this pH fluctuation came from the tap water transfusion.
In an effort to raise the RH in the tent, I've repetitively spilled a small amount of water on the floor of the tent. Doing this keeps the RH around 45-50%. I've made some other small changes to my grow setup as shown in the pictures.
Prior to this week, I'd thought my plant was hopelessly behind developmentally compared to other user's because I'd compare their week two plants to mine. Luckily, this week has seen some growth! It's crazy how fast they shoot off after their first three-fingered leaves form. The first "real" set of leaves to grow in (not three-fingered yet), seemed to take forever to grow into their full size while not much else (besides the roots) seemed to grow. This week's three-pointed leaves have practically fully formed already. Alongside them, are the beginnings of yet more leaves!
I'm not certain what I will do this next week. I may start LSTing this plant, though I'm not sure when exactly I should do this. My original plan for my plants was to implement a screen of green using a trellis. I have sense realized this may not be the best approach while using a DWC, because water changed would be made much more difficult. Have any of you DWC growers experiment with this? Is it worthwhile?
I will likely not replace the water for another week, though that's not set in stone.
I appreciate any advise regarding the training techniques I mentioned, water switch outs and anything else that may be relevant to this grow. I will more than likely ask a few designated questions. To those who take the time to answer, thank you!