Sunday, May 29, 2022
Plant #3 is stretching away by a foot over Plant #2. Both Plants looking well but displaying different leaf behaviour (particularly of the upper growth). When well watered, in full sun, Plant # 2 has perky, praying leaves that go down somewhat at night. In the same conditions, Plant #3 has droopy leaves that get even more tucked in at night. It was only from feeling the strong turgidity of the Plant #3 leaves when under good water and comparing them to Plant #2 that I accepted that it was ok and that's just how it wears its' clothes. The red and white pistils are filling out from top to bottom on all stems on Plant #2. Even though it's not as tall as its' neighbour, the six main stems on plant #2 seem proportional to, hopefully, support nice thick colas. Plant #3 is furring out much slower and though I am happy for the height, I am concerned the stems aren't thick enough to support much weight.